Saturday 5 March 2011


HAWKER…Hiew, Edward and Alex Wong talking to the hawkers in Telipok Tamu ground.


THERE was problem on Thursday when the weekly Tamu in Telipok started in the morning. DBKK has come to move and rearrange the hawkers who are selling on the ‘Kaki Lima’, back lane and on the shop front to a new location at the Telipok new township at the back.

The hawkers are selling every week on Thursday in Telipok town in the Tamu ground and around the shops. They called for help from the KK MP Hiew King Cheu, and the later went for the inspection in Telipok with the Sabah DAP Vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie and DAP Kudat Chief, Alex Wong.

There were various complaints and suggestion made by the hawkers and the shoppers in general. These include the arrangement in the new location of the Tamu, and they said this is too far from the crowd and no business for them.

Some said that there should be a more proper arrangement of the stalls by grouping similar goods on sale together and not spreading all over the space. The bigger stall selling clothing should not mix with the vegetables and other items, and the clothing stalls are taking up too much space.

The poor local women selling a small quantity of farm produce are sitting in the hot sun and have to face rain. The few hawkers who were dumped to the far end of the new shops said the whole morning they had not sold a chicken or duck, and they had become a ‘sitting duck’. The hawkers also complained that there are many foreigners selling their goods there, especially they are taking away much of the business of the locals.

The MP Hiew had the chance to meet up with the DBKK staffs and the enforcement in the Telipok Tamu ground and briefly they had discussed the various complaints and suggestions. Hiew said the Telipok Police station should not be blocked by the Tamu hawkers and this is for the reason of emergencies whereby the people cannot get into the police station quickly.

The shop front should not be blocked because this is not fair for the shop owners. DBKK should readjust the situation and have a more workable arrangement of the stalls and the flow of traffic should not be obstructed.

Hiew commented by saying that although this is a one-day weekly Tamu event but the authority like DBKK, JKR and the police should have a face to face dialog and discussion with the hawkers and the business owners here before deciding on any big move and alteration.

The people in Telipok must be given the first chance to express and put forward their views and suggestion, and the authorities must take into full consideration. This is to avoid any complication and unhappy situation arising. The condition in the Telipok Tamu ground must be made better.


  1. The best thing we can do here is NOT buying from any of these sellers.

  2. These foreigners shouldn't be allowed to conduct their business in Tamu. Local hawkers should be given priority.

  3. pihak berkuasa haruslah menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka dengan berkesan..mereka (PATI) haruslah ditegah daripada meniaga di tamu2 seluruh sabah..harus utamakan rakyat tulen sabah..

  4. memang ramai warga asing dan PATi yang meniaga di kawasan pekan telipok..ini menyebabkan rakyat tempatan terpaksa bersaing hak mereka dengan PATI yang sememangnya tidak berhak langsung di sabah..apa tindakan pihak berkuasa tempatan dan kerajaan? jika dibiarkan bagaimana peniaga tempatan ingin menambah pendapatan?

  5. Dorang jual boleh ok lagi,, yang tak OKnya apabila orang tempatan membeli jualan mereka.. Bukankah itu menyokong namanya. huhu

  6. Semoga perkara ini akna mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  7. di Telipok di lihat seperti milik PATI, tempat itu seolah2 dikuasai mereka. kita tak boleh biarkan hal ini terus terjadi. nasib penduduk2 tempatan perlu dipertahankan.

  8. memang ramai warga asing yang ada di Pekan Telipok. harap pemantauan dapat dilakukan.

  9. mesti tangani masalah ini. Sehinggakan PATI berkuasa di Tamu Telipok.

  10. the group who should be pursued by the authorities are now back into a "illegal profit hunter", in any corner of the city and town. selling smuggled goods, no license, no tax, stolen goods, pirated goods, and others...

  11. government and authorities must do something, or you will get nothing from rakyat in the next general election.

  12. Jangan menyokong mereka sehingga mereka tutup gerai.

  13. pastikan siapa yang berniaga harus mendaftar dengan pihak yang sepatutnya supaya tidak ada peluang untuk orang asing ni.

  14. Pilih peniaga tempatan dan beli dari mereka. Memang menjengkelkan peniaga2 asing ni. Suka hati mereka saja.
