TEAM….The Kudat DAP visiting team in Kampong visit led by Alex Wong and Orong Sahap.
THE KUDAT DAP team had been regularly visiting the various remote kampongs in the Kudat district which they saw there are many things needed highlighting and to be brought to the attention of the authorities. These involve the vast poverty rate and the very bad infrastructure facilities in the Kudat district coupled with the very bad economy situation and almost zero growth here.
The Sabah DAP Kudat Chief Alex Wong and Orong Sahap with their mobile team always make their visits to help the poor kampong folks here. The people’s voices were often not heard by the government and the authorities.
The very common problem here is the poverty rate and the bad economy situation, said Alex Wong. It is not easy to earn a steady living here and most of the people have run away and seek work in other towns and some even went as far as Singapore and West Malaysia in order to survive from the hardship here.
The poor people here just cannot make a decent living because there is no economy development plans implemented here. There are no industries, no tourism development, no agriculture and agro-culture, and any other form of development to bring them something to do in order to earn some money for their survival.
It is for a long time now Kudat is a dead town without any activities, and the government seems not border to care and assist the place. There were many big development programs being announced, but these are empty promises.
The Kudat folks asked what happen to the big iron smelting plant, the dairy processing factory, the coconut husk mill, the coconut oil refinery, the fishery complex and most of all why killed the Mazu Statue project.
POOR….. The broken houses of the poor Kudat people.
There are plenty more to mention, but they all know by the end of the day it will all be boiled down to zero and become empty promises by the BN government.
Just on the main road to Kudat, this is really bad enough and the Kudat people have to put up with it, and risking their life day by day whenever they travel on the horrible and dangerous road.
There are many other unsealed roads in the whole of the Kudat District spreading out from the coast lines to the inland. Why Kudat is always being forgotten by the government and what are the local assemblymen and MPs doing, are they sleeping?
Kudat has the many potential opportunities to be exploded, and with just a bit more determination and care from the government, there will be plenty of opportunities for the local people here. The question is whether the government is committed to do that or not, while the people here continue to suffer further.
Orong said, what is the use for the people here to continue to be cheated off their livelihood and well being by supporting the BN? He calls upon the people here to ditch the BN and vote for the Pakatan Rakyat to help them, and give them a new hope in the future.
The visit by the Sabah DAP has becoming more welcome by the remote kampongs in Kudat, and the team determines to bring out more pressing issues from the area in order to help them. The poor people here are definitely needed help in all ways.
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