“THE UNITED Borneo Front’s (UBF) fight for Sabah’s rights is for every Sabahan regardless of race, religion or creed and not exclusive to any one segment of society in Sabah”, its founder, Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, told a mainly Muslim Borneo Tea Party gathering at Dataran Bengkoka, Pitas, cum Hari Raya function hosted by UBF Pitas coordinator, Maklin Masiau on Saturday, Oct. 1st.
As a non-aligned Non-Governmental Organization, UBF is race, religion and colour blind and holds the view that Sabah is for all genuine Sabahans.
“Even the foreigners in Sabah cannot be faulted as there are mainly in Sabah to make a living,” added Dr. Jeffrey.
The problem is with the current Government who have used the illegal immigrants and unlawfully granted them Malaysian identity cards and voting rights to maintain their political survival and retain their grip on power. These illegal immigrants are no longer called ‘PTI’ (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin) but ‘PATAI’ (Pendatang Asing Tetapi Ada IC).
Dr. Jeffrey had explained that it took a tsunami in Acheh Province, Indonesia, in 2005 before it was granted regional autonomy and to top it all Acheh gets to keep 70% of its oil revenue derived from all oil and gas found within its territory while it took a political tsunami in March 2008 before the Federal Government recognized September 16th as Malaysia Day and declared it a public holiday from 2010 and starting celebrating Malaysia Day this year.
Similarly, UBF with its Borneo Agenda is seeking the restoration of its rights and autonomous rule in Sabah and Sarawak and is advocating a 1-Country 2-System of administration, one for West Malaysia and another in Sabah and Sarawak where the differences between East and West is more than just the distance of the South China Sea separating them.
The differences in indigenous people, culture, language and heritage should be taken into consideration in the administration of the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak in addition to the historical fact that Sabah and Sarawak together with Singapore and Malaya formed the Federation of Malaysia on September 16, 1963.
Dr. Jeffrey further opined that the political tsunami also granted an opportunity for the Sabah and Sarawak leaders to seek the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in Malaysia but failed to do so while some were given higher positions as their party’s interest came first before the people. They were tied by their party’s interests in Barisan Government and failed to capitalize on the opportunity as they failed to seek the rights of all Sabahans and Sarawakians.
As a result, UBF has taken upon the task to educate and inform all parties, their leaders and the people of the rights and entitlements of Sabah in the Federation of Malaysia and be united in their purpose for the people in Sabah and Sarawak. The time to rely on others have gone past and it is time for the people to ‘take charge’ and fight for their rights which are enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement and related documents including the 20-Points Memorandum and the Federal Constitution.
Accordingly, the causes championed by UBF is for all the people in Sabah and Sarawak and not for personal interests or positions. Leaders may come and go but the causes for Sabah and Sarawak and their people will continue regardless of race or religion.
It is sad that Sabah and Sarawak have been downgraded to be the 12th and 13th State in Malaysia and ruled by West Malaysians and West Malaysian political parties. However, Dr. Jeffrey is optimistic that change has been gradually happening since his detention under ISA for more than 2-1/2 years in the early 1990s for spreading the rights of Sabah and the 20-Points Memorandum.
The rights of Sabah and Sarawak are now openly being discussed including on the internet and even the leaders of some BN component parties are opening questioning about the rights Sabah although they are still standing by and allowing the continued erosion of the rights and interests of Sabah and Sarawak and their people. Ironically, Dr. Jeffrey lamented that this was a far cry from the days after his ISA detention when the then premier had cautioned him not to teach the people what the people do not know.
Dr. Jeffrey added that notwithstanding his cruel detention his political journey has always been the same and he has not wavered from his cause for the rights of Sabah and Sabahans although he has wrongly accused of party hopping which had no basis in the accusations. He explained he had left the parties who did not have the political will or direction to champion for the cause of Sabah and Sabahans and not for personal interests.
Dr. Jeffrey then informed the crowd that given the ‘window of opportunity’, what was important was for the information on Sabah’s rights and entitlements to be disseminated to the people and for the people in Sabah and Sarawak to stand united and voice their support for the restoration of the rights of Sabah and Sarawak for the benefit of future generations.
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