IT HAS BEEN 18 months ago since the DBKK Market in 88 Market Place was highlighted. So far there was nosign of any business activities in the wet market. PKR Supreme Council cum PKR SABAH Dr Roland Chia whilst receiving many complains from the hawkers and small traders.
Many small traders and hawkers are keen to set up stalls at the new market, but many are still being kicked around like a ball as to the status of the wet market.
Many complainants mainly hawkers and small traders raised questions as to the seriousness of the local authority of setting up another wet market- which is in tandem with the growing population in the highly densed development along Penampang Pintas Highway.
Many of the shoplot owners are also keen to see the wet market operational there with the same concept of a wet market in Singapore whereby there is a close corporation between hawkers and supermarkets.
Many investors actually bought the units because in the development plan – there was a DBKK Market. The additional wet market is for the convenience of the people.
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