Thursday 7 March 2013


REPORT.....The DAP leaders after filing the police report.

THERE ARE plenty of poison flyers being distributed all over Kota Kinabalu City. The poison flyers are aiming to damage the image of the DAP. The flyers were first seen in a DAP function in the Putra Theatre in Bukit Padang on the 1st of March and later found on the wind screen of the cars in the Foh Sang shops.

The Sabah DAP Vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie together with the DAP leaders John Lee Kim Seng, Andrew Lee Chee Kiong and Robert Rajah Jr. today brought copies of the flyers to lodge a police report and requesting the police department to conduct an investigation on who actually distributes the poison flyers which are damaging to the image and reputation of the DAP.

The flyers stated that the DAP Life advisor Dr. Chen Man Hin is the chairman of a company owning 80,000 acres of oil palm plantation in Sabah which worth RM3.50 billions. The unknown creator who claimed to be an ex-member of DAP stated in the flyers that the DAP is cheating the people, because DAP is so rich and yet still asking for public donations.

Dr. Chen has made a very good reply to all this unjust, unfounded and baseless accusation. He said he is not rich by holding a mere 20,000 shares out of the 8 million shares under the plantation company namely Pontian Plantation Bhd where he is the chairman since its forming 40 over years ago with 200 over shareholders. Now the company had worked very hard and now owns 40,000 acres of land in Johore, Sabah, and other parts of Sabah, but still Dr. Chen Man Hin still drive a 40years old Toyota car.

Edwards said the DAP leaders in filing the police report is to seek for the person or group of people who have arranged for the distribution of the poison flyers. It is an offense for anyone to distribute any form of written and photo material to damage others. In view of the content and the matter is really serious, Edward hopes that the police will take immediate action to trace and seek out the culprit and put him behind bars.

He said this is a very dirty trick which we cannot tolerate, especially when election is drawing near. These people have already mobilized to throw out what they have in order to damage the DAP, but we are going to work harder to bring to the Sabahan a brighter future and away from this type of sickening culture of “damaging others to benefit oneself”.

The voters should ditch this type of people/politician because once they are being elected will only mean trouble for the people in Sabah and Malaysia. We want clean and straight elected representatives to manage Sabah especially, and to bring new hopes for the Sabahan.    

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