Dear Editor,
IT is regretted for Malaysian in Sabah especially the young generation who thinks for one own race and religion. Tan Sri Simon is only expressing his view, comparing what were the intention of our former leaders in forming nation Malaysia and what is the actual happening of our 47 years within the nation as Independent from British Colony and now been colonized by own Malaysian leaders just because we are in Sabah, East Malaysia separated by the ocean.
Youth who are selfish only think of self interest. The influx of foreigners becoming citizen overnight, the zooming increase of population which is very-very unusual, though numerous complaints by Sabahan but not from UMNO leaders.
The tremendous development in Peninsula and the slow movement for developing Sabah just the few example. Even though granted development fund but only be implemented by mostly approved UMNO leaders and Peninsular Malaysia contractor though occasionally sub to Sabahan contractor which is far less than the agreed sum and worse contractors granted base on PKK license; but neglecting engineering specification as stipulated in CIDB which is supposed to be strictly adhered to.
Its hope that Sabahan engineers the some search the CIDB requirement and those on notice board on the ongoing government project. Sabah the poorest state with all the natural resource sipond by Federal Government.
Sabahan is not blaming the our founded leaders but leaders after them who are ‘Pak Turut’ as they are only interested on the carrot dinging and frighten by the ghostly stick.
It's better to go forward than remain in the past. Now we need to make sure that Sabah can move towards development.
ReplyDeleteSabah harus lebih usaha untuk maju ke hadapan.
ReplyDeleteyang penting sekarang ini adalah, semua pihak perlu berusaha untuk menjadikan Sabah menjadi lebih maju.
ReplyDeleteso why Sipaun voiced his views after he had received a lot of money(salary) from the government, and after he held various important positions in the state government administration?? I'm sure he doing it not because of Sabahan, but because of his political interest...
ReplyDeleteSemoga hak rakyat akan dijaga dan dilaksanakan. Sebagai kerajaan terpilih haruslah memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakyatnya. Semoga kerajaan dapat melakukannya.
ReplyDeleteJangan biar rakyat Sabah terus menunggu lagi.