Sunday, 1 July 2012


TAIPING  : Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has welcomed the intention of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to honour the people's five-year mandate for the Barisan Nasional (BN) government to administer the country.

The former Prime Minister said Najib should use the time left in the mandate (up to April next year) to inspire confidence in the ability and concern of the BN leadership for the people.

"But there's a possibility, if the government allows a longer time to lapse (before calling for the next general election), they may face all kinds of demands, and threats of no support if the demands are not met," he told reporters after opening the 51st annual general meeting of the Islamic Welfare Organisation of Malaysia (Perkim), here.

Yesterday, Najib said there was no question of the BN being insecure about the next general election, following allegations by the opposition that he was intentionally delaying it.

Najib said having the general election too early meant that the BN government would be shortening the term handed to it by the people.

The Umno president and BN chairman emphasised that BN was given a five-year mandate to prove its leadership and administration capability to develop the nation and take care of the people.

Dr Mahathir said his view of the success of BN candidates being determined by Chinese voters was based on reality and not sentiment or other factors.

"Previously, the BN won because we had the Chinese voters' support. When the Malays split, the Chinese determine the winner. When the Chinese split, the Malays determine the winner," he said.

Commenting on claims that the BN was buying the people's support, Dr Mahathir said the cost of living was on the rise and affecting the lives of the poor.

Therefore, any direct monetary assistance from the BN government to the people to ease their burden should not be construed as an attempt to bribe them, he said. (Bernama)


  1. Good that Dr Mahathir shows support to Datuk Najib in this his decision to complete his 5 years mandate as the Prime Minister, hope that Datuk Najib will use the remaining time to inspire confidence from the people.

  2. It's up to the current Prime Minister when is the best time to hold the general elections, we shall wait for the official announcement.

    1. Yang penting sekarang adalah persediaan setiap parti untuk menghadapi PRU.

  3. kepimpinan Najib yang baik pasti akan mendorong rakyat terus memberi mandat kepadanya.

    1. beliau sudah membuktikan kemampuan beliau sepanjang tempoh 4 tahun beliau menduduki kerusi PM.. banyak pembaharuan yang telah beliau laksanakan yang mana tidak mampu dilaksanakan oleh PM sebelum beliau..

  4. Rakyat M'sia yang akan jadi penentu sebenar dan bukannya kaum Cina saja.

    1. Jatuh bangunnya pemimpin adalah di tangan rakyatnya.

  5. Semoga Datuk Najib tidak akan mensia-siakan sokongan rakyat terhadap beliau.

    1. Ya. kalau Najib mendapat mandat rakyat pada PRU13, kita tengok samada betul atau tidak Anwar bersara dari politik.

  6. Sokong Datuk Najib untuk meneruskan usaha menjadi PM kita.

  7. Rakyat patut menyokong pemerintahan Najib.

  8. saya juga menyokong penuh supaya Najib menghabiskan tempoh mandat 5 tahun sebelum memanggil pilihanraya umum ke-13..

  9. lepas tidak ada lagi la kenyataan dari pemimpin2 pembangkang terutamanya Pakatan kononnya mahu mengadakan pilihanraya berasingan.. suka atau tidak, mereka terpaksa juga mengadakan pilihanraya serentak dengan kerajaan pusat..
