Tuesday 25 June 2013


MISKIN.......Pengamatan di sekitar kampung itu mendapati ia adalah sebuah kampung air yang didiami lebih 1,000 penduduk dari golongan miskin.


KOTA KINABALU: Penduduk Kampung Bakau Likas menyuarakan kebimbangan mereka terhadap masalah perobohan kawasan kediaman mereka buat kali kedua setelah mendapat halangan sementara dari mahkamah pada tahun 2010 bagi menghalang Dewan Bandaraya KotaKinabalu (DBKK) dari mengambil tanah kampung itu untuk tujuan pembangunan.

Penduduk kampung itu risau tentang nasib mereka kerana tidak mempunyai tempat lain untuk berteduh. Tambahan lagi, keadaan hidup mereka yang miskin menyulitkan lagi pemindahan mereka ke tempat lain. Mereka tidak mempunyai pilihan lain selain daripada kawasan yang mereka diami.

Pengamatan di sekitar Kampung Bakau Likas mendapati ia adalah sebuah kampung air yang didiami lebih 1,000 penduduk dari golongan miskin.

Tiada kemudahan asas seperti air, elektrik dan pengaliran bahan buangan bagi kawasan tersebut dan ini telah menyebabkan sampah berselerak di kawasan tepi pantai dan bau busuk dari sisa buangan di merata tempat.

Keadaan ini amat membimbangkan kerana ramai anak-anak muda dan wanita yang hamil menetap dalam keadaan yang tidak memuaskan berdasarkan keadaan kehidupan mereka pada masa ini.

Penyakit berjangkit seperti kolera, malaria, denggi dan taun boleh merebak dengan cepat di persekitaran kerana tumpuan populasi amat padat di kawasan seluas 13 ekar itu.

Menurut wakil penduduk Sharif Othman, Kampung Bakau adalah kampung air yang diberikan oleh kerajaan negeri di bawah pentadbiran Usno lebih 30 tahun lalu.

Kerajaan Usno menjanjikan kediaman tetap ketika itu tetapi tiada tindakan susulan untuk memberikan mereka status tetap milik tanah oleh kerajaan negeri yang menggantikan Usno.

Mereka pernah memohon dengan kerajaan untuk menjadikan tanah ini sebagai milikan tetap serta dijadikan sebagai kampung tetapi ditolak dan sehingga dua tahun lalu pada tahun 2010, DBKK dengan bantuan Rela menjalankan kerja-kerja perobohan.

Hilang tempat berteduh

Hampir 70 peratus daripada kawasan kampung mereka telah dirobohkan dan ini menyebabkan banyak keluarga hilang tempat berteduh.

Mereka kemudian mendapat injunksi sementara dari makamah untuk menghalang pihak DBKK daripada meneruskan aktiviti perobohan kawasan mereka yang dirancang untuk tujuan pembangunan tetapi sehingga kini, tiada tidakan susulan oleh kerajaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka.

Wakil Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Likas Junz Wong dan wakil Adun Api Api Christina Liew yang melawat kawasan kampung berkenaan hari ini berjanji akan memajukan masalah ini kepada mesyuarat Dewan Undangan Negeri akan datang sekiranya tidak ada maklum balas daripada pihak berkuasa.

Beliau juga mempersoalkan status semasa tanah tersebut sekarang ini dan terkilan dengan penduduk kampung yang terpaksa berdepan dengan keadaan persekitaran yang amat uzur dan kotor setiap hari akibat dari kejadian yang berlaku dua tahun lalu.

Salah satu cadangannya kepada penduduk kampung adalah untuk memohon tanah tersebut dijadikan sebuah kawasan kampung dengan pegangan yang dikenali sebagai tanah masyarakat atau “community title” dengan Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur atau memohon untuk mendapatkan bantuan penempatan baru.

Menurut Christina Liew, beliau percaya bahawa penduduk Kampung Bakau Likas berhak untuk memohon pemilikan tanah dan juga bantuan perumahan daripada kerajaan negeri kerana telah lama menetap di kawasan tersebut.

Beliau juga ingin menegaskan bahawa penduduk kampung berhak memilih sendiri Ahli Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan Keselamatan Kampung (JKKK) walaupun kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan yang diwakili oleh pemimpin pembangkang dan permohonan boleh dibuat kepada kerajaan negeri.

Seramai 48 penduduk kampung diketuai oleh Dimulu @ Nasir Ahid pada April 2010 menfailkan pemohonan saman kepada DBKK dan Datuk Bandarnya sebagai defendan tunggal mengikut Perintah 29, Peraturan 1 (2) dan Perintah 92 Peraturan 4, Peraturan Mahkamah Tinggi 1980.

Kawasan Kampung Bakau Likas yang dipercayai adalah di bawah Geran Tanah Natif No 011243330 dan penduduk telah tinggal secara kekal sehingga ia dipindah milik kepada DBKK untuk tapak simpanan najis untuk daerah Kota Kinabalu.

Pada ketika itu, seramai 3,000 penduduk (purata 10 orang sekeluarga) terjejas akibat dari aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh DBKK.


Kehidupan anggota masyarakat kampung yang tenang dengan kawasan perairan pantai bertukar kecoh apabila sekumpulan pegawai DBKK dan Rela datang merobohkan rumah mereka secara tiba-tiba tanpa memberi sebarang notis.

Pada ketika itu mereka diberi jaminan oleh kerajaan bahawa nasib mereka akan terbela dan dipertahankan, tetapi kejadian perobohan rumah yang berlaku dan tiada wakil rakyat yang hadir telah menyebabkan mereka hilang keyakinan.

Tambahan lagi mereka terpaksa hidup dalam suasana gelap selama ini setelah pihak berkuasa telah memotong bekalan elektrik dan air mereka.

Kebanyakan penduduk Kampung Bakau Likas bekerja sebagai pekerja binaan dan tukang sapu di sekitar bandaraya Kota Kinabalu dan pendapatan yang diperolehi tidak mencukupi untuk mereka berpindah ke tempat lain walaupun penduduk kampung dinasihatkan untuk memohon rumah rakyat di Telipok Ria.

Kos pemindahan yang mahal seperti bayaran pendahuluan dan pendawaian, masing masing sebanyak RM700 dan RM2,000 dan kos tambang bulanan sebanyak RM80 seorang tidak mampu dibiayai oleh mereka yang mempunyai keluarga seramai enam orang yang bersekolah.

Keluhan dan rayuan pemindahan mereka telah disalurkan kepada Datuk Bandar DBKK dan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman melalui surat rasmi bertarikh 10 September 2008.

Persoalannya, apakah yang akan berlaku kepada kebajikan dan nasib masa depan penduduk Kampung Bakau Likas apabila tempoh halangan mahkamah telah tamat? (FMT)


  1. Lebih baik dapatkan respon dari pihak DBKK dan kerajaan negeri terlebih dahulu.

  2. Mereka harus ditempatkan terlebih dahulu dan ambil langkah selanjutnya.

  3. Kerajaan harus mengambil langkah yang lebih bijak agar mereka ini adanya tempat untuk mereka mendiami.

  4. penduduk Kampung Bakau Likas berhak untuk memohon pemilikan tanah dan juga bantuan perumahan daripada kerajaan

    Mereka harus membuat permohonan melalui saluran yang betul. Semoga bantuan wajar dapat diberi.

  5. Kawasan kediaman yang tidak ideal akan menyebabkan banyak masalah kesihatan.

  6. Pemindahan ini akan menyebabkan golonagn ini kehilangan kerja dan pendapatan?

  7. Kehidupan anggota masyarakat kampung yang tenang dengan kawasan perairan pantai bertukar kecoh apabila sekumpulan pegawai DBKK dan Rela datang merobohkan rumah mereka secara tiba-tiba tanpa memberi sebarang notis.

    Notis harus diberi supaya penduduk di sanan bersedia.

  8. Tindakan kerajaan yang tidak mempedulikan keadaan penduduk di sana amat dikesali.

  9. WR harus tampil dan mencari cara penyelesaian yang positif.

  10. Tambahan lagi mereka terpaksa hidup dalam suasana gelap selama ini setelah pihak berkuasa telah memotong bekalan elektrik dan air mereka.

    Tidak bertindak secara kekerasan, semua isu harus ditanggani dengan hati yang tenang.

  11. "penduduk kampung dinasihatkan untuk memohon rumah rakyat di Telipok Ria."

    Satu cara yang digalakkan juga untuk membuat permohonan di Telipok Ria.

  12. The “safety net” that has been promised is less of a trap that sucks you into dependency but more of a trampoline that helps you bounce right back to find your way up that ladder of opportunity.

  13. This has been done so while being steadfast about creating a “Ladder of Opportunity”. Thus there is the opportunity for more citizens to cross over that much riled “Poverty Line” through targeted interventions and join the “New Sabah”. T

  14. unknownJuly 21, 2013 at 11:01 AM

    This has been done so while being steadfast about creating a “Ladder of Opportunity”. Thus there is the opportunity for more citizens to cross over that much riled “Poverty Line” through targeted interventions and join the “New Sabah”. T

  15. Sebanyak 500 unit rumah di bawah Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) akan dibina di kawasan Pekan Muhibah di sini bagi memastikan rakyat di negeri ini menikmati kehidupan yang selesa.

  16. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman berkata projek itu yang telah diluluskan oleh Jabatan Perumahan Negara merupakan inisiatif kerajaan untuk membantu rakyat tinggal di kawasan perumahan yang mempunyai kemudahan dan infrastruktur yang lengkap.

  17. Langkah itu selari dengan hasrat kerajaan Barisan Nasional di bawah kepimpinan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang mahu melihat masyarakat di seluruh negara mendapat kebajikan yang sewajarnya

  18. PPR Gum-Gum itu yang bernilai RM33 juta dibangun- kan sejak tiga tahun lepas, kini telah siap sepenuhnya dan akan disewakan kepada penduduk dengar kadar sewa RM140 sebulan.

  19. PPR itu turut dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan seperti ruang pejabat, surau, dewan, tadika, rumah kedai dan rumah untuk golongan Orang Kurang Upaya.

  20. beliau me- nasihatkan penduduk yang tinggal di PPR supaya memanfaatkan sepenuhnya kemudahan yang disediakan oleh kerajaan itu dan menjaganya dengan sebaik mungkin.

  21. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman berkata, usaha untuk memelihara dan mempromosikan keunikan adat dan budaya sesuatu kaum di negeri ini perlu dilakukan secara berterusan dan tidak terhad semasa musim perayaan sahaja.

  22. Beliau berkata ini kerana pesta atau karnival musim perayaan yang diadakan setiap tahun dapat mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan rakyat berbilang kaum di negara ini khususnya di Sabah.

  23. “Setiap kali berlangsung apa juga pesta atau karnival sempena musim perayaan, kita dapat melihat betapa kukuhnya semangat perpaduan, muhibah dan kekitaan dalam kalangan rakyat pelbagai kaum di negara kita."

  24. Musa berkata, Kerajaan Negeri amat mengalu-alukan dan menyokong penuh apa juga usaha, inisiatif dan komitmen pelbagai pihak termasuk jabatan kerajaan, sektor swasta dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO) bagi memupuk keharmonian sosial dan meningkatkan lagi semangat perpaduan di kalangan rakyat di negeri ini.

  25. karnival seumpama ini juga memberi peluang terbaik kepada rakyat khususnya warga bandaraya membawa ahli keluarga menyaksikan program-program yang disediakan seterusnya mengenali kebudayaan dan adat masyarakat lain.

  26. langkah kerajaan memperkenalkan konsep Rumah Terbuka Malaysia setiap kali musim perayaan utama negara terbukti memberikan impak yang amat positif dari segi kestabilan politik, kemakmuran ekonomi dan sosial rakyat.

  27. aspek ini amat penting kerana kestabilan politik dan sistem pentadbiran yang cekap, akan meningkatkan lagi keyakinan para pelabur untuk menanam modal dan meningkatkan ekonomi negeri, seterusnya mewujudkan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan kepada rakyat.

  28. kita perlu bersama-sama menyedari bahawa kestabilan, keamanan dan keharmonian yang kita nikmati kini bukannya datang secara semula jadi dan sesuatu yang dicapai dengan mudah. Sebaliknya, ia adalah hasil pengorbanan dan sumbangan pelbagai pihak, kerajaan dan rakyat.

  29. amat penting ia dipelihara dan dikekalkan bagi memastikan kestabilan dan keamanan ini terus dipertahankan bagi kepentingan kita dan generasi akan datang

  30. di samping memartabatkan kebudayaan masyarakat di negeri ini, gerai-gerai jualan yang diadakan juga memberi peluang kepada peniaga tempatan untuk mempromosi barangan tempatan kepada pelancong asing dan seterusnya menjana pendapatan tambahan.

  31. The government has allocated RM6 billion to develop agriculture through various sectors under the agriculture and agro-based industry ministry this year.

  32. Sabah is trying to attain self-sufficiency in food production and produces surplus vegetables both highland and lowland vegetables, surplus of poultry and eggs, surplus of marine fish, surplus of milk, but, the fact remains that the State still has a large proportion of population which is poor and there is still poverty.

  33. The challenge therefore is on how to bring a synergy between agriculture and food security; on how to turn agriculture economically and ecologically sustainable in a manner that it does not lead farmers in distress to sell off their land to ‘outsiders’ and become landless and at the same time provide food and nutrition for the masses.

  34. It was reported widely that Switzerland’s Attorney General has opened a criminal investigation into the country’s largest bank, UBS AG, over suspected money laundering of about S$38 trillion which includes US90 million of timber corruption proceeds from Sabah.

  35. The case against UBS was opened on August 29, following a criminal complaint by the Bruno Manser Fund over the bank’s close ties with Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman

  36. The existence of the investigation was confirmed on August 29 by the Office of the Attorney General in the Swiss capital, Bern.

  37. The Bruno Manser Fund accuses “Musa Aman and his nominees” of laundering more than US$90 million of corruption proceeds from the tropical timber business in Sabah

  38. The Swiss government reportedly said that it was ready to freeze Musa’s accounts in Switzerland if the Malaysian authority made a request for legal assistance.

    These allegations however sounds very Dan Brown, singling in on the conspiracy theories.

  39. In his current assignment as adviser on forestry to Sabah chief minister Musa Aman, Sam has been focusing on good forest practices in the state.

  40. Despite being hit by accusations of rampant illegal logging of its forest, the state is all set to post an increase of about 20 percent of Sabah’s total land area under the totally protected area (TPAS) reserves reaching 1.3 million hectares exceeding even the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) standard of 10%.

  41. Sam explains it very succinctly, “Perseverance and desire at the top.” Musa Aman has been consistent in his approach to reduce the dependence on timber revenue soon than later

  42. The forest revenue is about RM150 million a year today as opposed to RM500 million to RM1 billion in the past

  43. His objective is simple: to ensure that the forests are given a chance to recover.


  44. The forest revenue is about RM150 million a year today as opposed to RM500 million to RM1 billion in the past

  45. And according to Sam, the money Bruno Manser Fund is alleging about is a US$90 million “nest egg” purportedly derived from widescale illegal logging activities in Sabah.

  46. That represents plundering of at least 20,000 hectres (50,000 acres) of well-stocked forest. This scale of logging would then represent 50% of the timber produced from natural forest in 2011 or about 30% of Sabah’s timber production in 2010.

  47. If anything, a badly logged well-stocked forest of 20,000ha would have been easily detected by satellites and attracted the attention of NGOs, environmentalists and the communities living nearby

  48. Besides, the enormity of the alleged extent of illegal felling [1 million m3] could not have escaped the attention of the world.

  49. Also, if 50% of the annual production of timber from Sabah was alleged to be illegal, world markets especially sensitive ones like Europe, North America and Japan would have long ago stopped buying timber from Sabah

  50. This enormous economic and financial implication would have been so harmful to the state as a whole and the state budget could have gone topsy-turvy

  51. Musa Aman worked overtime with the forestry to improve on good forest practices and continue to attract the attention of certifying bodies and NGOs, who want to be partners and to assist Sabah in obtaining veritable and certifiable good governance.

  52. Under his leadership, SFM [sustainable forest management] had improved by leaps and bounds.

  53. Short-term licences that caused tremendous damage to the environment were being drastically phased out and Sabah’s forest management credibility is now at its highest

  54. Sabah now has an open-book philosophy whereby, logging and forest management areas are all open to third party and NGO scrutiny

  55. Currently at least 800,000ha of Sabah’s forests are partially or fully certified under various internationally recognised system such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), MTCS (Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme) and PEFC (Pan European Forest Scheme).

  56. This included the 250,000ha of fully certified and 150,000ha of partially certified forest areas under the Sabah Foundation.

  57. many more forest areas are being earmarked for certification as Sabah has set 2014 as the year for all long-term licensed areas to be fully certified.

  58. The process of certification means independent third party is on the ground auditing to assess credibility.

  59. Musa has created model forest centre and ensured that the forest in Sabah will never be “raped” like in the past by unscrupulous people.

  60. At the same time, there has been a consistent effort to educate everyone involve in the timber industry about good forest practices without disturbing the forest

  61. This endeavor, carried out silently, is about to bear fruits now, an indication that Sabah’s forest are well run

  62. And the spill-over effect is evident by the wildlife corridor linking Maliau Basin, Imbak Canyon to Danum/Ulu Segama and the re-classification of Ulu Segama (130,000ha) to total protected status.

  63. As The Duke of Cambridge Prince William and Lady Catherine Middleton prepares for a visit to Danum Valley on the 15th of September, a testament to their longstanding interest in conservation

  64. we should perhaps see this as an indication that the rumours of deforestation and illegal logging is not true. Why would Musa allow the Royal couple into Sabah if the home to some of the last remaining areas of tropical rainforest in South East Asia were indeed in dire straits?

  65. In fact, Sabah has been uniquely placed in Malaysia’s context. Given its good forest practices, pressure on forest is intense.

  66. Timber revenue was a major source of livelihood in absence of industrialisation. Perhaps Sabah stands out as a paradox in the Malaysia Shining story.

  67. Still the state has been consistently growing at the rate of over 8 percent, one of the highest in the country.

  68. There is no doubt that much of this growth comes from the state spending on social welfare schemes and building up of infrastructure.

  69. By economic standards, Sabah virtually offers an inverted model of growth inconsistent with the overall growth narrative.

  70. Musa aman has been making all-out efforts to inject buoyancy in rural market by improving agriculture and tourism.

  71. On the implementation of agricultural projects in Kelantan, the ministry has allocated RM50 million to develop infrastructure through its four Bakat Projects in Rantau Panjang, Lawang (Jeli), Sungai Yong (Pasir Puteh) and Pengkalan Kubor (Tumpat).

  72. City Hall plans to build a gallery to store and showcase historical collections about the city.

  73. any Malaysians, do not necessarily subscribe to the constant barrage of accusations against Musa Aman by the raucous voices of those stuck in the past and for whom manufactured lies is a useful tool to mobilise rakyats opinion.

  74. City mayor, Datuk Iliyas Ibrahim, said that the time has come for the city to have the gallery for the benefit of the public including tourists.

  75. That peace, unity, social harmony and brotherhood now need to be made into permanent features.

  76. I am grateful to all those who pointed out my genuine mistakes during last 10 years. I seek your blessings to serve the people of Sabah with devotion free from all human shortcomings.”

  77. I can say that no one could have been more honest, sincere and human about the State of Sabah. No one could have reflected courage and dedication in a more convincing manner. No one apart from Musa Aman.

  78. Undoubtedly, there is no political leader in Sabah who has been as popular as Musa Aman since its inception in 1963. Musa Aman had charmed the poor and Natives, his influence is not limited in UMNO pockets.

  79. Sabah forest reserves with high conservation value have been reclassified to further protect its biodiversity and wildlife.

  80. The State Assembly passed the amendments to the Forests (Constitution of Forest Reserves and Amendment) Enactment 1984 to excise, constitute, classify and reclassify the forest reserves from Class II to Class I.

  81. Earlier, when proposing the bill, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department Datuk Ellron Angin said the 33,969 hectares of Malua Forest Reserve Class II (Commercial) have been reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Malua Forest Reserve Class I (Protected) which will serve as an important Gene Bank, Malua Bio-Bank project and habitat for the Orang Utan.

  82. In the last five years, after appropriating the Best Chief Minister’s title, Musa has calibrated his communication with people through the language of development.

  83. The 6,665 hectares of Gunung Rara Forest Reserve Class II was reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Mount Magdalena Forest Reserve Class I (Extension).

  84. The other two are the 3,265 hectares of Gunung Rara Forest Reserves Class II and 19,870 hectares of Kalabakan Forest Reserve Class II, that have been reclassified as Protection Forest Reserve Class I and to be known as Tambulanan Forest Reserve Class I and Sungai Tiagau Reserve Class I, respectively. These areas are of high conservation values and act a buffer for the Maliau Basin.

  85. Ellron said that the reclassification aims to protect and conserve the forests, besides maintaining it as a buffer zone to protect the environment and wildlife, which are becoming rarer, threatened and endangered.

  86. The bill also saw the 720 hectares of Mount Wullerdorf Forest Reserve Class I and 228 hectares of Ulu Kalumpang Forest Reserve Class I being excised for the purpose of socio-economic development. Both forest reserves, which are located in Kunak, are degraded and have been encroached.

  87. Following the amendments made to the Enactment, the Sabah Government now has a total of 3,614,730.55 hectares of forest reserves, which is an addition of 5,481 hectare.

  88. Our forest reserves cover at least 48.28 per cent of the state, therefore Sabah’s forest coverage will continue to increase to 52 per cent, which exceeds the National Forestry Policy that targets 48 per cent from the overall size of the state

  89. Before the reclassification of forest reserves were made, Sabah owned 773,705.74 hectares of Forest Reserve Class I (Protection), which was an increase of 55.78 per cent or 431,555.74 hectare compared to 342,150 hectares about a decade ago.

  90. This shows that the state government is commited to conservation work and protecting Sabah’s forests

  91. Ellron added that since 2009, a total of 443,854 hectares of Forest Reserves have been certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), while 424,520 hectares are still pending approval.

  92. That has clicked with people because the subtext of his act says that under Musa’s rule you could make money and have a comfortable life without many political, communal or social disturbances.

  93. This shows that people are ready to re-elect Musa Aman. In his statewide meet the people sessions, men, women and youngsters gather to see him. Their faces evoke emotions.

  94. 'l'lrc corncback rnaclc by thcsc key statuatory bodies and govcrnrncnt-linked companies were extolled by Musa, who is also tho Statc Finance Minister.

  95. "l am pleased that they have fulfilled their roles and responsibility to the government

  96. While many facile analyses will attribute the electoral outcome in Sabah to factors that were marginally relevant, the more astute of analysts will see in the turnout figures what this election was really about.

  97. It would not be exaggeration to describe this election as the one where Women and Youth reposed their faith overwhelmingly in Musa Aman.

  98. In the processing putting up a Firewall against Race, Religion and every other political construct from the decades gone past that have come to define incumbencies.

  99. For the first time in the middle of a high stakes election for an incumbent Chief Minister in a country like Malaysia to go on record and express his commitment to Development takes both courage and conviction.

  100. This has been done so while being steadfast about creating a “Ladder of Opportunity”. Thus there is the opportunity for more citizens to cross over that much riled “Poverty Line” through targeted interventions and join the “New Sabah”.

  101. Social engineering and victimhood narratives have been political anomalies for some time now with a young and impatient Sabahans hungry to satisfy its aspirations making electoral choices that defy conventional political wisdom.

  102. Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, berkata negara ini mempunyai kemasukan modal jangka panjang yang kukuh dalam bentuk pelaburan swasta yang mampu menyokong kemapanan pertumbuhan ekonominya.

  103. Kita mempunyai aliran masuk modal jangka panjang kukuh yang mampu menyokong pertumbuhan berterusan.

  104. Pada suku pertama tahun ini, jumlah pelaburan yang diluluskan ialah RM49.3 bilion, mewakili peningkatan 44 peratus dalam tempoh yang sama 2012

  105. ekonomi negara berada pada landasan kukuh untuk mencapai pertumbuhan lima hingga enam peratus tahun ini didorong ekonomi domestik yang kukuh meskipun berdepan kemerosotan eksport.

  106. pengukuhan ekonomi negara pada masa ini disokong perbelanjaan awam, pelaburan dan penggunaan swasta yang kukuh.

  107. Kita yakin kita dengan mudah boleh mencapai pertumbuhan lima peratus tahun ini. Pada suku pertama lalu, kita mencapai pertumbuhan 4.1 peratus.

  108. Ahmad Husni berkata, kerajaan juga yakin dapat mencapai sasaran defisit empat peratus tahun ini berdasarkan aliran tunai semasa yang kukuh hasil usaha kerajaan meningkatkan pendapatan negara.

  109. Soon they will become anachronisms with the Sabah victory marking the first time an explicit agenda targeting Sabahans being advanced by Musa Aman receiving such a resounding endorsement from the citizenry.

  110. Kerajaan katanya, sedang mengkaji pelaksanaan cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) dan rasionalisasi subsidi dalam meningkatkan lagi pendapatan negara.

  111. Ahmad Husni berkata, sektor kewangan memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi Malaysia dengan menyumbang 12 peratus kepada KDNK negara.
