THE absent of bus services had caused many people could not travel swiftly from places along the whole stretch of the Jalan Lintas starting from Putatan, Kapayan to Lido, and from Lido to Mile 5.5 junction in Likas, from Inanam going through to Mengattal by the Tuaran By-pass to end up in the Sepangar Junction to the Telipok town.
The direct bus services had not been approved by the LPKP (Road Transport Licensing Authorities) ever since the road is completed more than 25 years ago. There were constant requests for the authorities to allow direct bus service to serve the areas along this stretch of road.
If there are direct bus services here, this will enable commuters to get from one end to the other end without having to enter into the KK city centre first and board on to another bus to reach to the destination. The traveling time taken will be much less, and the traveling expenses will be reduced. Most important, there will not be too many traffic jams and the number of buses in the city centre will be cut.
The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu is particularly concern about this difficult situation where the KK city folks do not get good bus services in the KK City especially those living off the regular bus route and have to sort for buses connection from one place to the other. This is worst for the poor and the elderly people. This is definitely causing them a lot of hazels, inconvenient, loss of money and time.
The rich people and the BN YBs of course faced no problems, because they have big cars and government cars, what about the average people who have to depend on public transport to get to work, to market and to see their grand children?
Just imagine, if one old lady has to catch a bus from Telipok to Putatan, she will have to go to the Telipok bus station, board a bus to KK and change a bus in KK to reach Putatan. This trip might take her at least two hours or more. If there is a direct bus from Telipk starting from Telipok town to Putatan, it is only 30 minutes.
Therefore, it is up to the BN government whether they are being considerate for the people or not to implement a new bus service connecting all the various places along the road from Telipok to Putatan.
The simple case of ferrying passenger and patients from QEH1 to QEH2 has been wide publicized by the BN government and it is surely a case of belated implementation. The case of providing a direct bus service as proposed by Hiew many years ago had not been considered at all, and maybe this will take another 20 years for it to be implemented under the BN administration.
Hiew wants the Chairman of the Sabah LPKP chapter Teo Chee Kang to put this into operation without further delay. This is his job to ensure a good transport delivery system is implemented in the KK City, and it is also to ease the car parking and the traffic jam problem in KK city.
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