Sunday, 23 June 2013


KOTA KINABALU: “Even with political stability and conducive economic environment, Sabah cannot attract more home and foreign investors as long as the chocking Cabotage Policy is still in place and enforced” says Lahirul Latigu, Ketua Pemuda PAS Sabah responding to the closing speech by Datuk Musa Haji Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah at the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah on the 20th June 2013.

This is the reality to the economic dampening policy imposed on Sabah by the Central government for the last 30 years.  Calls were made by individuals, NGOs and local business organizations, unfortunately until to date it has fell on the Central government deaf ears.  So much for the good relationship that Sabah has with the Central government claimed by no other than the Chief Minister himself.

Responding to the recent state budget 2013 which the Chief Minister claimed as the biggest in the history of Sabah, Lahirul explained that this claim was made by a person who does not understand basic economics.  For the last 30 years the ringgit has fell in terms of value. 

The RM4 billion today is perhaps only half of the value in 1980, the public can see for themselves how much a RM100 can buy today compared to 1980 which means Sabah has bigger budget in 1980 compared to today.  For a successful businessman, the Chief Minister is claiming nonsense.

It is very sad for Sabah to have a Chief Minister and a Finance Minister who cannot differentiate between obligation of the Federal government to provide for Capitation Grants as in Article 112d of the Federal Constitution and the income stream to improve the welfare of the people in Sabah. 

The Chief Minister can claim whatever he like, the fact remains that the World Bank Report says Sabah has the highest poor people in Malaysia. 

Capitation grants is given to Sabah based on the number of population, The population is based on the last census, yet the census did not include the number of immigrants in Sabah who is right now enjoying the facilities meant for Sabahans. 

Even right now this issue is being discussed by the Royal Commission of Inquiry on immigrants.  Has the Chief Minister overlooked these important issues?

It appears that the Chief Minister’s oversight is not only restricted to the use of facilities for Sabahans but also include other income generating issue for the benefit of the rakyat.

The income figures that the Chief Minister derived from Federal Agencies in Sabah is misleading.  The figures from the IRB for example did not take into account taxes payable by large plantation in Sabah, these figures also did not include import tax on petroleum products to Sabah and export tax of crude petroleum from Sabah. 

These are income for Sabah, the question is where are these income?

As one of the plaintiff to sue PETRONAS as well as the State Government, Lahirul says “As the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Musa Haji Aman is fully aware of Schedule 9 of the Federal Constitution that Land is a State Matter. 

The PETRONAS signed on June 14, 1976 is right now under dispute.  Part of the dispute arises from the fact that the Federal government in 1975 gave away land belonging to Sabah to PETRONAS. Therefore we would like to ask the Chief Minister, who gave Tun Razak the right to give Sabah land to PETRONAS in 1975?”

Lahirul asserts that it is one thing to have friendly relationship with the Federal government, it is another thing when things that should accrue to the state government is compromises. 

As the Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Musa Aman must be aware that any discussion between the Sabah State government and the Federal Government must be done in the spirit and letter of the Malaysia Constitution, the Sabah State Constitution and the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

Discussion cannot be initiated and decided solely based on friendly relationship between the state government and the Federal government.  The fact that Musa Haji Aman is also an active UMNO member many things can be compromised. 

Just because we are friendly, do we give up the rights of Sabah as protected by the Malaysia Constitution, the Sabah Constitution and the Malaysia Agreement 1963?  As it is now the Chief Minister cannot blame the rakyat thinking that this is the price that Datuk Musa has to pay to remain as the Chief Minister of Sabah.


  1. Malang bagi penyokong PAS Sabah mempunyai Ketua Pemuda yang bodoh sombong. Siapa lagi ketua pemuda PAS Sabah jika bukan Lahirul Latigu yang sebelum ini pernah mencetuskan kontroversi berikutan timbul keraguan mengenai taraf kerakyatannya. Hari ini beliau tampil lagi menunjukkan kebodohan beliau dengan nada sombong mempertikaikan pencapaian cemerlang Datuk Musa Aman dalam membangunkan ekonomi negeri ini.

  2. Dalam kenyataan Lahirul melalui portal Sabahkini, beliau cuba menunjukkan kebijaksanaan beliau dalam selok belok ekonomi dengan membuat perbandingan nilai mata wang hari ini dengan 30 tahun yang lalu. Menurut Lahirul, pengumuman bajet tertinggi kerajaan Sabah adalah dibuat oleh orang yang tidak tahu asas ekonomi??

  3. Entah dimana silapnya Datuk Musa Aman mengumumkan bajet tertinggi Sabah, Lahirul lantas membandingkan nilai RM100 pada 30 tahun lalu lebih bernilai berbanding dengan RM100 masa kini dari segi jumlah barangan yang boleh dibeli.

  4. Jika Lahirul menganggap bahawa bajet tertinggi negeri yang mana ianya melebihi RM4 bilion untuk tahun ini tidak bermakna dan dianggap terlalu rendah berbanding 30 tahun lalu, bagaimana pula dengan negeri-negeri lain yang mengumumkan bajet lebih rendah dari negeri Sabah??

  5. Bagaimana dengan bajet negeri Kelantan?? Adakah Lahirul setuju jika saya katakan bahawa kelantan dan negeri-negeri lain yang mengumumkan bajet jauh lebih rendah dari Sabah adalah negeri termiskin atau negeri paling GAGAL dalam menarik pelabur??

  6. Patutlah sehingga kini kerajaan Kelantan gagal membangunkan ekonominya walaupun telah ditadbir urus oleh kerajaan paling bersih, cekap dan amanah di dunia seperti PAS selama lebih 20 tahun. Kegagalan PAS membangunkan ekonomi di negeri jajahannya bukan kerana negeri itu kekurangan sumber, sebaliknya disebabkan oleh teori-teori sampah para pakar ekonominya seperti Lahirul Latigu.

  7. Mana mungkin nilai RM100 kekal sama nilainya untuk tempoh 30 tahun ketika faktor peningkatan harga barangan banyak ditentukan melalui pasaran dunia. Jika asas ekonomi yang mudah seperti ini tidak terlintas langsung difikiran Lahirul, alangkah bodohnya beliau mengutuk pencapaian cemerlang Datuk Musa Aman yang berjaya mengumumkan bajet tertinggi kerajaan negeri Sabah.

  8. Jika Lahirul cukup bijak mengurus ekonomi negeri, kenapa bukan beliau sahaja yang menjadi penasihat ekonomi bekas MB Kedah ketika Kedah masih dijajah PAS? Kenapa Lahirul tidak nasihatkan Azizan bahawa untuk membangunkan ekonomi Kedah, kerajaan tidak perlu memusnahkan alam sekitar terutamanya hutan?? Atau kenapa tidak cadangkan teori-teori ekonomi Lahirul tentang bagaimana menarik pelabur asing selain dari terus bergantung dengan hasil balak Kedah??

  9. Sebagai nota tambahan kepada Lahirul yang lebih suka melalak berbanding dengan mengkaji pencapaian kerajaan negeri Sabah, disini saya terangkan bahawa kemampuan kerajaan negeri Sabah mengumumkan bajet terbesar dalam sejarah negeri ini membuktikan kerajaan negeri pimpinan Datuk Musa Aman sentiasa mengamalkan pengurusan berhemah dalam setiap perbelanjaan dan juga hasil negeri.

  10. Tidak seperti negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat yang mana jumlah bajet yang diluluskan oleh kerajaan pembangkang di Pulau Pinang tidak sampai RM1 bilion, begitu juga dengan di Selangor, jumlah bajet mereka tahun ini hanya sekitar RM1.6 bilion.

  11. Laporan Ketua Audit Negara juga mengakui bahawa Sabah sebagai salah satu negeri yang memiliki rekod terbaik dalam pengurusan kewangan serta berjaya mengekalkan Sijil Tanpa Teguran selama 12 tahun berturut-turut. Selain itu, Sabah juga berjaya mengekalkan penarafan tertinggi ‘AAA’ oleh RAM Rating Services Berhad selama 4 tahun berturut-turut kerana kedudukan fiskal negeri yang mantap dengan lebihan yang berterusan, serta mendapat persijilan ISO 9001:2008 oleh Moody International untuk pengurusan bajet negeri yang efisien dan teratur bagi tempoh 4 tahun berturut-turut.

  12. Sebagai rujukan tambahan untuk Lahirul, akaun-akaun dana disatukan untuk 2011 bagi kerajaan negeri Sabah dan Sarawak adalah yang paling tinggi dalam kalangan negeri-negeri lain, iaitu RM18.5 bilion untuk Sarawak dan RM2.66 bilion untuk Sabah. Selangor jatuh di tempat ketiga dengan RM1.94 bilion sementara Pulau Pinang pula pada tempat keempat dengan RM1.13 bilion.

  13. Sekiranya kita melihat kepada statistik pendapatan negeri untuk tahun 2011, Sarawak menduduki tempat pertama dengan RM6.6 bilion, diikuti oleh Sabah pada tempat kedua dengan RM4.4 bilion, Selangor di tempat keempat dengan RM1.6 bilion dan Pulaiu Pinang di tempat ketujuh dengan RM602 juta.

  14. Untuk tempoh lima bulan pertama pada tahun 2012, eksport negeri terus berkembang pada kadar 7.2 peratus dengan nilai mencecah RM20.7 bilion, manakala import pula telah meningkat pada kadar 30 peratus dengan jumlah mencecah RM16 bilion.

  15. Pertumbuhan tinggi pelaburan tersebut mencerminkan pelaburan besar oleh sektor swasta iaitu sebanyak RM10 bilion pada suku tahun pertama tahun 2012 yang mana ianya juga merupakan pelaburan swasta yang tertinggi di Malaysia. Jesteru, inikah yang dikatakan oleh lahirul bahawa Sabah gagal menarik pelabur???

  16. Dalam kenyataan Lahirul, beliau turut mengulas mengenai kadar kemiskinan di Sabah dengan berpandukan laporan bank dunia yang dikeluarkan pada tahun 2010, seolah-olah tidak ada laporan terkini dari badan lain selepas itu. Jesteru, sebelum rakyat Sabah tertipu dengan pembohongan dan putar-belit Lahirul, eloklah kita lihat juga Kajian Pendapatan Isi Rumah 2012.

  17. Menurut kajian itu, pendapatan bulanan purata isi rumah bagi negeri Sabah meningkat daripada RM3,102 pada 2009 kepada RM4,013 pada 2012. Ketua Pengarah Unit Perancang Ekonomi, Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Yusoff dipetik sebagai berkata, kadar kemiskinan di Sabah juga turut berkurangan daripada 19.7 peratus pada 2009 kepada 8.1 peratus tahun lalu, iaitu penurunan tertinggi kadar kemiskinan yang dicatatkan dalam negara.

  18. Berdasarkan pencapaian kerajaan negeri Sabah diatas, yang mana tentunya tidak dimiliki oleh negeri-negeri Pakatan Rakyat, tidakkah Lahirul terasa bahawa dirinya terlalu bodoh sehingga tanpa segan silu cuba meremehkan keberkesanan, kecekapan dan kebijaksanaan Datuk Musa Aman dalam mengurus ekonomi dan kewangan negeri ini??

  19. Teguran, kritikan serta nasihat ketua pemuda PAS Sabah ini rasanya lebih layak ditujukan kepada negeri-negeri jajahan Pakatan Rakyat, bukannya Sabah. Jika Lahirul tidak ada isu untuk diulas, tidak perlulah tunjuk sikap bodoh sombong mengulas isu yang diluar bidang kemahirannya.

  20. Kerajaan perlu terus memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan kawasan luar bandar di negeri ini bagi mengimbangi tahap pembangunan sedia ada.

  21. Ahli Parlimen Beluran, Datuk Ronald Kiandee berkata, banyak keperluan termasuk kemudahan asas masih perlu dibina di kawasan-kawasan luar bandar negeri ini.

  22. "Mandat besar yang diberi penduduk luar bandar jelas menuntut kerajaan melakukan lebih banyak pembangunan di kawasan tersebut.

  23. "Peruntukan untuk kemudahan asas seperti bekalan elektrik, air dan jalan perlu ditambah untuk kemudahan penduduk luar bandar," katanya ketika berucap dalam majlis pemimpin bersama rakyat.

  24. Menurut Ronald, sokongan masyarakat luar bandar kepada kerajaan BN di negeri ini harus segera diterjemah dengan pelaksanaan program pembangunan yang lebih rancak.

  25. Sehubungan itu, katanya, peruntukan yang lebih besar perlu diberi di kawasan luar bandar dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang bagi membolehkan rakyat setempat menikmati keselesaan.

  26. Sementara itu, beliau berkata, pihaknya menyedari masih banyak kawasan di Beluran belum menerima kemudahan asas yang lengkap.

  27. Ujarnya, antaranya kemudahan jalan raya yang amat penting bagi membolehkan pembangunan dapat dilaksana dengan lebih berkesan.

  28. SABAH actually continues to be one of the best financially-managed states in Malaysia.

  29. Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang said under the stewardship of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Sabah has yet again demonstrated sound financial management last year to maintain its record of efficient and prudent handling of its finances over the last 10 years.

  30. Sabah has been very focused in its financial management and as a result its financial standing has improved tremendously over the years, he said at the presentation of the auditor-general's Unqualified Audit Certificate (UAC) to six state departments and agencies in Sabah.

  31. The six are the State Secretary's Office, Treasury, Public Service Department, Printing Department, Rural Development Corporation and Kudat Municipal Council.

  32. Lauding Sabah for setting the trend in sound financial management, Ambrin noted that the recipients of the UAC in Sabah for last year had doubled compared to that in 2010.

  33. He also said that 34 state ministries, departments and agencies had shown exemplary financial management with six of them awarded a four-star rating and 21 with three-star rating.

  34. The auditor-general also praised state departments and agencies in Sabah for being prompt in submitting their statement of accounts to his office every year.

  35. This shows that Sabah under the leadership of the Datuk Seri Musa as the chief minister has been practising good governance, Ambrin said.

  36. Since Musa, who also hold the finance portfolio, took over the helm of the state government in 2003, Sabah's reserves had increased to a whopping RM4 billion.

  37. Thanking Ambrin for relentlessly imparting advice and guidance on sound financial management to departments and agencies in Sabah, Musa said putting Sabah's finances on a strong footing had been among his top priority when assuming the state leadership.

  38. I believe we have proven our success in managing our state resources and finances, contrary to claims by certain quarters who have been questioning our capability and efficiency, Musa said.

  39. The underlying core values driving SEDIA shall be in line with the theme of One Malaysia, People First and Performance Now.

    SEDIA will endeavour to establish a seamless working relations as a One Stop Centre between State and Federal agencies in Sabah, between the public and private sectors, as well as engaging with key stakeholders, such as NGOs and the people a whole.

    SEDIA will also endeavour to make full use of existing competencies within the State and the nation via arrangements such as appointment of agents, implementing agencies, outsourcing and consultancy arrangements.

    SEDIA endeavours to have a focused execution of SDC initiatives to make Sabah more competitive and attractive in relation to competitors as a place to do business, for leisure, and to live in. These initiatives are expected to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of all Malaysians in Sabah.

  40. Sudah 10 tahun Datuk Musa Aman menerajui kerajaan BN Negeri sabah dan beliau juga telah pun menunjukkan pencapaian yang memberangsangkan untuk Sabah,

    Seperti yang kita tahu Datuk Musa telah berjaya menambah rizab negeri, memacu enjin pertumbuhan ekonomi negeri, menarik masuk pelaburan mega dan meningkatkan kompetensi syarikat-syarikat berkaitan kerajaan negeri.

  41. Pelbagai cerita yang kita dengar tetang Datuk Musa, meskipun berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran dan kritikan, Datuk Musa masih berjaya.

    Rakyat Sabah seharusnya berbangga yang belanjawan negeri itu telah meningkat secara konsisten setiap tahun sejak Datuk Musa mengambil alih kepimpinan BN di negeri itu. Ini menunjukan yang mana Datuk Musa bukannya pemimpin yang mementingkan diri seperti beberapa pihak katakan mengenai keburukan beliau. Dan, Belanjawan untuk 2013 ialah RM4,088 bilion.

  42. Paling besar pernah dibuat oleh kerajaan negeri Sabah. Ini menunjukkan yang terdapatnya pengurusan dana yang berhati-hati. Dengan pengendalian pengurusan kewangan negeri yang cekap, Musa telah berjaya mengumpulkan dana rizab negeri terbesar bagi mengekalkan ekonomi Sabah.

    Ini ialah pada hakikatnya yang mana kerajaan di bawah Datuk Musa mengamalkan pengurusan kewangan yang berhati-hati dan berhemat. Malah, untuk ini, Audit Negara telah mengumumkan yang Sabah adalah antara negeri dengan rekod terbaik dalam pengurusan kewangan. Sabah telah diiktiraf dengan “Clean Bill” sejak 12 tahun lepas.

  43. Sejak sekian lama, ekonomi utama negeri itu ialah BALAK. Tetapi Datuk Musa mengambil langkah terbaik dan menyedari yang BALAK cepat pupus dan sumber negeri itu perlu dipelbagaikan. Ekonomi baru telah diperkenalkan dengan penekanan utama kepada sektor PERTANIAN, PEMBUATAN dan PELANCONGAN.

    Sabah amat bernasib baik kerana mempunyai Datuk Musa Aman yang menerajui BN Sabah. Kejayaannya juga ialah disebabkan beliau menggunakan “kuasa minda” berbanding emosi dalam melaksanakan tugasnya memajukan negeri itu. Maka setiap apa yang dibuat oleh Datuk Musa adalah hasil daripada pandangan dan perbincangan dengan ahli dan pemimpin lain. Terima Kasih Datuk Musa.

  44. Sekong Assemblyman Datuk Samsuddin Yahya suggested that the Ministry of Resource Development and Information Technology introduce a domestic helper course to reduce the dependence on workers from other countries like Indonesia, Philippines or Thailand.

    Samsuddin said this at the State Legislative Assembly Meeting debate session held in Kota Kinabalu yesterday.

  45. “It is high time that the state government found a solution to prevent this issue from recurring,” said the Sekong Assemblyman.

    He said the course could be introduced by the Department of Human Resource Development using the same approach implemented for other programs like the hospitality program.

    Samsuddin is confident that with good training as well as the right remuneration and employee benefits package, local workforce will begin to assume the role of domestic helpers.

  46. Cultural and language barriers can also be minimized with the employment of local domestic helpers, said Samsuddin. He is also hopeful that the domestic helper course will alter the negative perception that some people have towards this occupation.

    “We want this perception to be removed from society,” said the Sekong Assemblyman. He thinks that a maid with a level of education not only can take care of the children but can probably also help them with their school work.

  47. The Sabah State Government has approved a payout amounting RM511,000 to 1,022 participants of an agropolitan project in Lalampas, as part of the rural agricultural development programme.

    Masiung Bana, who is the State Assemblyman for Kuamut and Assistant Minister to Youth and Sports Minister, was speaking during the presentation of dividends to participants of the Lalampas Agropolitan Project at Kampung Simpang Entilibon.

  48. He said the third allocation was in line with the government’s strategy to reduce hardcore poverty.

    The project involves a land area of 9,000 hectares zoned for oil palm cultivation undertaken by 1,022 villagers from 16 kampungs within the Kuamut state constituency.

  49. Under the payout scheme, eligible members of the Lalampas Agropolitan Project would receive a dividend of RM 500 per person on a regular basis.

    Masiung urged the people to take advantage of the Agropolitan project to create a better life for themselves.

    The General Manager of the Sabah Land Development Board Jhuvarri Majid were among those who attended the ceremony.

  50. He is logically mistaken.

  51. Read more: 'Drop in Sabah's poverty rate proves effectiveness of BN programmes' - Latest - New Straits Times

  52. While refuting allegations by the opposition that the BN government failed to bring development to Sabah, which includes eradicating poverty, he said the drop in poverty can dismiss any doubt about the BN government's capabilities.

  53. He said credit should be given to the Chief Mnister and his cabinet for their poverty programmes which have achieved the target and brought results.

    "I hope the people of Sabah are not misdled by the opposition who try to deny any success from BN's programmes," he told Bernama when contacted today.

  54. The former chief minister said this when asked to comment on a statement by Economic Planning Unit director-general Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Yusoff on the matter.

  55. When announcing the early results of the Household Income Study (HIS) 2012 here yesterday, Rahamat Bivi was quoted saying the drop in Sabah's poverty rate, from 19.7 per cent in 2009 to 8.1 per cent last year, was the highest recorded in the country. -- BERNAMA

  56. Penurunan drastik kadar kemiskinan di Sabah daripada 19.7 peratus pada 2009 kepada 8.1 peratus tahun lepas menunjukkan program kemiskinan yang dilaksanakan kerajaan Sabah di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman membuahkan hasil.

  57. Kejayaan itu adalah fakta yang jelas dan benar, sekali gus melenyapkan keraguan tentang kemampuan kerajaan BN membangunkan negeri ini. Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak berkata kredit seharusnya diberi kepada Ketua Menteri dan Kabinetnya atas program kemiskinan yang sasarannya tepat dan membuahkan hasil.

  58. Kadar kemiskinan di kawasan luar bandar mencatatkan pengurangan daripada 32.8 peratus pada 2009 kepada 12.9 peratus tahun lepas, manakala di kawasan bandar, angka itu berkurangan daripada 9.8 peratus kepada 5.3 peratus.hasil kajian HIS 2012 itu menunjukkan pendapatan isi rumah purata bagi Sabah pada 2012 meningkat kepada RM4,013 sebulan berbanding RM3,102 pada 2009, peningkatan 29.4 peratus dengan kadar pertumbuhan purata 8.6 peratus setahun.


    ~ Strong Interest in SDC from China Investors

    China investors show a strong interest in investment prospects in Malaysia, particularly Sabah, said Datuk Dr. Mohd Yaakub Johari Chief Executive President of Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA).

    "The keen interest in investment opportunities in Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) by foreign investors indicate their confidence in Sabah’s economic future," he said.

    Dr. Mohd Yaakub said that SEDIA welcomes inquiries about the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) and the investment , business and employment opportunities that it offers, as well as the incentives and related policies and procedures designed to encourage investments.

  60. Salleh yang juga Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Sabah berkata kejayaan itu membuktikan program transformasi yang diperkenalkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berjaya menepati sasaran.Katanya jumlah dana yang besar disediakan kerajaan BN ternyata memberi kesan positif dalam mengurangkan kadar kemiskinan di Sabah.


    ~ Strong Interest in SDC from China Investors

    Last Friday, a delegation from China’s Tsinghua Investment Consortium paid a courtesy visit to SEDIA at Wisma SEDIA. The delegation was led by Ma Mingqiang, Secretary General of the ASEAN-China Center.

    The meeting explored what business opportunities were available to investors. The ASEAN China Centre, is an inter-governmental organization that was officially launched in 2011 to boost closer ties among the ten ASEAN states and China. The organization has forwarded a list of investment proposals to be considered for the SDC.

    Among the proposals were the setting up of an international school, high-end hotels, healthcare centres, corporate headquarters, agricultural and marine-based food processing enterprises, shopping malls, a regional logistic centre, golf courses, a water-related recreation centre, a yacht building/maintenance yard, a 20,000-unit residential area in Sabah and the Asia-Pacific Professional Managers’ Training Center (Tsinghua).


    ~ Strong Interest in SDC from China Investors

    One of the delegates, Prof. Luo Jianbin, the Director of the Center at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, said that he found Sabah a very attractive place to invest in as any partnership between China and Malaysia in human capital development would have enjoyed a good head start.

    The discussion also touched on the SDC tax incentives package, which is to attract investors globally and within Malaysia. The investment tax incentive package covers the tourism, manufacturing, and agriculture sectors and major industries.

    These are investments especially in SDC’s flagship projects including the Sabah Agro-Industrial Precinct (SAIP), Sandakan Education Hub, Sabah Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP), the Lahad Datu Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC), Integrated Livestock Valley, Kinabalu Gold Coast Enclave and Marine Industry Cluster.

    Tax incentives will vary based on the focus areas, ranging from full tax exemption on statutory income for up to ten years, investment tax allowance of 100 per cent on qualifying capital expenditure for five years, and full exemption on import duty and sales tax exemption, subject to current policy. The period for tax incentives is for applications received by SEDIA up until 31 December 2020. The tax incentives mechanism is under the purview of the National Committee on Investments (NCI).


    ~ Strong Interest in SDC from China Investors

    Datuk Dr. Mohd Yaakub said he hoped that the meeting would further enhance the relationship between China and Malaysia and in particular between SEDIA and Tsinghua Investment Consortium as well as the ASEAN China Center in Beijing.

    SEDIA is entrusted by the State and Federal Government to be the One-Stop Authority to deal with all aspects of the SDC, with the primary responsibility to plan, coordinate, promote and accelerate its development.

  64. Sasaran Rancangan Malaysia Ke-10 bagi mengurangkan kadar keseluruhan kemiskinan rakyat kepada dua peratus menjelang 2015 berjaya dicapai tiga tahun lebih awal dengan pencapaian 1.7 peratus tahun lalu.

  65. Perangkaan Penyiasatan Pendapatan Isi Rumah (PPIR) ke atas 44,000 isi rumah menunjukkan pengurangan insiden kemiskinan adalah menyeluruh iaitu pencapaian satu peratus bagi 2012 berbanding 1.7 peratus pada 2009 di bandar, manakala 3.4 peratus dan 8.4 peratus di luar bandar dalam tempoh sama.

  66. Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, berkata jumlah isi rumah miskin juga berkurangan sebanyak 52.7 peratus iaitu daripada 108,000 isi rumah pada 2009 kepada 228,400 isi rumah, tahun lalu.

  67. Nor Mohamed berkata, Sabah mencatatkan pengurangan kadar kemiskinan yang ketara iaitu daripada 19.7 peratus kepada 8.1 peratus dalam tempoh tiga tahun berkenaan, diikuti Perlis daripada enam peratus kepada 1.9 peratus.


    ~ How Sabah fares in the nation’s economic transformation programme

    Sabah is well positioned to play a major role in th the economic transformation program, as the state is well endowed with resources to interact fully with the 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) to develop a high income economy.

    The state’s NKEAs are sectors with a huge growth potential, namely, oil and gas, and energy, tourism, agriculture, palm oil, education, health, wholesale and retail, communication and infrastructure.

    The oil and gas and energy sector is a particularly vibrant sector that will propel Sabah’s economic future. The involvement of more Sabah companies in Petronas contracts and ventures has increased the state’s sense of ownership of its soil and gas resources.

    In supporting the development of oil and gas sector in the state, a training centre has been established by Petronas at the site of Sabah Oil and Gas Teminal (SOGT) in Kimanis. Other skills training to meet the needs of skilled workers in the oil and gas industry are offered by the MARA Skills Training Institute, the Industrial Training Institute in Kota Kinabalu and Papar, Pusat Giat Mara Kimanis and Yayasan Sabah College.

    The Sipitang Oil & Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP) is expected to attract investments worth RM12 billion with the potential to offer 30,000 jobs when it is fully developed. The location of this park within the Sabah, Brunei and Labuan economic triangle will become a focal point of new oil and gas investments in that region.

    Located within SOGIP, the SAMUR Project is a strategic development supporting the oil and gas industry in Sabah. The projects comprise an ammonia plant, a urea plant and a granulation plant, as well as integrated utility units and jetty facilities. The project involves the development of a new fertiliser plant with urea production capacity of 1.2 million metric tons per annum. The Samur Project Complex is expected to be ready in 2015.

    Sabah Oil and Gas Teminal is one of PETRONAS’ key projects in Sabah. The terminal will have the capacity to receive 260 kpbd (kilo barrels per day) of oil and 1,250 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) of natural gas.

    The progress in the oil and gas sector gives Sabah a stong economic footing to embark on its quest for a high income economy alongside other states in line with the country’s economic transformation programme.

  69. Beliau menjelaskan, peningkatan purata pendapatan isi rumah bulanan daripada RM4,025 pada 2009 kepada RM5,000 tahun lalu juga adalah menyeluruh iaitu daripada RM4,705 kepada RM5,742 bagi bandar dan RM2,545 kepada RM3,080 bagi luar bandar.

  70. Ini adalah petanda kejayaan kerajaan menggalakkan pembinaan landasan ekonomi yang kukuh melalui pelebaran pembangunan di kawasan bandar yang menempatkan lebih 71 peratus penduduk Malaysia.

  71. Pada masa sama, kerajaan tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawab menyediakan pelbagai infrastruktur dan skim untuk menjana pendapatan bagi masyarakat luar bandar.

  72. Kerajaan akan terus berusaha memajukan tanah-tanah di negeri ini bagi membolehkan rakyat mendapat manfaat melalui program Mini Estet Sejahtera (MESEJ).

  73. Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman berkata, kerajaan negeri melalui agensi-agensi di bawahnya juga akan memastikan kerjasama yang mapan bagi membolehkan semua kemudahan asas dapat disalur di tanah yang dimajukan demi keselesaan peserta program.

  74. Menurutnya, selain Tenom kerajaan juga akan mewujudkan 6-lagi MESEJ di seluruh negeri pada tahun ini menjadikan lebih 50-MESEJ secara keseluruhan.

  75. MESEJ di Ulu Patian adalah yang pertama diwujudkan dalam Mukin Rundum dan keempat dalam daerah Tenom. Berkeluasan 200-hektar kawasan ini ditanam getah melibatkan 66-peserta dalam golongan miskin tegar.

  76. The most shocking news is to shock yourself with all thing.

  77. Musa has taken the state to greater heights. When Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman took over the state government in 2003, he introduced a development blueprint called halatuju to propel Sabah to greater heights.

  78. Musa's now in his record 10th year in office. Previously, the longest-serving chief minister had served only nine years.His halatuju focuses on agriculture, manufacturing and tourism as catalysts for the state's economic development.

  79. Known as a strong advocate of strict financial management, Musa, with support from his colleagues in the state Barisan Nasional government, has improved the state's finances significantly.

  80. With its economy and revenue growing consistently over the last 10 years, the state government has produced a budget that has risen since 2003.Its RM4.088 billion budget for this year is the largest in state history. The figure is nearly double the RM2.3 billion budget in 2008.

  81. The State Government's significant success in reducing the poverty rate within a very short period came in for praise by the business community in Sabah, saying it augurs well with efforts to boost the state's economy.

  82. The people of Sabah have every reason to rejoice over the big budget as this means more development programmes.The rising revenue and development budgets are the perfect riposte to critics, who describe Sabah as one of the poorest and least developed states in the country.

  83. Despite uncertainties in the global economy and the fluctuating prices of oil, gas and commodities, such as palm oil and timber, Sabah's economic fundamentals have remained strong because of political stability, coupled with the state's administration and financial management.

  84. Sabah has become a popular investment destination among both domestic and foreign investors. A good record of financial management as well as good governance had given confidence to investors.

  85. Over the past 11 years, Sabah has been recognised as among the top states with sound financial management, which has earned it a clean-bill rating from the auditor-general.The state received the highest rating of triple A (AAA) by RAM Rating Services for the last three years for its strong fiscal position.

  86. It obtained the International Organisation for Standardisation certification from Moody International for efficiency and proper state budget management for three consecutive years.The auditor-general's report for last year revealed the state's financial achievements.

  87. For example, the state's reserves had exceeded RM3 billion, its revenue had surpassed RM4 billion, its actual surplus amounted to RM730 million, its development expenditure stood at RM1.17 billion and it had no outstanding arrears on federal loans.

  88. The state has also reduced the number of poor by more than half last year compared with that in 2009.Preliminary results of a nationwide survey by the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department showed the poverty rate in the state last year stood at 8.1 per cent compared with 19.7 per cent in 2009, the lowest in more than 20 years.

  89. The survey showed that the state's monthly household income had increased by 29.4 per cent last year (RM4,013) from RM3,012 in 2009. The monthly household income in urban areas had increased by 22.7 per cent (RM3,803) in 2009 to RM4,668 last year, while in rural areas, it had risen by 33.8 per cent to RM2,913 from RM2,177.

  90. In 2009, Sabah's poverty line stood at RM1,050, with the hardcore poor categorised as those earning less than RM520 a month.

  91. Meanwhile, the government has set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry on illegal immigrants. It has also issued communal titles for landless locals.The good ties between the state leadership and the federal government are key to the state's progress.

  92. Sabah has become a popular investment destination among both domestic and foreign investors. A good record of financial management as well as good governance had given confidence to investors.

  93. They see it as not only good for the State's economy but also in efforts to reduce the socio-economic gap between Malaysians in the peninsular and in Sabah and Sarawak.

  94. The state clinched the third spot after Selangor and Johor in terms of investment value in the manufacturing sector throughout 2012. Head of State Tun Haji Juhar Haji Mahiruddin said this in his policy speech when opening the first session of the 14th State Assembly sitting here yesterday.

  95. According to him, manufacturing activitities will continue to be intensified to boost economic growth and this year, the sector is targetting RM5.44 billion in investments. “To achieve this endeavour, more infrastructural facilities will be provided in the industrial areas with focus on the Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) in Lahad Datu and Sandakan, the Sipitang Oil and Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP) as well as the Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park (KKIP),” the Governor said.

  96. The oil and gas sector remains a major contributor to Sabah’s gross domestic product (GDP) and is expected to expand even more rapidly following the discovery of new oil fields.

  97. Statistics Department Director-General Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Yusoff had said that the poverty rate in Sabah, under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, had declined to 8.1 per cent last year, a double digit drop from 19.7 per cent in 2009, the highest reduction registered nationwide.

  98. This was based on preliminary findings of the department's Household Income Survey (HIS) 2012 for Sabah, she said, adding it was a significant achievement in the context of poverty eradication programmes in the country.

  99. And, Tun Juhar said the oil and gas sector is expected to attract a mammoth investment worth over RM30 billion and that the focus would be on the upstream and downstream industries. On the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC), which is now into phase two (2011-2015), he said it is moving on the right track.

  100. At this stage, 11 high impact private projects worth RM1.7 billion are being implemented. Overall, the total investment as at 2012, is worth RM14.5 billion.

  101. Apart from that, the SDC will step up efforts to bring about more value-added activities through cooperation with global companies as well as the strengthening of small and medium industries. Tun Juhar said the state government would also strive to attract more private investments apart from providing adequate infrastructures and highly-skilled workers to boost the development of SDC.

  102. Federation of Sabah Manufacturers (FSM) President Datuk Wong Khen Thau, praising the State Government and Musa as the Chief Minister for the outstanding achievement, said it is a remarkable job in a short period of time.

  103. "This is something remarkable considering the short period. I congratulate the Government for it. It is normally not easy and takes a long periodÉthis is good for the State's economy and to reduce the economic gap between West and East Malaysians," he said, adding that the efforts in this direction must continue.

  104. Kota Kinabalu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KKCCI) President Michael Lui Yen Sang echoed the view saying the great decrease in poverty rate means more people have money to spend which is good for business and the State economy in general.

  105. He said the Chamber would continue to play its role accordingly and support every initiative made by the State Government.

  106. Tun Juhar also touched on information and communication technology (ICT), saying in the era of globalisation, the government has implemented various programmes to develop this sector including to produce a knowledgeable and informative community. And, in the line with this aspiration to develop ICT as a catalyst to national development, the Governor said the state government would also make concerted efforts to ensure the development of this sector this year.

  107. The efforts, he said would include increasing broadband penetration especially in rural areas across the state wth the aim to produce a society that is savvy in ICT in future. Meanwhile, Tun Juhar commended the Election Commission and police for successfully conducting the recently-concluded 13th general election.

  108. Kadazandusun Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) President-Elect Bonipasius Bianis said credit must go to the implementation of poverty eradication programmes and projects meant to increase the income and living quality of the target group.

  109. He attributed it to the e-Kasih system, the 1Azam programme, 1Azam monthly allowance, housing assistance programme (PBR) and micro credit, as well as the Agropolitan, Mini Estet Sejahtera (Mesej), hardcore poor people plantation programme, local economic development programme and so on.

  110. "Besides the State Government and Musa, KCCI are also thankful to Tan Sri Bernard Dompok for boosting the plantation sector which gives opportunities to the smallholders to increase their income," he said.

  111. KCCI see this as very important considering that many poor people among the Kadazandusun and Murut (KDM) community need motivation to increase the productivity in their agriculture venture, whether through the existing crops they cultivated or those newly introduced to them.

  112. “It was a well-run and peaceful election. I wish to congratulate the Chief Minister (Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman) and the Barisan Nasional for again being given the mandate by the people to continue with the ongoing development programmes.

  113. “And, I hope all the elected representatives will do their level best to serve the people as well as to play an active role in assisting the government to develop our state,” Tun Juhar said.

  114. Kerajaan Sabah melakukan apa sahaja yang ia boleh untuk membantu rakyat, terutamanya dengan pembangunan perumahan baru, kata Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Perumahan Negeri, Datuk Hajiji Noor.

  115. Beliau berkata kenyataan baru-baru ini oleh penilai hartanah tempatan bahawa kerusi Parlimen yang dikuasai pembangkang di Kota Kinabalu dan tiga kerusi dewan undangan negeri akan mencatatkan kurang pembangunan bagi tahun-tahun akan datang sebagai mengarut.

  116. "Kota Kinabalu ialah ibu negeri dan penduduknya juga membayar cukai, dan sama ada pembangkang menang atau kami (Barisan Nasional) menang, kami masih perlu menjaganya," katanya.


  117. Hajiji berkata demikian di pelancaran Lido Avenue, pembangunan komersil bercampur dan kediaman.

    Lido Avenue terdiri daripada 15 unit kedai atau lot pejabat dan 228 unit rumah kediaman di blok menara berkembar 26 tingkat.


  118. Beliau berkata pelancaran satu lagi pembangunan kediaman mewah itu merupakan bukti ekonomi mencatatkan prestasi baik.

  119. "Implikasinya hanya boleh menjadi positif. Jika ekonomi tidak elok atau sekiranya sektor swasta tidak ada keyakinan terhadap kerajaan, kita tidak akan melihat pelancaran berturut-turut projek perumahan dalam beberapa tahun lepas, dan saya yakin lebih banyak akan dilancarkan dalam tahun-tahun akan datang," katanya.

  120. Hajiji berkata sejak 2010, kira-kira 2,113 unit hartanah bertanah seperti rumah teres dan 2,126 unit hartanah hak milik strata seperti pangsapuri telah diluluskan atau dilancarkan.

    "Ini di Kota Kinabalu dan Penampang sahaja ... sebahagian telah siap dan dijual dan sebahagian masih sedang dibina," katanya.

  121. Beliau berkata kira-kira 15,000 unit rumah akan dibina dalam tempoh beberapa tahun akan datang menerusi usaha bersama Persatuan Pemaju Perumahan dan Hartanah Sabah, Pihak Berkuasa Pembangunan Perumahan dan Bandar dan Syarikat Perumahan Negara.

  122. Sementara itu, Hajiji merayu sektor swasta untuk menimbang menurunkan harga rumah mereka.


  123. "Walaupun kami bersetuju yang kami mengamalkan sistem enterpris bebas dan harga ditentukan oleh pasaran, terdapat perkara yang dipanggil tanggungjawab korporat atau sekurang-kurangnya anda membuat sedikit kebajikan dan tidak terlalu memikirkan keuntungan," katanya.

  124. The 2014 budget focus group, which will meet in July, will, among others, discuss developing a Malaysian happiness index’, says Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

  125. “Now, we see all government policies in the context of generating economic growth only but how do we link it to the peoples’ prosperity?”, he asked.

  126. “As an example, there are rich countries but the wealth is only in the hands of a few. In this context we can learn from what is happening in other countries. There should be a balance in this country between the rich and the low-income”, he told reporters after a thanksgiving function here yesterday.

  127. Ahmad Husni, who is also Tambun Member of Parliament, said 15 focus groups, comprising representatives from both the public and private sectors, would focus on how to accelerate growth based on investment and productivity, fiscal measures enhance and retain the participation of women workforce and increase the contribution of small-and-medium enterprises to the economy.

  128. A total of 96 memorandums have been submitted to the Ministry of Finance for consideration covering a wide spectrum of macro, sectoral and social issues.

  129. Ahmad Husni said he would chair four focus groups while his deputy will chair the the remaining groups. The 2014 budget will be tabled in Parliament on Oct 25.

  130. Beberapa langkah telah dan akan diambil pihak berkuasa untuk menangani masalah ketiadaan air yang sedang dihadapi penduduk Labuan ketika ini.

  131. Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Yahya Hussin menyeru Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah (Jheains) bergerak lebih proaktif di peringkat daerah dalam menyelidiki permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh sekolah-sekolah agama kerajaan.

  132. Katanya, pegawai-pegawai Jheains yang ditugaskan di setiap daerah di seluruh Sabah ini harus menyelidiki permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh sekolah-sekolah agama agar ia dapat di bawa ke peringkat kerajaan untuk penyelesaian.

  133. Kita (kerajaan) ada mendengar keluhan di peringkat Sekolah di mana mereka menghadapi masalah tidak cukup peralatan dan juga guru… ada sekolah agama kerajaan yang mengambil guru tambahan dan memberi gaji dengan sendiri,

  134. malahan kadang kala mereka terpaksa mengutip derma di sana sini,” kata Yahya yang juga Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Makanan merangkap Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Petagas ketika ditemui media selepas merasmikan Projek Naik Taraf Masjid Jamek Putatan, di sini, kelmarin.

  135. Katanya, untuk itu, Jheains harus memperbaiki perkhidmatan mereka dan mengurangkan proses birokrasi supaya permasalahan rakyat akan sampai ke peringkat kerajaan dengan cepat.

  136. Sementara itu, Yahya menyatakan rasa bangganya terhadap Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid Jamek Putatan yang berjaya melaksanakan projek naik taraf masjid ini tanpa bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Kerajaan.

  137. Katanya, kos pelaksanaan projek naik taraf masjid ini yang berjumlah kira-kira RM24,000 telah ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh penduduk dan para jemaah yang sering menziarahi masjid ini.

  138. AJK masjid juga telah berjaya menjimatkan kos mengupah kontraktor apabila penduduk kampung sendiri yang bergotong royong dalam melakukan kerja-kerja penaiktarafan.

  139. Katanya, kerajaan mengalu-alukan pendekatan seumpama ini kerana ia bukan sahaja mampu menyuntik semangat kekitaan malahan juga dapat menyemai semangat sayangkan kemudahan awam.

  140. Sikap seumpama ini juga mencerminkan kerjasama antara rakyat dan Kerajaan dapat diwujudkan,

  141. Maka katanya, kerajaan dapat melaksanakan program pembangunan dengan licin dan berkesan apabila wujudnya perpaduan dan kerjasama dari rakyat.

  142. Bagaimanapun katanya, konsep tidak bergantung sepenuhnya kepada kerajaan bukan bererti semua projek pembangunan ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh rakyat.

  143. Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah kerja-kerja yang dibuat oleh rakyat tidak perlulah meminta bantuan daripada kerajaan memandangkan kerajaan menyediakan peruntukan besar untuk melaksanakan projek-projek lain

  144. Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) akan mewujudkan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) untuk petugas perubatan ketika menjalankan sesuatu tugasan di kawasan berisiko secepat mungkin pada tahun ini.

  145. Menterinya, Datuk Seri Dr. S.Subramaniam berkata, SOP itu diperlukan oleh pasukan perubatan di dalam merangka pelan tindakan kecemasan apabila berhadapan dengan kes-kes kecemasan di kawasan berisiko.

  146. Saya berharap agar SOP yang akan diwujudkan ini akan menjadi rujukan dan pemandu dalam melaksanakan tindakan dengan mengambil kira kepentingan dan keselamatan awam termasuk keselamatan para petugas kementerian

  147. Beliau berkata demikian ketika sidang media selepas Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Penghargaan Kepada Warga KKM Yang Terlibat Dalam Operasi Daulat Lahad Datu di Hotel Promenade di sini kelmarin.

  148. Menurutnya, petugas perubatan juga perlu diberi latihan mengenai aspek keselamatan ketika bertugas di kawasan berisiko seperti memerangi pengganas Sulu di Lahad Datu.

  149. Kita perlu adakan satu sistem yang dapat mewujudkan persekitaran sihat dan selamat kepada petugas perubatan kerana mereka turut menghadapi ancaman keselamatan dan perkara ini perlu diberi perhatian.

  150. Garis panduan telah diwujudkan untuk agensi-agensi lain ketika berhadapan situasi berisiko, jadi pasukan KKM juga memerlukannya bagi mengetahui langkah keselamatan yang perlu diambil,’’katanya lagi.

  151. Pada majlis itu, seramai 19 orang wakil setiap pasukan yang terlibat pada operasi itu menerima sijil dan plague penghargaan antaranya Pasukan Pejabat Kesihatan Lahad Datu, Pasukan Emergency Medicine Respone Team (EMRT).

  152. Seramai 2372 anggota pasukan perubatan terlibat dalam operasi itu yang terdiri daripada pakar dalam pelbagai bidang yang berkhidmat secara bergilir-gilir.

  153. Apapun yang diperkatakan oleh anda semua adalah benar dan berdasarkan kepada sumber rujukan masing-masing baik bersumberkan rujukan ilmiah ataupun lahiriah.Sama ada sumber rujukan ekonomi pembangunan, ekonomi mikro, ekonomi makro, ekonomi kewangan, ekonomi perakaunan, ekonomi islam, ekonomi konvensional dan sebagainya.Namun yang lebih penting bagi rakyat yang memahami konsep pembahagian kekayaan yang saksama dan menyeluruh perlu berpijak di bumi nyata. lihat kepada realiti paling mudah iaitu lihatlah dan perhatikanlah berapa ramai anak jati sabah di kampung luar bandar, di kampung pinggir bandar, di kampung tengah bandar melalui kehidupan harian tanpa perlu bersusah payah mencari duit bagi menampung kehidupan. Lihat, perhatikan, selidik dan buat tinjauan literatur. Kita tidak perlu menyebut angka dan fakta yang sukar difahami masyarakat, takut akan mengelirukan mereka kerana apa yang digambarkan tidak menggambarkan diri mereka sendiri secara keseluruhannya terutama masyarakat belia yang bekerja gaji tidak sampai rm500, tidak akan memahami fakta pendapatan rm5000.Adalah lebih baik mencari idea bagaimana membantu mereka itu mencapai tahap pendapatan melepasi paras kemiskinan. Di sinilah peranan kerajaan menggembleng tenaga segenap kakitangannya.Berpijaklah kita di bumi nyata bahawa masih ramai masyarakat sabah berpendapatan di bawah paras kemiskinan. kebanyakan kenaikan pendapatan datangnya daripada kenaikan pendapatan golongan masyarakat berpendapatan tinggi. Contohnya seorang kontraktor mempunyai kenaikan pendapatan rm1 juta daripada rm1 juta tahun sebelumnya kepada rm2 juta tahun berikutnya juga termasuk dalam pengiraan kenaikan pendapatan secara relatif.Ada di antara mereka ini bukan anak jati sabah, atau pemastautin tetap atau datang dari negeri lain.Ini jauh berbeza dengan kenaikan pendapatan pekerja kedai runcit,yang saya tidak perlu kira kerana semua orang maklum besar mana kenaikannya malah ada yang tidak naik-naik sehingga mereka bertukar tempat kerja atau terus berhenti kerja.itulah realitinya kehidupan anak jati sabah

  154. The allocation for the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) will be increased in Budget 2014 to be tabled in October but the quantum would depend on the nation's financial situation, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

  155. Kadar pengangguran negara yang rendah iaitu pada 3.1 peratus adalah bukti kerajaan mampu mengurus ekonomi negara dengan baik, kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

  156. Beliau berkata kadar pengangguran negara yang rendah itu juga menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang hampir mencapai tahap guna tenaga kerja penuh.

  157. Malaysia juga mendahului negara maju lain seperti Sepanyol yang mencatat kadar pengangguran 26.5 peratus, Itali (11.6 peratus), Amerika Syarikat (7.7 peratus), Australia (5.5 peratus) dan Jepun (4.2 peratus)

  158. dalam usaha mencapai agenda transformasi negara, usaha meningkatkan jumlah tenaga pekerja mahir dan mengutamakan kebajikan pekerja adalah dua aspek penting bagi mencapai matlamat tersebut

  159. Perdana Menteri berkata kerajaan juga menyediakan dasar dan program di sektor awam dan swasta yang dapat mempertingkatkan kemahiran, kompetensi serta keilmuan para pekerja.

  160. Setakat ini hanya 28 peratus pekerja di Malaysia yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai pekerja mahir, dan kerajaan mensasarkan menjelang 2020, angka ini mesti mencapai sasaran 50 peratus

  161. para pekerja di negara ini perlu berusaha untuk dikategorikan sebagai pekerja yang mahir, bukan pekerja yang tidak mahir ataupun separuh mahir.

  162. majikan juga perlu memberi penekanan terhadap kebajikan para pekerja bagi memastikan golongan pekerja, sama ada sektor awam atau swasta, dapat terus dihargai atas dedikasi dan produktiviti yang disumbangkan mereka dalam organisasi.

  163. kesepaduan antara golongan pekerja, majikan dan kerajaan perlu diperkukuh bagi menjayakan agenda transformasi negara kerana masing-masing mempunyai peranan penting dalam bidang tertentu.

  164. Tanpa kesepaduan tiga golongan ini, kita akan menghadapi perbalahan konflik yang akan menjadi hambatan kepada pencapaian kepada dasar transformasi negara kita

  165. kerajaan sentiasa melaksanakan penambahbaikan dalam perkara berkaitan pekerja termasuk pindaan terhadap akta berkaitan dengan umur persaraan dan juga pelaksanaan gaji minimum bagi sektor swasta.

  166. How Sabah fares in the nation’s economic transformation programme

    Sabah is well positioned to play a major role in th the economic transformation program, as the state is well endowed with resources to interact fully with the 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEA) to develop a high income economy.

    1. The state’s NKEAs are sectors with a huge growth potential, namely, oil and gas, and energy, tourism, agriculture, palm oil, education, health, wholesale and retail, communication and infrastructure.

    2. The oil and gas and energy sector is a particularly vibrant sector that will propel Sabah’s economic future. The involvement of more Sabah companies in Petronas contracts and ventures has increased the state’s sense of ownership of its soil and gas resources.

    3. In supporting the development of oil and gas sector in the state, a training centre has been established by Petronas at the site of Sabah Oil and Gas Teminal (SOGT) in Kimanis. Other skills training to meet the needs of skilled workers in the oil and gas industry are offered by the MARA Skills Training Institute, the Industrial Training Institute in Kota Kinabalu and Papar, Pusat Giat Mara Kimanis and Yayasan Sabah College.

      The Sipitang Oil & Gas Industrial Park (SOGIP) is expected to attract investments worth RM12 billion with the potential to offer 30,000 jobs when it is fully developed. The location of this park within the Sabah, Brunei and Labuan economic triangle will become a focal point of new oil and gas investments in that region.

    4. Located within SOGIP, the SAMUR Project is a strategic development supporting the oil and gas industry in Sabah. The projects comprise an ammonia plant, a urea plant and a granulation plant, as well as integrated utility units and jetty facilities. The project involves the development of a new fertiliser plant with urea production capacity of 1.2 million metric tons per annum. The Samur Project Complex is expected to be ready in 2015.

    5. Sabah Oil and Gas Teminal is one of PETRONAS’ key projects in Sabah. The terminal will have the capacity to receive 260 kpbd (kilo barrels per day) of oil and 1,250 mmscfd (million standard cubic feet per day) of natural gas.

      The progress in the oil and gas sector gives Sabah a stong economic footing to embark on its quest for a high income economy alongside other states in line with the country’s economic transformation programme. - Insight Sabah

  167. High GDP growth driven by domestic consumption in 2013

    According to the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), the country's economy is expected to grow 5.6 percent this year, driven primarily by its domestic economy. However, inflation is expected to rise to 2.5 percent due to an increased inflow of capital into the manufacturing sector.

    1. The institute also forecasts the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 2014 to be within 5 and 6 percent with inflation to be maintained at 2.5 percent.

    2. Dr. Zakariah Abdul Rashid maintains that at this rate Malaysia's economic growth is faster than the global economic growth, which is projected at 3.3 percent in 2012 and 3.6 percent in 2013.

    3. He cited Malaysia's strategic location in the world's most dynamic region as the main reason for the high growth.

    4. However he still considers domestic investment as the primary engine of growth. This is due to the on going implementation of the government's Economic Transformation Programme, better export data, and the continuance of negative developments overseas.

    5. Private consumption made up more than half of the nation's real GDP in the third quarter of 2012, at 52.5 percent. This is more than four times the number of government consumption at 11.9 percent.

    6. "As private consumption's share of real GDP is the largest among the expenditure components that make up domestic demand, it is critical to ensure that the growth is sustainable and able to continue to support the overall economic growth," Zakariah stressed.

    7. The government's initiatives in providing cash hand-outs and bonuses for civil servants as well as the newly implemented minimum wage are factors that are expected to help maintain the growth of private consumption spending.

    8. In the case of inflation, Zakariah commented that the 2.5 percent rate is a little higher than the inflation rate last year. However, this is still acceptable as it is the rate that facilitates growth. - Insight Sabah

  168. ESSZONE can boost Sabah economy: Musa

    KOTA KINABALU -- The East Sabah Security Zone (ESSZONE) can be a growth engine and boost the economy of Sabah, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman today.

    1. He said, ESSZONE would firm up the stability in the eastern area of Sabah, Sulu Sea and the East Asian Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) covering Brunei, Indonesia,Malaysia and the Philippines.

    2. "Setting up ESSZONE will definitely boost the security level in east Sabah in the best possible manner.

    3. "This will simultaneously uplift the confidence of tourists and foreign investors to visit and carry out economic activities in Sabah," he said at a Road Show' of the Sabah Foundation With The People in Putatan, near here.

    4. Musa also urged the people not to cease praying for the well being and security of the members of the security forces conducting Operasi Daulat in Lahad Datu, to hunt and nab remnants of the terrorists from Sulu, who intrudedinto Sabah, since more than a month ago.

    5. "The people at every level must be united, confer and cooperate with the government and the security forces in ensuring our peace and security is preserved.

    6. "This is not a question of politics. This is a question of sovereignty and the security of the nation and people. It is the responsibility of all and notonly the members of the security forces," he said.

    7. Musa was also disappointed with the action of the opposition which belittled the members of the security forces who were willing to sacrifice their lives to ensure the security and peace of the people in Lahad Datu.

    8. "Whilst we are facing foreign elements, there are (negative) elements among us.

    9. "The people now can evaluate between the good and the bad, whether the good is Barisan Nasional or the opposition," he added. -- BERNAMA

  169. he 2014 budget focus group, which will meet in July, will, among others, discuss developing a Malaysian happiness index’, says Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

  170. Ahmad Husni, who is also Tambun Member of Parliament, said 15 focus groups, comprising representatives from both the public and private sectors, would focus on how to accelerate growth based on investment and productivity, fiscal measures enhance and retain the participation of women workforce and increase the contribution of small-and-medium enterprises to the economy.

  171. About RM22 million worth of private funding initiatives (PFIs) have been approved under Teraju's (Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera) RM100 million Facilitiation Fund for Sabah.

  172. Senior Director (Stakeholder Management) Norizan Sharif said, Saturday, most of these ftinds are for construction - property development - and the tourism sectors, which he said are the State's promising economic areas.

  173. He explained that similar funds are also allocated in every State in the country, where investments are made based on the same merits.

  174. The Federal Government has allocated a total of RM2 billion for the purpose of setting up of the Facilitation Fund for the whole country

  175. The State Government's significant success in reducing the poverty rate within a very short period came in for praise by the business community in Sabah, saying it augurs well with efforts to boost the state's economy.

    They see it as not only good for the State's economy but also in efforts to reduce the socio-economic gap between Malaysians in the peninsular and in Sabah and Sarawak.

  176. Statistics Department Director-General Datuk Dr Rahamat Bivi Yusoff had said that the poverty rate in Sabah, under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman, had declined to 8.1 per cent last year, a double digit drop from 19.7 per cent in 2009, the highest reduction registered nationwide.

    This was based on preliminary findings of the department's Household Income Survey (HIS) 2012 for Sabah, she said, adding it was a significant achievement in the context of poverty eradication programmes in the country.

  177. The Facilitation Fund is reimbursed in the form of grants and will be given to SMEs in stages. It is limited up to 15 per cent of the total project worth not less than RM5 million.
