THE ISSUE on the Project IC is being brought up over and over again, and now even the BN top men also denied that there is no such Project IC.
The truth on whether there was such Project IC is no longer relevant, and it is a fact now that many foreigners have become Malaysian and our MyCard holders. Their Malaysian identity cannot be disputed.
The Malaysian Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Datuk Lee Chee Leong had mentioned that it is not easy to give Malaysian citizenship to outside people, and the procedure is very strict and this must follow the guidelines stated in the national constitutions.
The applicant must follow step by step on the procedure before their application can be approved. Lee also said the oppositions always accused his ministry on giving away citizenship to foreigners in great numbers, and yet they cannot provide proof.
There are many simple proofs if the Deputy Minister Lee wants it, and the easy one he can obtain is on the High Court Likas election petition case where these people were exposed.
The sudden population jump in Sabah is another proof. We Sabahan are very much aware of our state and its happening, therefore don’t come here and tell us something else as if nothing had happened and went wrong. The people will not buy this for sure.
May be Lee can tell us the figure on how many foreigners had obtained the Malaysian citizenship (MyCard) during the first half of this year, starting from January to June 2011?
Just to refresh his memory, the Minister of Home Affair had actually replied an answer asked by the KK MP Hiew King Cheu during the June 2011 Parliament sitting in a written reply saying that there are 91,190 MyCard and 7323 MyPR had been issued in Sabah during January to June 2011.
This figure also includes many people from the Philippines and Indonesia. Thus, we can see that it is so easy for the Ministry of Home Affairs to issue MyCard and MyPR to foreigners. This figure already reflected that the word from Lee is contradicting and totally not acceptable.
Why other people who had lived in Malaysia for 30 over years still cannot approve to become Malaysian, while the Pilipino and Indonesian are so easy to get their citizenship.
The approval of 23 citizenships in KK seemed to be a big deal and received big publicity during the handing over by Lee is seen as a big slap on the face of the government. It is only 23 approval but what about the 91,190 MYcard given out quietly and why no publicities?
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