Wednesday 1 February 2012


THE MUSHROOMING of cheap motels which offer low hourly rates is believed to play a major part in the growth of prostitution among locals and foreigners alike in the country.

Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department Director, Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin said these cheap motels were used as a base by the prostitutes to carry out their illicit activities.

"We don't discount the possibility that the existence of these motels, especially those which offer cheap packages, support such activities and encourage this vice among the singles.

"Furthermore, there are also restaurants which offer prostitutes as an 'attraction' in order to reap higher profits," he told Bernama.

Based on the latest Anti-Vice, Gaming and Secret Societies Division (D7) statistics, 11,832 foreign women were detained in 2011 compared to 11,919 in 2010. In addition, 1,801 local women were also detained for prostitution last year.

Meanwhile, Kuala Lumpur Social Development, Crime Prevention and Anti-Drugs Voluntary Organisation (Pencegah) president Jeevan S. Ramamurthy said it was possible that motels with cheap rates gained their basic profits from the oldest form of human trafficking in the world.

"There are motel owners involved in prostitution and most of them focus on foreign women as they are paid much less and the owners make two to three times more than if they were to use local women," he said.

He said the difference in currency exchange and socio-economic conditions of the prostitutes' countries of origin were also among the reasons why the women end up in vice here.

Commenting on the involvement of local women, he said there were those who did not choose to do so but were cheated into it by their partners.

"Then there are those who are forced into it by their husbands and even some who are trapped by their own lust," he added.

Jeevan said that the police need to foster ties with the Social Welfare Department or Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to ensure women who were forced into prostitution had adequate protection.


  1. These women who are entered into the prostitution industry unwillingly should be able to seek help from certain NGOs. Hope that there are shelters or associations that can help them escape from this sort of life.

  2. Some are brought here through human trafficking therefore there should be a bigger operation to stop exploiting humans.

    1. Human trafficking is another major problem nowadays. Difficult to eradicate it.

  3. setiap hotel2 bajet di negara kita harus dipantau bagi memastikan ia tidak menjadi sarang pelacuran.

  4. gejala pelacuran harus kita banteras, ia satu aktiviti tidak bermoral.

  5. It's really pathetic to see such beauties willing to forsake their honour to pursuit this line of 'work' due to desperation and being taken advantage of by irresponsible individuals and syndicates.

  6. Hopefully the police force will show NO lineancy against this irresponsible profiteer and bring them to face justice

  7. serbuan dan tangkapan harus kerap agar semua tu tidak bertambah.

  8. Dalang sindiket yang patut dicari dan ditangkap. Hotel2 yang terlibat harus digantung lesan dan didenda.

  9. Selagi ada permintaan, selagi itu ada penawaran. Bila manusia sudah didorong dengan nafsu, kewarasan terus hilang.

  10. Teruskan membuat operasi menangni isu pelacuran ini.

  11. Permintaan inilah yang mendorong perkara ini terus berjalan. Maka berikan kesedaran kepada mereka ini akan keburukan yang akan dihadapi.

  12. memandangkan puncanya telahpun diketahui, bertindaklah secepat mungkin sebelum kegiatan tidak bermoral ini terus berleluasa..

  13. sebab itu pihak berkuasa tidak sepatutnya mengabaikan laporan media atau orang awam berkenaan dengan kegiatan ini..
