AGENT…Dr Benjamin Yapp (left), Sabah Dap Parliamentary Liaison Chief for Keningau and Tenom is also an authorized assistant registrar for SPR Sabah.
SABAH DAP Interior Mobile service team shall be promoting health awareness campaigns in the interior for the rural communities. Parliamentary Liaison Chief for Keningau and Tenom, Dr Benjamin Yapp said that as a Political party that cares for the wellbeing of the people, we must go down to the grass-root to provide community services to the rural communities, particularly health awareness as it is one of the ways to make people realize the importance to stay healthy and live a healthy life.
Dr Benjamin Yapp took this initiative as he realized that many rural folks have neglected their health and have no knowledge of hygiene and ignorance of the importance of health consciousness. Besides earning a good living, health is very important for the rural communities.
Dr Benjamin, who is also the Party's Rural Development Bureau Chairman has planned to implement an innovative community service that would bring about a healthy lifestyle and new technology in the enhancement of good health through the introduction of an electrostatic field theraphy treatment for ailments by using a high tech electrostatic machine, the lastest technology from Japan.
This latest invention will provide a simple, easy and safe theraphy to those who are suffering from high-blood pressure, diabetes, Asma, headache, migran, gout, gastric, kidney problems, cholestrol, etc. It is not to be regarded as a treatment for illness or disease but by regular theraphy, it would enhance the wellbeing of the people as it helps to boost the circulation of blood and ditoxify toxin in the body, thus it will enhance good immune system in the human body.
Many who have undergone the theraphy have experienced remarkable improvement in their health, according to Dr Benjamin. Sabah DAP interior is ever ready to provide whatever good community services for the interest, benefits and wellbeing of the rural people without expecting any thing in return.
Sabah DAP interior is providing the special health awareness and electrostatic field theraphy program for the rural communities in co-operation with specialists from eMan Network(M) Sdn Bhd, the sole distributors for the health product.
The Mobile service team will visit Pekan Tenom, Sabah and provide a FREE Health awareness and Electrostatic theraphy program for Tenom residents.
Those who wish to get a free theraphy service are welcomed to meet the Sabah DAP Mobile service team at Pasar Tenom, Pekan Tenom on Sunday, 16 January, 2010 commencing at 9am until 3 pm. The mobile service team will also conduct registration of New Voters for the public. For enquiry, please SMS to Sabah DAP interior Hot-line at 013-8749345.
Sabah DAP have been receiving many public complaints in Keningau and Tenom concerning the PPRT problems, poverty problems, the current hike in prices of fuel, sugar and essential commodities, bad road conditions, land erosion, damaged rural bridges and broken suspension bridges in the remote kampungs, lack of basic rural infrastructures, inadequate public amenities and utilities in the rural areas that need the urgent attention of the Government.
There have also many public complaints regarding the indiscriminate transferring of eligible voters to far off places without the knowledge and consent of the people. For instance, there are registered voters residing in Melalap who voted in Melalap had been unkowingly being transferred to Keningau without their knowledge and consent while others have their votes unknowingly being transferred from tjheir home town to another remote area.
For instance, Dr Benjamin Yapp who voted in Kota Kinabalu was indiscriminately transferred to a far off remote area at Kurol Melangi for Karambunai! This is ridiculous said Dr Benjamin Yapp whose last address was at Taman Fajar, Menggatal, Sabah.
This clearly explained the reasons why many eligible voters failed to turn up for voting in the past general elections! How do the Government expect people, particularly the poor to travell all the way to a far off place just to vote?
Bear in mind that many of the voters are without own transport, and lack of money. Sabah DAP urged the Government to be reasonable and have due consideration for the convenience of voters who are living at their villages and towns. They should not be placed at another town or, area that is located miles apart!
Sabah DAP also urged the Government to improve the basic rural infrastructures in the interior.
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