Tuesday 13 March 2012


DAP Sabah finds it disturbing despite claims about all the developments in Sabah by BN government, we are still dealing with fundamental problems such as issuing birth certificates to genuine bona fide Malaysians.

DAP Sabah state assistant Secretary Junz Wong said people wanted the government to explain how Sabah can land up with a staggering 40,000 kids without birth certificates?

Junz wanted to ask Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, "How is the Ministry going to identify whether these 40,000 people are genuine Malaysian citizens?"

"Bear in mind, we are not only dealing with sudden influx of 40,000 unregistered 'citizens', we are also talking about their families, siblings and many generations to come." Junz expressed his concerns.

Junz explained that if one of the family member is successfully granted the birth certificates, it's almost automatically that we will accept that their families are also genuine Malaysian citizens.

There are already public concerns that foreigners will take advantages of the opportunity to obtain birth certificates. If This happens, it will be most regrettable so we would like to recommend the establishment of a Special committee to look into this matter to make sure there is accountability and transparency in handling such crucial issue.

Until we understand the issue in depth, we will never to able to come up with a concrete plan of action to manage them.

The special committee must consist of representatives from both the government and opposition as well as the NGOs or non partisan member such as Tan Sri Simon Sipaun.

This committee will be given the tasks to ensure all procedures of granting birth certificate must be done in accountable and transparent manners. Final report will be made public to all Sabahans and submitted to Parliament before birth certificates can be issued.

After all, Tan Sri Bernard seemed concerned about this issue but only quickly brushed off this important question by merely saying, "the officers will have to be very careful that this does not happen," Junz concluded


  1. Mereka yang dilahir di Sabah tapi kedua-dua ibu bapa adalah PATI tanpa dokumen sah dikira sebagai anak tanpa warganegara.

  2. Sukar untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini kerana tidak boleh tahu sama ada mereka itu layak dapat surat lahir ataupun tidak.

  3. kena tau pastikan samada anak2 tersebut benar2 anak tempatan atau PATI, jgn sampai PATI yang mendapat kewarganegaraan. ibu bapa tempatan harus daftarkan segera anak2 mereka, jgn biarkan anak2 mereka hilang kewarnegaraan kerana sikap sambil lewa mereka.

  4. The government need to ensure that only those who are originated from malaysia should be granted birth certificate.

    1. Parents plays an important role in registering their kids for birth certificate.

  5. Walaupun begitu harus siasat dahulu status kewarganegaraan kedua ibu bapa sebelum memberi sebarang dokumen

  6. jika kerajaan tubuhkan special committee itu, saya yakin pemimpin2 PR akan lebih dulu meremehkan tindakan itu sebagaimana kaedah2 yang dicadangkan dan dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan sebelum ini..

  7. pejuang2 hak asasi manusia patut tampil membela nasib kanak2 jalanan ini sebagaimana mereka memperjuangkan nasib Hamza yang dianggap penjenayah oleh negara asalnya yang singgah di negara ini..
