THE FREQUENT fire outbreak in year end does not augur well with the year end season holidays. Victims are made to suffer from total lost of properties. Close to 100 homes were lost in Tanjung Aru last week and now two homes were gutted in Kapayan.
Dr Roland Chia, PKR Sabah secretary revealed this while visiting and presented aid to the victim and his family whose house in Kg Ganang, Kapayan was totally lost& damaged yesterday after the fire gutted the house. The incident was thought to have happened at 7.30 am on Thursday morning. Thanks God no lives were lost.
Fail to Plan is Plan to Fail. There should be preventive measures done instead of reactionary measures. This is to avoid any lost of lives and lost of home. Now the victim has to raise funds to rebuild his home whose meagre salary could just make ends meet for himself and the family.
According to the victims and families of the two homes, they are still in trauma and shock over what has happened to their homes. They have been complaining to the authorities concerning dangerous live wires from the power sources outside their homes for almost 3 months.
Occasionally, there were sparks occurred but their complaints ended up in deaf ears. Now they have to put up in the nearby balairaya for refuge and shelter. Nearby villagers gave an account whereby the BOMBA had to rely on longkang/drain water to put off the fire as there was no proper fire hydrants installed in the kampongs.
Dr Roland Chia urged the authorities concern to start surveying potential areas that are prone to fire outbreaks and implement preventive measure immediately.
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