Tuesday 17 January 2012


OUTSIDE....The rubbish placed out side the bin centre.

THE GARBAGE collection cubical in the Taman Putra Jaya Telipok shops has become the centre of complaints during the CNY walkabout by Edward Ewol Mujoie the Vice chairman of Sabah DAP with other DAP members.

The people here complained about the rubbish bins being placed outside the garbage collection cubical, and this created much nuisance. The foul smell is so bad that the shops are affected very much when the wind is blowing towards them. The worst part is that the rubbish is usually being thrown on the ground when the bins are full, and this becomes the spot for the stray dogs to dig in. The whole place became a mesh and rubbish is everyway.

They hope that the DAP can liaise with the DBKK to place the rubbish bins back into the garbage cubical and maintain the cubical back into a clean and tidy look. From initial check, it is found that the car wash next to the garbage cubical who is responsible for washing and cleaning of the rubbish cubical is no longer in operation, and no people is taking care of the cleaning of the bins centre any more.

If that is the case, Edward hopes the DBKK can either find some one to operate the car wash again or get a contractor to wash the bin centre regularly. He said the rubbish cubical must be keep clean.


  1. DBKK perlulah melaksanakan tugas pengutipan sampah ini setiap hari supaya sampah tidak bertimbun.

  2. hopefully the relevant authority will look into this matter and take appropriate action at earnest

  3. menjaga kebersihan adalah tanggungjawab bersama.

  4. Ni tidak patut. tu tong2 sampah patutnya di dalam.

  5. Apa salahnya sekiranya penduduk kawasan tersebut membuat gotong royong membersihkan kawasan tersebut? Buat initiatif ke?

  6. semua pihak mesti mengambil peranan. kalau asyik menuding jari satu sama lain, masalah kecil macam ni pun tidak akan selesai.

  7. harap2 aduan ni akan dapat tindak balas yang segera.

  8. Sudah ada pontok sampah maka gunakanlah. DBKK perlu memastikan perkara ini dapat diselesaikan. Tong sampah yang ada perlu diletakkan ditempat yang telah ditetapkan.

  9. Use of the facilities provided. For sure they're not for decoration.

  10. secara jujur saya tidak akan masuk ke dalam bin centre yang sempit itu untuk buang sampah.. saya lebih suka jika tong sampah itu berada diluar kerana kawasan terbuka seperti itu lebih selesa untuk membuang sampah daripada masuk kedalam bin centre..

  11. namun saya alu2kan apa sahaja cadangan penambahbaikkan untuk kebaikkan orang awam terutamanya premis2 perniagaan yang berada disekitar bin centre itu..
