DISCUSS……Hiew, Ghani and the operators discussing with the JKR engineers.
THE PUTATAN 1-Place Mall operators yesterday requested the assistance of the Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu to arrange with the Putatan District Office, the JKR and the Developer of the 1-Place Mall to sort out their request to open a road outlet to the Putatan-KK main road.
According to the shop operators there is supposed to be a road outlet for the cars from this mall in getting into the main road as shown in the drawing.
MP Hiew had requested the help from the Putatan District Officer (DO) Ag. Abdul Ghani Pg. Yusof to assist on the matter, and a meeting was conducted together with the engineers from the JKR road section both from their head quarter and Penampang office.
The meeting was conducted by the road side, and the engineers showed the document regarding the road outlet. They said in fact the developer has to apply for the way leave along the main Putatan-KK main road before the road outlet is to be approved.
They advice the developer to follow the procedure of application, and once they received their application they will work on the approval.
The DO Abdul Ghani said he would like to see the road outlet can be opened, because this will definitely ease the traffic jam problem within the Putatan township.
The jam is bad when there are too many cars coming into this are, and when the 1-Place Mall is in full occupation and operating in its full capacity with the hotel in business, the road here will not cope anymore.
MP Hiew wishes the district office and the JKR and to grant their approval to the developer as soon as possible for them to make preparation to build the road outlet. He said the Mall and its hotel will be completed soon and will be fully occupied, by then this outlet is necessary. The other road outlets at the back are not be capable to handle the traffic flow.
The developer of the Mall has also promised to submit their application soon for the way leave to the authorities to get the approval to construct the road outlet to the Putatan-KK main road.
They said this particular outlet is needed especially there are many cars will be coming to their mall for shopping. This will be especially so when the big hotel is ready. They thank the KK MP in helping out in the matter.
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