STOCKPILE…… The sand stock pile ready for transport away.
ANOTHER case of sand dredging in Kota Marudu was brought up to the notice of the PKR Kota Marudu chief Anthony Mandiau. This time is in the Sungai Bandau near the junction Giat Mara Training Centre in Kota Marudu.
According to Anthony, a Mr. Chong Hock Vun claimed as a land owner just living next to the sand dredging area felt very angry when the sand has been pumped out of the river leaving the river bank collapsing into the river which in turns affected his land too.
He brought Anthony to the site and shown him the sand pump used for the pumping of the river sand. Chong claimed that this sand dredging operator is operating without a license and there is no valid EIA approval.
Chong requested Anthony to seek attention from the authorities and especially from the DOE and Land Office. The dredging work must be stop and cannot allow this to continue, because this is affecting the nearby land and the river bank.
PUMP…… Anthony Mandiau and Chong Hock Vun showing the sand pump.
This is second report following the report made previously by Anthony Mandiau on the illegal sand dredging of sand in Kg. Rakit, Kota Marudu. Anthony was informed that the sand operator in Kg. Rakit is still operating there and he wonders why there is no action taken by the authorities after his report.
He will approach the MACC to file in the cases for a thorough investigation to see whether there is any foul corrupt practice involved.
These type of illegal dredging of river sand is a serious punishable offend under the law and the Department of Environment (DOE) must take stern action to catch these people. The Minister Datuk Masidi Manjun must immediately instruct his people in the department to investigate to avoid any cover up.
Anthony said he will continue to search into the bottom of this matter until all the illegal activities is stopped and the land owners are protected of their properties, and their right.
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