Friday 8 March 2013


THE AUTHORITY failed the people and the country in as far as to act fairly to ease the burden of lower income groups of our society according to Sabah Progressive Party in reference to distribution of Beras Nasional in Sabah

In as far as  that Beras Nasional is concerned it targeted for the lower income group, in other words, not for the rich which price is far below any other brands, currently at retail shops priced RM17.00 per packet of ten kilos.

"We're being exploited, its the taukeys, mamaks (restaurants) the companies, especially those doing timber work in the interior" said Aminah Bungsu of Kampung Merintaman

Sipitang people are furious why that rice is not available for general  public? There is an agent (distributor) according to the people here the sole  distributor, but would rather sell to the group of people.

According to local Sipitang people price shooting up rocket high RM30 per kilo. That shows some are benefiting by manipulating the system, lots of Ali Baba.

"SAPP Government would study the best mechanism  especially the handling agencies which do not seem to be functioning to assist people but rather benefits in scrupulous people," said Amde. (SAPP Media)

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