RUBBISH… Edward with Felix Chong and Abd. Zainal pointing out the pile of garbage.
THE visit to the Kg. Tg. Aru Lama by members of the Pakatan Rakyat Dap and PKR found that the huge pile of garbage along the beaches mostly plastic material is shocking.
They feel that the authorities especially the DBKK should come immediately send their workers to come to clear the garbage and rubbish away. This is not only unsightly and could cause health hazard in the long term.
The PR team was led by the DAP KK MP Hiew King Cheu, DAP Vice Chairman Edward Ewol Mujie, Dr. Felix Chong Kiat Fah, the PKR Putatan Chairman Abd. Zainal bin Hj. Apin, Christopher Chong and the PR members.
Edward Mujie and Abd. Zainal urge the DBKK and other government departments should consider finding ways to disallow garbage especially plastic items being thrown into the sea indiscriminately.
This is seriously and quickly destroying our environment and the beautiful beaches. The most recent case was brought up by the Tanjong Aru Assemblyman cum Assistant Minister of Local Government ad Housing Datuk Edward Yong Oi Fah himself concerning the huge pile of garbage on the beaches in Pulau Gaya. He showed his concern for those in the Pulau, but what about those poor people in Tanjong Aru who has to face the pile of garbage everyday?
It so easy and convenient to throw the waste into the sea and also the direct discharge of human waste too, but what is the government doing to help, have their got any plan and idea to put right the long outstanding bad situation? There are some five-star hotels and holiday resorts just next to the Tg. Aru Lama.
How will these valued-tourists feel and see the dirty beaches and polluted sea? This is especially so when the Federal Ministry of Tourism had replied a question from KK MP Hiew in Parliament that they had made allocation of Millions of ringgits to upgrade the facilities in Tg. Aru Lama. What happen now and had the allocation being used properly? We need to pay more attention to help those poor folks in Tanjong Aru.
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