BAD…Hiew and George showing the bad access road leading to the lorry depot which is at the far end.
The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu on Sunday in Sandakan was invited to inspect the Lai Fook Kim Road Lorry Terminal to view the bad condition of the access road leading into the lorry depot and the hardship faced by the lorry operators and transporters.
The 700 meter long access road is very narrow which does not allow the passage of two heavy trucks, and on top of that the road is very slippery during rain, filled with deep pot holes that make the impossible access of the smaller vehicles.
According to the complaint, the depot was built on a piece of 10 acres of reclaimed land provided by the Sandakan Municipal Council (MPS) for the purpose of providing a suitable parking place for the heavy lorry and the long trailers overnight and for a longer period.
The main reason is basically to take the many heavy trucks and long trailers off from parking indiscriminately around the town centre, housing areas, and worst still by the road side and street corners. This is believed to be the cause of many road accident and sometimes fatal and death to other motorists.
During the visit by MP Hiew and the DAP Batu Sapi branch chairman George Hiew Vun Zin, they noticed that there is an immediate need for the short access road to be made good with the widening, level and sealed road surface, and proper drainage system. The steep gradient of the existing road also needed to be flattened and should be less than 5% only. The heavy lorry and trailer just can’t use this road to get in and out.
The people said they couldn’t park their lorry there now because of the bad road (confirmed during inspection). Even if they manage to get the big truck in, but they still have the problem of getting home with their smaller vehicle due to the inaccessibility to the site by the small cars. The 4x4 vehicles also find it difficult to gain access to the depot.
The depot is original planned to have some accommodation/quarters for the truckers and even shops and canteen, but due to the reason that there is not enough lorry coming to park in the depot, the program was shelved. During the visit, it was seen on site a few lorries parked there.
Hiew strongly urges the authorities like Sandakan Municipal Council (MPS) and JKR to assist it rectify the road condition leading to the Lorry Depot off Lai Fook Kim road. This is also based on many complaints received due to the heavy trucks, long trailers and oil tankers that frequently parked by the road sides and even overnight, which caused accident and damage to the road shoulders. Therefore the best way is to get these trucks parked properly in the designated lorry depot.
Sudahkah DAP menemui MPS dan JKR untuk membincangkan perkara ini?
ReplyDeleteKadang-kala saya fikir, mereka yang 'mengesa' sesuatu jabatan untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah yang timbul. Sudahkah mereka pergi menemui jabatan tersebut sendiri untuk menyampaikan komplen dan membincangkan masalah bersama? Ataupun terus mencari pihak media untuk menyebarkan saja.
ReplyDeleteKadang2 nak ckp pn susah, tapi taknak ckp lg jadi susah. dari apa yg saya pernah tahu, kadang2 satu2 projek yg dipohon oleh org kampung mengambil masa 5 ke 10 tahun utk berjaya. itupun sebuah jambatan berharga rm50k ke rm100k dibuat dgn tidak mengikut specefikasi dan standard selamat utk digunakan. sebatang jalan raya sejauh tidak sampai 3km dinaiktaraf dgn kos lebih 3 juta tapi hanya ditabur dgn batu sungai gred rendah. dlm tmph setahun, pengurusi jkkk membuat susulan terhadap permohonan sebanyak 5 ke 6 kali atau 1 kali setiap 2 bulan. kalau 5 tahun purata 30 kali baut susulan. kalau 10 tahun? jawapan yg diterima adalah antara "masih dalam pertimbangan" atau "belum bawa mesyuarat" atau "sedang menunggu peruntukan" atau "tiada peruntukan" atau "jentera jkr sedang dibaik pulih". jadi rasanya layaklh ia dibawa ke perhatian media atau paling elok panggil "aduan rakyat tv3". biar wakil rakyat bersama dgn pejabat daerah dan kerajaan dimalukan.
ReplyDeleteWell, What Hiew did is actually good, but just reporting it to Sabahkini will not going to make the road better..Hiew should go by himself to the local authority such as MPS or JKR and report the matter...after reporting the matter, he should constantly follow up his report so that the problem is solve..
ReplyDeletesetuju dengan Lucas. Hiew patut merujuk isu ini ke pihak berkaitan seperti MPS atau JKR. harap jalan tersebut dapat diperbaiki.
ReplyDeleteYa betul tu Mohd Ishak. Macam sengaja pula mahu popular kan kalau sikit2 pun cari media. hehehe
ReplyDeleteApapun, haap perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.
ReplyDeleteperuntukan ada tapi yang menyelaraskan projek tersebut tidak menjalankan tugas dengan teliti.
ReplyDeletejalan tersebut prlu diperbaiki.
ReplyDeleteDAP concern is not due to fight for the interests of the Sabahan, but for the general election. that's why, they are just looking for issues to be disclosed to the public, not to be resolved.
ReplyDeleteHope that the state government will give attention to this issue.