COLLAPSED….Hiew checking on the reconstruction work on the collapsed road section at Jalan Fung Yi Ting.
THE KK MP Hiew King Cheu yesterday went to inspect the collapsed section of the lower portion of the Jalan Fung Yi Ting which had collapsed many months ago. This cut off the road linking Dai Yeh Villa to Taman Iramanis causing many problems for road users to reach to the other side of the hill. The people here complained to the MP and the case was brought to the attention of the DBKK and JKR.
The work eventually got started last week when a contractor moved in with his heavy machineries to reconstruct the collapsed section of the road. According to the contractor’s foreman on site, the reconstruction work on the collapsed road section may need a month or so to be completed. This depends largely on the weather, if it continues to rain this work might take a longer period. The work is to rebuild the whole road base from the bottom and which is a very high before it can reach the original road level.
Hiew urges the contractor to try to speed up the work in order the road can be reopened as soon as possible for the people who needed the short cut from Dai Yeh Villa to Taman Iramanis. This short cut can save travel time and ease traffic congestion in the area.
Hiew also reminded that JKR and DBKK should always clear the road side drains and clear pools of water accumulating on the road surface, because this might caused serious road accident. Many areas in Kota Kinabalu we still can find such situation where pools of water still standing on road surfaces.
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