THE PBS Chin Teck Ming should look at himself first before he commented on the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu for not speaking out on the Hudud laws (Sharia laws) which is proposed to be used in Malaysia by Tok Guru Nik Aziz, the Spiritual leader of the PAS.
Actually, Chin should not swing the eyes of the public to cover himself and his bosses who in fact had not even made a single comment or expressed on how they look at the proposal on implementing Hudud laws in Malaysia. He is just trying to gain his own political mileage by jumping the gun and pointing fingers.
If Chin is brave and wise enough he should blame his own big boss the Chief Minister of Sabah Datuk Musa Aman, his immediate boss Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan as well as Datuk Yee Mok Chai too. The other Sabah BN leaders had similarly made no comments on the issue and kept silent on the proposal.
If Chin Teck Ming is so good and outstanding, and would like to create a political mileage for himself, and want to show that he is against the proposal on the Hudud laws, he should issue a statement to state the same. He might want to seek consent from the bosses first.
He should not blame KK MP Hiew for not sounding out his feeling on this issue and remain silent. For his information, DAP is working under the umbrella of the Pakatan Rakyat, any issue shall be dealt within the group and we get thing resolved amicably, and the decision must be numerously.
Therefore, it is not necessary for individual PR MP to express their views openly through the media. Their views shall be collective and compiled to form a sound basis of corporation.
If Chin is still not happy he should put his view in the newspaper, it is his right anyway.
For us, we would prefer to concentrate more on the well being of the people and we shall work hard to up bring the many pressing needs of the people. We for sure will not pick on the little petty things like what Chin has done.
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