Saturday 30 June 2012


Saudara Pengarang,

PENINGKATAN kes jenayah rogol, rompak dan bunuh di Seluruh Malaysia, terutama di Lembah Kelang secara mendadak mungkin tidak memberi kesan kepada 222 Ahli Parlimen Malaysia yang telah menyebabkan Kerajaan Malaysia begitu rapuh dan tidak berdaya mempertahankan rakyatnya daripada segala jenis jenayah.

Penghapusan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) dan pengenalan Akta Perhimpunan Aman telah dikenalpasti menjadi penyumbang kepada peningkatan kes jenayah kerana ramai 'penjenayah' yang selama ini dikurung, telah dibebaskan tanpa syarat.

Bayangkanlah jika lebih 2,000 penjenayah tegar termasuk pembuat bom, perompak, pengedar dadah dan pengkhianat negara yang ditahan di Kemunting dan Simpang Renggam bakal dibebaskan tidak lama lagi oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri; adalah hasil desakan semua Ahli Parlimen yang telah bertungkus lumus membahas untuk melupuskan 'Tongkat Sakti' kerajaan iaitu kuasa mempertahankan diri daripada ancaman subversif seperti ISA dan sebagainya.

Malangnya sebahagian daripada 2,000 penjenayah yang bakal dibebaskan sudah pastinya tidak akan diterima dalam sistem sosial masyarakat dan terpaksa menjadi 'Bom Jangka' yang mengancam keselamatan negara.

Betapa berisikonya hidup di Malaysia jika penjenayah yang terkurung selama beberapa tahun dan bercampur dengan penjenayah lain berada dalam masyarakat tanpa sebarang kawalan?

Mungkinkah akan terjadi 2,000 rompakan, 2,000 kes rogol, rompak, samun dan jenayah lain jika 2,000 tahanan berkenaan dibebaskan. Bagaimana perasaan anda jika salah seorang daripada bakal mangsa adalah keluarga tersayang anda?

Jadi, sebelum mengundi pada pilihanraya umum akan datang, berfikirlah secara rasional kerana mungkin wakil rakyat yang anda pilih bakal melahirkan perogol, perompak dan penjenayah kolar putih kerana selama ini mereka terlalu gian menjadi 'polis' dan penyibuk sehingga menghapuskan kuasa polis untuk melakukan tindakan pemantauan dan kekangan.

Terima kasih kepada Peguam Negara, Menteri Dalam Negeri dan semua Ahli Parlimen Malaysia yang telah menyumbang fikiran dan tenaga sehingga penjenayah yang diasingkan selama ini kembali mengancam keselamatan negara.

Sewajarnya, berilah kepakaran kepada polis untuk mengatasi masalah jenayah si Malaysia dan bukannya menyerahkan kuasa polis kepada Ahli Parlimen dan Menteri yang menjadikan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa sebagai budaya dan sarapan pagi!

Bayangkan jika polis tiada di Malaysia? Siapakah yang akan menjaga keamanan jika semua rakyat asyik berbalah tentang politik dan meletakkan keselamatan mereka di tangan Ahli Politik yang tidak mampu menjaga diri mereka sendiri!

Salam Hormat,




PUTRAJAYA: A portfolio manager claiming to be the biological son of late Sabah tycoon Tan Sri Lau Gek Poh has won his appeal to get the case for his will to be heard at the High Court.

Lau Siang Kok, 39, who works at a private equity firm in Singapore, was allowed by the Court of Appeal here to have his civil suit reinstated at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.

His lawyer Goh Siu Lin said a panel of three judges had ruled in Lau’s favour for the suit to be remitted back to the Kuala Lumpur High Court and heard before a new judge.

Goh said the panel had also unanimously awarded RM10,000 to her client in costs.

In his oral decision, Justice Low Hop Bing, who chaired the panel, said it found that the facts were “not free from controversies”.

“The plaintiff’s (Lau) originating summons is not obviously unsustainable.

“His claim that the deceased was his natural father and that he, the natural son, is the question to be determined.

“This question is not unarguable and we allow the appeal,” he said.

In his suit filed on July 31, 2009, Lau claimed to be the biological son of the tycoon with Singaporean Lum Sook Chan @ Lam Sook Chan.

Naming Tan Sri Lau Chon Kun @ Lau Yu Chak, the executor of the estate, as the sole defendant, Lau said he had been introduced to him as a natural son by the tycoon in Hong Kong on Jan 14, 1997.

He claimed that after the tycoon passed away, he had made repeated requests to be furnished with the will but was ignored.

Lau filed the appeal after the High Court in 2010 allowed an application by the defendant to strike out the suit on grounds that among others he had seen the will and knew that he was not a beneficiary.

High Court judge Zabariah Mohd Yusof had said then that even if Lau could prove that he was the natural son of the tycoon (which he failed in his case), he would not be a “legitimate child” entitling him to any benefit under the man’s estate as there was no valid marriage between the deceased and Lau’s mother.

She said there was no legal basis for Lau to compel the defendant to produce the will.

The tycoon, reputed to have assets worth over HK$6bil (RM2.5bil) in Hong Kong alone and others in five countries, was the founder of Malaysian-listed Hap Seng with businesses ranging from car trading to property development and plantations.



LEADERS and members in the State Reform Party (Star), Sabah chapter, are heaving a sigh of relief after Chairman Jeffrey Kitingan extended an olive branch to known “rebels” in the party despite being humbled for the first time by them at an emergency meeting yesterday morning (Friday) in Kota Kinabalu.

Falling short of waving the proverbial white flag, Jeffrey for starters reportedly did an about-turn with about 20 party leaders including rebels. He claimed that he had never issued a gag order recently against them. It was stressed that the gag order was a “mistake” on the part of some of his more “over-zealous” aides.

The more vociferous among the leaders gathered begged to disagree on making a complete scapegoat of Jeffrey’s errant aides. However, it appears that they did not protest too much on the gag order “in the interest of party unity” after the party chairman announced that two members, a male and a female, would be appointed as his political secretaries.

Lawyer Moses Iking and Ranau member Juliana Situn, it was agreed, would both be offered the post of political secretary to Jeffrey.

This is the second time that Moses is being offered a party post. He was earlier offered a vice-chairmanship but declined on the grounds that the party took no action against another vice-chairman blacklisted by the Insolvency Department.

“Many of us would have liked the aides to be hauled up for disciplinary action but the matter was not discussed,” said a number of party leaders approached separately after the session. “The appointment of the two political secretaries is expected to cut Jeffrey’s errant aides down to size.”

The party leaders, who requested anonymity for fear of being accused of fishing in troubled waters, fumed that the errant aides had not only acted with or without permission in the chairman’s name but also had been “kurang ajar” (disrespectful) of late to several senior party leaders who tried to tick them off privately.

The meeting generally did not comment or did not disagree too much when Jeffrey proposed that the gist of all press statements prepared by party leaders be first cleared with him, at least by telephone, before being issued. His main concern appeared to be on “not souring relations with other opposition parties” and “not touching on party policies”, the latter being read as euphemism for anything the party chairman didn’t like.

One party leader said he had no objections to seeking clearance from Jeffrey on his press statements “provided the party chairman bothered to answer their telephone calls”. Jeffrey, it appears, has a reputation for not picking up telephone calls, not returning missed calls, and not responding to text messages or emails. It’s even said that he doesn’t read emails except on his Blackberry if it’s not too full.

“The chairman promised to take all calls especially from party leaders,” said one party leader who attended the meeting. “He also promised to be punctual in future for appointments.”

The party chairman allegedly turns up late, anywhere between an hour to three hours, for public gatherings and meetings.

The meeting did not fault Jeffrey for this tardy time management on his part but advised him not to take on too many appointments or simply agree each time to the times set by others. He was further advised to learn to delegate and trust his fellow party leaders.

So far, Star has yet to set up any Bureaus, Committees or Sub-Committees although it claims to have a membership of 200,000, of which 175,000 it was further claimed signed up within the first three months of the party being set up in Sabah recently.

The meeting agreed with Jeffrey that the party needs to hold regular meetings and all its Bureaus, Committees and Sub-Committees need to be set up as soon as possible.

The meeting agreed that the party’s proposed vision and mission statements and manifesto, all bones of contention among the leadership and rank-and-file, need to be dusted off and tabled for discussion.

The party’s vision and mission statements and manifesto, Jeffrey agreed, would not be finalized without input from all stakeholders and unanimously agreed at a series of party meetings called specifically for the purpose.

It was tentatively agreed that the first meeting of the proposed Political Bureau would be held tentatively in the afternoon on Mon to discuss the vision and mission for a start. The discussion on the manifesto would be shelved to a later date. In the morning, on Mon, Star would sign a pact with Transparency-International Malaysia in Kota Kinabalu, the meeting learnt.

The party leaders already have draft copies of the vision and mission and manifesto following input by several Supreme Council members. However, the matter became controversial when Jeffrey’s aides sent several emails to senior party leaders dismissing their input as “just spin and bullshit”.

The offending emails by the errant aides have been cited as the reason for the current tension between the party headquarters in Kota Kinabalu and senior party leaders. It appears that snatches of these emails have found their way into FaceBook, Twitter, Chats and text messages.

Jeffrey reportedly promised that he would brief the Political Bureau on Mon on his meetings earlier this week with Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) vice president Tian Chua and party Treasurer William Leong.

No details related to Star were disclosed this morning.

Elsewhere, the meeting learnt that de facto PKR Chief Anwar Ibrahim is wary of Sabah Umno veteran Lajim Ukin and Upko deputy president Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing planning to defect to his party.
“It seems that both Lajim and Ukin are not interested in PKR but want to stand under the party symbol provided their respective factions are allotted 20 Muslim and 18 Native (Orang Asal) state seats,” said a Star leader. “Wilfred is willing to concede only one or two Native seats to Star.”

The suspicion is that both men would defect with their factions after the 13th General Election, said the leader. “We think that both Lajim and Wilfred would frog back to the Barisan Nasional (BN) after winning seats under PKR.”

Jeffrey announced in mid-April that Star would contest all 60 state seats at stake in Sabah and 26 parliamentary seats including Labuan in the 13th General Election.

The party is yet to climb down from this extreme position, reportedly a strategic move, but the word along the political grapevine in Sabah is that it would be prepared to retreat to 35 state seats and the related parliamentary seats.

It’s not known whether the 35 state seats include that which would be contested by the pro-tem United Sabah National Organisation (Usno) under the Star symbol. Usno had been reported to be eyeing 18 state seats.


CEROBOH....Sopikit menunjukkan antara kesan aktiviti menggali batu dan pasir di kawasan Sungai Kogopon.


PAPAR: Pendedahan mengenai isu pencerobohan kawasan tagal Sungai Kampung Kogopon, di sini terus mendapat reaksi di kalangan penduduk yang meminta agar kawasan berkenaan tidak diganggu lagi.

Ketua Kampung Kogopon, Sopikit Lianjun, 52, berkata kedegilan pihak pemaju yang masih meneruskan aktiviti menggali batu dan pasir di sungai berkenaan menyebabkan mereka berasa terkilan.

Sehubungan itu, beliau yang mewakili suara penduduk Kampung Kogopon mahu aktiviti itu dihentikan bagi menjaga sistem tagal serta tidak merosakkan kawasan sekeliling.

“Apa yang menyedihkan semenjak isu ini dibongkar, aktiviti menggali masih diteruskan. Kawasan ini dahulunya amat terjaga dengan keindahan alam semulajadinya, namun kini ia telah dirosakkan,” katanya ketika ditemui Utusan Borneo kelmarin.

Selain sistem tagal terjejas, Sopikit turut mendakwa aktiviti itu juga mengakibatkan hakisan tanah di sekeliling sungai selain aliran sungai kini dialihkan beberapa ratus meter berikutan proses tambakan batu.

“Aliran sungai telah berubah dan kami bimbang berlaku insiden buruk seperti hakisan tanah serta banjir jika ia dibiar berterusan,” katanya.

Menurutnya, tanda amaran yang tertera di kawasan itu yang menyatakan bahawa sesiapa melanggar peraturan tagal boleh dikenakan denda maksimum RM50,000 tidak diendahkan. Sungai Papar ditagal sejak 2008 membabitkan enam kampung, termasuk Kogopon, Kundasang, Mandalipau, Bolotikon, Kaiduan dan Bisuang.

Mengulas tindakan sogit seperti diarahkan Jabatan Perikanan Sabah kepada penduduk, Sopikit menjelaskan mereka akan mengadakan mesyuarat tergempar dalam masa sehari dua ini.

“Kami akan mengumpulkan orang kampung bagi membincang perkara ini seperti diarahkan, dan barulah dirujuk kepada Mahkamah Anak Negeri,” katanya, sambil menjelaskan mengikut adat resam mereka, secara kebiasaan sogit yang dikenakan adalah seekor lembu. (UB)