YOURSAY ‘For one Chinese millionaire who has succeeded, a thousand have fallen.’
10 reasons why 'puak Cina' succeed in M'sia
CQ Muar: Wow, Ramesh Rajaratnam, that was too heavy and overwhelming to devour all in one day.
I am Chinese and am proud of the fact I grew up the hard way (orphaned when young). For a non-Chinese to bear such testimony of the ‘Ching’, this is indeed something out of this world. In return, our deep appreciation to you for such an honour will be highly in order.
In any case, and for that matter, the Indians and many liberal moderate Malays in this country are just as great, except for some ‘rotten’ eggs amongst the latter that ruin the whole basket, and with it their reputation.
However, let us hope the scenario will change for the better, where all races will live as one ‘hella’ family. Cheers to all... be they Malays, Indians or Chinese.
Mosquitobrain: This is by far the best and sarcastically written material I've ever read in Malaysiakini. I fully agree with the writer. You can put a Chinese in Siberia or Timbuktu, he or she will survive. Survival gene, they call it.
MatrixLYN: Ramesh, I hereby decree you a Chinese and gives you the surname ‘Lam’ (Lim), derived from ‘Ram’esh.
Surely it’s more honourable than any cheap datukship handed out recently, including to some husband of a certain ex DAP frog.
On a more serious note, I think Indians are also the same as Chinese, but the Indian community is at a slightly disadvantageous point right now.
A lot are still in poverty, while the Chinese (mostly, not all) has came out of this cycle in the previous generations and the current generation is reaping the rewards with better education and hence a brighter future (and I don't mean bright futures like those applicable to a certain rapist bowler).
Lone_Star: Did I see things Chinese in the rantings by Ramesh? Not really. It is all about what most of the rakyat do, want and need daily.
But unfortunately, there are also the others who think they do not have to do anything but have entitlement.
Eyespye: I would say that the Chinese, as an ethnic group, were forced by both necessity and scarcity, to survive and thrive. I'm not sure about Indian culture, and I'm not sure about Malay culture, but what is clear is all three cultures value something different.
What that difference is maybe isn't as important as knowing when some politician is tweaking your nose and pulling your leg.
I won't bore you with the "I've met many brilliant Malays..." disclaimer, but I'd like to point out that when politicians have, for over 50 years, been telling you how you can't survive without them and that there are "barbarians at the gate", you're bound to fail.
Don't blame the Chinese. Blame your political class.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Rightly put, Ramesh. Hopefully the Malays will read this piece and think.
For a community that has copied and adopted from others throughout the course of their history and thereafter claimed it was their own effort, retorts like what the honourable minister had said is not going to help in any way when it comes to race relations.
You can't change geography, Malaysia is right in the centre between China and India. A smart community will make use of this natural blessing and prosper.
Baiyuensheng: Haha, good one but not all true. Some Chinese are greedy and downright scumbags. Like any people, we have our own degenerates, like me for instance.
Pputeh: I am not a Malay, but let me say that there are also Malay boys and girls I taught in the 60s who have made it in life on their own strength.
Many of them have left the country for greener pastures and can see where this government is taking the country to. For example, people like Hassan Merican who was in Petronas but moved to Singapore to head one of their governmentlinked companies (GLCs) and is now doing very well.
Many are also in Australia, the US and the UK. These will not return. The young boy who scooted of to Sweden to claim UN refugee status is another, and the major from the Air Force who was taken to task over the indelible ink issue are among some who can see the evil and deceit.
What we are left with are like this minister who can only see till the tip of his nose.
Appum: Ramesh, this is a stereotyped piece on the Chinese. Don't think all Chinese fall under those generalisations.
There are Chinese beggars for sure, I mean real poor beggars. Not all Chinese are rich and I quote Dominic Puthucheary who said: "For one Chinese millionaire who has succeeded, a thousand have fallen."
But I don't understand Umno ministers and Malays who always say that the Malays are oppressed by the Chinese.
How can this happen when all the government machinery, the armed forces, the police, the political power, the special preferences and treatments in doing business, contracts, share listings, promotions, policies, implementation of these, are totally controlled by the Malays at the 95 percent level.
All aspects of life, education, defence (internal and external), religion, demographic status (Malays in the majority), banking, GLCs, local government, electoral divisions and power, all licences, are controlled in the hands of the Malays, still the Chinese are blamed for oppressing the Malays. Who are actually the oppressors?
Myop101: Ramesh, don't be angry. Just let it be. We just want to be left alone to do our own business and look after our own families. The foundation of a good society begins with a strong and united family.
Tapir1: Clever piece about the Chinaman. However, let’s move on and let them shout themselves to their glory if that is what they want. We have to live a life. Thank you, Mr Ramesh.
Anon1: So, I have the best of both worlds then: Gorgeous looks of an Indian (with testicles), and the work ethic of a Chinese.
But the best trait of me is that I'm not a slimy ‘gila kuasa’ politician who'll abuse other races openly but sell my own race behind closed doors.
10 reasons why 'puak Cina' succeed in M'sia
I am Chinese and am proud of the fact I grew up the hard way (orphaned when young). For a non-Chinese to bear such testimony of the ‘Ching’, this is indeed something out of this world. In return, our deep appreciation to you for such an honour will be highly in order.
In any case, and for that matter, the Indians and many liberal moderate Malays in this country are just as great, except for some ‘rotten’ eggs amongst the latter that ruin the whole basket, and with it their reputation.
However, let us hope the scenario will change for the better, where all races will live as one ‘hella’ family. Cheers to all... be they Malays, Indians or Chinese.
Mosquitobrain: This is by far the best and sarcastically written material I've ever read in Malaysiakini. I fully agree with the writer. You can put a Chinese in Siberia or Timbuktu, he or she will survive. Survival gene, they call it.
MatrixLYN: Ramesh, I hereby decree you a Chinese and gives you the surname ‘Lam’ (Lim), derived from ‘Ram’esh.
Surely it’s more honourable than any cheap datukship handed out recently, including to some husband of a certain ex DAP frog.
On a more serious note, I think Indians are also the same as Chinese, but the Indian community is at a slightly disadvantageous point right now.
A lot are still in poverty, while the Chinese (mostly, not all) has came out of this cycle in the previous generations and the current generation is reaping the rewards with better education and hence a brighter future (and I don't mean bright futures like those applicable to a certain rapist bowler).
Lone_Star: Did I see things Chinese in the rantings by Ramesh? Not really. It is all about what most of the rakyat do, want and need daily.
But unfortunately, there are also the others who think they do not have to do anything but have entitlement.
Eyespye: I would say that the Chinese, as an ethnic group, were forced by both necessity and scarcity, to survive and thrive. I'm not sure about Indian culture, and I'm not sure about Malay culture, but what is clear is all three cultures value something different.
What that difference is maybe isn't as important as knowing when some politician is tweaking your nose and pulling your leg.
I won't bore you with the "I've met many brilliant Malays..." disclaimer, but I'd like to point out that when politicians have, for over 50 years, been telling you how you can't survive without them and that there are "barbarians at the gate", you're bound to fail.
Don't blame the Chinese. Blame your political class.
P Dev Anand Pillai: Rightly put, Ramesh. Hopefully the Malays will read this piece and think.
For a community that has copied and adopted from others throughout the course of their history and thereafter claimed it was their own effort, retorts like what the honourable minister had said is not going to help in any way when it comes to race relations.
You can't change geography, Malaysia is right in the centre between China and India. A smart community will make use of this natural blessing and prosper.
Baiyuensheng: Haha, good one but not all true. Some Chinese are greedy and downright scumbags. Like any people, we have our own degenerates, like me for instance.
Pputeh: I am not a Malay, but let me say that there are also Malay boys and girls I taught in the 60s who have made it in life on their own strength.
Many of them have left the country for greener pastures and can see where this government is taking the country to. For example, people like Hassan Merican who was in Petronas but moved to Singapore to head one of their governmentlinked companies (GLCs) and is now doing very well.
Many are also in Australia, the US and the UK. These will not return. The young boy who scooted of to Sweden to claim UN refugee status is another, and the major from the Air Force who was taken to task over the indelible ink issue are among some who can see the evil and deceit.
What we are left with are like this minister who can only see till the tip of his nose.
Appum: Ramesh, this is a stereotyped piece on the Chinese. Don't think all Chinese fall under those generalisations.
There are Chinese beggars for sure, I mean real poor beggars. Not all Chinese are rich and I quote Dominic Puthucheary who said: "For one Chinese millionaire who has succeeded, a thousand have fallen."
But I don't understand Umno ministers and Malays who always say that the Malays are oppressed by the Chinese.
How can this happen when all the government machinery, the armed forces, the police, the political power, the special preferences and treatments in doing business, contracts, share listings, promotions, policies, implementation of these, are totally controlled by the Malays at the 95 percent level.
All aspects of life, education, defence (internal and external), religion, demographic status (Malays in the majority), banking, GLCs, local government, electoral divisions and power, all licences, are controlled in the hands of the Malays, still the Chinese are blamed for oppressing the Malays. Who are actually the oppressors?
Myop101: Ramesh, don't be angry. Just let it be. We just want to be left alone to do our own business and look after our own families. The foundation of a good society begins with a strong and united family.
Tapir1: Clever piece about the Chinaman. However, let’s move on and let them shout themselves to their glory if that is what they want. We have to live a life. Thank you, Mr Ramesh.
Anon1: So, I have the best of both worlds then: Gorgeous looks of an Indian (with testicles), and the work ethic of a Chinese.
But the best trait of me is that I'm not a slimy ‘gila kuasa’ politician who'll abuse other races openly but sell my own race behind closed doors.
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