Tuesday 1 May 2012


THANKS to a friend who tipped her off, housewife Jules Rahim recently found that a photo of her was featured on a pornographic website.

According to The Straits Times, the photo of her in a bikini was also found in a dating site. Below the photo was a caption which gave the reader a telephone number to call and how much it cost to chat.

The photo was lifted from her Facebook account, the report said. Jules posted the photo three years ago.

The mother of four children told the paper that the hjacking of her photo from Facebook was embarassing.

"People I know may think wrongly of me," she said.

She has filed two police reports. She also plans to file a magistrate's complaint at the Subordinate Courts for intentional harassment.

"I want to sue them," she told the paper.

The police said they are investigating the matter.

The report added that it knew of at least two other Singaporean women who had discovered that their Facebook pictures were lifted by these two websites.

A lawyer the paper spoke to said the victims have the right to demand that the sites remove the photos but it is difficult to make them comply when they are based overseas.

Experts have recommended that Internet users use the highest privacy settings possible. (The Straits Times)


  1. Perbuatan macam ini melanggar hak privasi wanita tersebut. Laman Web tersebut patut mengeluarkan gambar tersebut daripada laman mereka.

  2. You can get almost everything from Facebook. Be more careful. Don't accept strangers or post sexy pics. Unless you do it for a purpose.

  3. Macam2 orang boleh buat sekarang. ruang siber ni pun luas dan sukar untuk dikawal.

  4. Inilah masalah kebebasan dalam siber.

  5. Ni la yang bahaya. Zaman semakin canggih tapi cyber crime semakin menjadi-jadi.

  6. ada baik dan buruknya juga laman sosial ni.. jadikan la kes2 yang telah berlaku ini sebagai pengajaran.. jangan dedahkan terlalu banyak maklumat dan buang mana2 gambar yang patut..
