Friday, 21 June 2013


Saudara Pengarang,

KESEMPATAN berkunjung ke daerah Semporna, bandar kecil masih dengan tradisinya seperti adat, kehidupan, perusahaan, perpaduan, semangat komunitinya  dan 'Regata Lepa' yang terkenal dalam kelendar Dunia; ditambah lagi dengan tragedi berdarah serta bersejarah amat bersesuaian Semporna menjadi 'Bandar Tradisi'.

Alhamdulillah, selama tiga hari kami di Semporna (Jumaat - Ahad), tiada apa-apa yang berlaku. Malah orang ramai sentiasa sibuk dengan urusan harian masing-masing, diiringi oleh kedatangan pelancong asing dari seluruh pelusuk dunia.

Memperlihatkan bahawa daerah Semporna selamat dikunjungi dan kehidupan harian masyarakat Semporna begitu aman dan ceria dengan ada kawalan keselamatan oleh pihak Tentera, Polis dan APMM yang bertindak secara bersepadu untuk memastikan daerah Semporna selamat dan aman.

Sebenarnya kita bukan tidak pernah berkunjung ke daerah Semporna ini, sebenarnya kita belum menghayati dan merasai bagaimana indahnya pulau-pulau di daerah Semporna dan juga air lautnya luas terbentang indah; maka kita seharusnya menikmati keindahan daerah Semporna yang penuh dengan adat budaya yang cantik dan bersopan santun dengan ragam kehidupan mereka.

Berkunjung ke Semporna kita akan merasai agak berbeza kerana dalam kesempatan melihat hampir ke segenap pelusuk, dari pusat pekan hinggalah ke perkampungan dalam lingkungan 10 batu radius.

Sungguh menarik dan unik. Hanya yang mampu kita ucapkan cantiknya dan indahnya daerah Semporna yang di keliling lautan yang membiru. Memasuki pelusuk-pelusuk kampungnya yang dihiasai oleh rumah-rumah kampung yang masih bercorak tradisi masyarakat BAJAU, "Semporna ini boleh dikatakan sebagai bandar dalam kampung dan kampung dalam bandar".

Di tengah-tengah pekan kelihatan bukan sahaja bangunan komersil dan pejabat tetapi turut kelihatan bangunan institusi pendidikan tinggi seperti Kolej Politeknik MARA, rumah ibadat dan rumah kediaman persendirian.

Demikian juga di celah-celah rumah persendirian dalam kampung, kelihatan premis-premis perniagaan di samping taman perumahan dan bangunan sekolah. Tidak keterlaluan jika saya syorkan bahawa banyak lokasi yang sesuai digunakan untuk venue penggambaran filem dan drama. Pokoknya, Semporna memang unik dan menarik.

Bagi mengekalkan ciri-ciri menarik dan keunikan Semporna, pihak kerajaan (dan khususnya para pemimpin dan tokoh-tokoh politik tempatan) harus menimbangkan agar Semporna diisytiharkan sebagai sebuah Bandar Tradisi.

Pantun istimewa untuk orang Semporna dan seluruh masyarakat Bajau Pantai Timur yang cintakan kedamaian.

Dulu orang panggil Tong Talun,
Kini sudah jadi Semporna;
Dulu orang berduyun-duyun,
Kini terkenal seantero dunia.

Bangsa empunya si bangsa Bajau,
Kaya budaya tutur katanya;
Bagus sudah jauh merantau,
Kini kembali membina bangsa.

Adat Bajau addat bangsahta,
Adat ditatang Islam dijunjung;
Berpada-pada merentas samudera,
Kembali datang membawa sanjung.

Salam Hormat,



  1. Four Sabah forest reserves with high conservation value have been reclassified to further protect its biodiversity and wildlife.
    The State Assembly passed the amendments to the Forests (Constitution of Forest Reserves and Amendment) Enactment 1984 to excise, constitute, classify and reclassify the forest reserves from Class II to Class I.

  2. Earlier, when proposing the bill, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Datuk Ellron Angin said the 33,969 hectares of Malua Forest Reserve Class II (Commercial) have been reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Malua Forest Reserve Class I (Protected) which will serve as an important Gene Bank, Malua Bio-Bank project and habitat for the Orang Utan.

  3. The 6,665 hectares of Gunung Rara Forest Reserve Class II was reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Mount Magdalena Forest Reserve Class I (Extension).

  4. The other two are the 3,265 hectares of Gunung Rara Forest Reserves Class II and 19,870 hectares of Kalabakan Forest Reserve Class II, that have been reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Tambulanan Forest Reserve Class I and Sungai Tiagau Reserve Class I, respectively. These areas are of high conservation values and act a buffer for the Maliau Basin.

  5. Ellron said that the reclassification aims to protect and conserve the forests, besides maintaining it as a buffer zone to protect the environment and wildlife, which are becoming rarer, threatened and endangered.

    “This is also to create a wildlife corridor to link the forest reserves in Danum Valley, Maliau and Imbak Canyon,” he said.

  6. The bill also saw the 720 hectares of Mount Wullerdorf Forest Reserve Class I and 228 hectares of Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve Class I being excised for the purpose of socio-economic development.

    Both forest reserves, which are located in Kunak, are degraded and have been encroached.

  7. Meanwhile, the 6,429 hectares of Menumbok forest was reconstituted as Mangrove Forest Reserve Class V and to be known as Menumbok Forest Reserve Class V (Extension II).

    “This area is suitable for research, education, flora and fauna conservation and protection of marine life,” Ellron said.

  8. Following the amendments made to the Enactment, the Sabah Government now has a total of 3,614,730.55 hectares of forest reserves, which is an addition of 5,481 hectare.

    “Our forest reserves cover at least 48.28 per cent of the state, therefore Sabah’s forest coverage will continue to increase to 52 per cent, which exceeds the National Forestry Policy that targets 48 per cent from the overall size of the state,” said Ellron.

  9. Before the reclassification of forest reserves were made, Sabah owned 773,705.74 hectares of Forest Reserve Class I (Protection), which was an increase of 55.78 per cent or 431,555.74 hectare compared to 342,150 hectares about a decade ago.

    “This shows that the state government is commited to conservation work and protecting Sabah’s forests,” he said.

  10. Ellron added that since 2009, a total of 443,854 hectares of Forest Reserves have been certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), while 424,520 hectares are still pending approval.

    “This is proof that our forest management is recognised globally, for example the Deramakot Forest Reserve which is the first tropical rainforest that has been certified under the FSC and has become a model for forest management since 1997,” he said.
