Friday, 27 July 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) advised the government to engage more local teachers rather than depend on West Malaysians to teach either at Primary or Secondary schools statewide.

SAPP Vice President Jaafar Ismail said Sabah teachers are well accustomed with local cultures, which would make it easier for them to teach the young generations here.

“West Malaysian teachers despite lack  of knowledge about local cultures are also prone to home sick, which affects their concentration.

“In addition, the government have to fork out more funds to bring West Malaysian teachers into the State due to many extra allowances that they stand to receive,” he said.

He said the government is required to pay transfer allowance and monthly housing allowance as well as other allowances to those West Malaysian teachers.

Jaafar said such allowances are very big when head counts are made on West Malaysian teachers currently working here and the number of them arriving every year.

He said Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister's Department, Datuk Radin Malleh, had revealed that as of 2011, they are 8, 152 West Malaysians working at Sabah Education Department.

According to Jaafar, Dewan Rakyat Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee had also revealed that West Malaysian teachers are receiving more than double  the allowances Sabah teachers are receiving.

Sabah teachers are being given allowances of RM250 and RM350 while West Malaysian teachers are receiving between RM730 and RM830, according to the Deputy Speaker and that prove double standards are being practised, Jaafar said.

Jaafar said Sabah teachers could perform better because they knew the social and cultures of the students that they are being tasked to teach.

He went on saying that placement could also play a great role in ensuring better performances.

He said local teachers placed at their own district could lighten their respective cost of living and make them feel more comfortable to discharge their duties.

He added that once teachers are comfortable, their performance would automatically getting better.

Jaafar said the government could kick start make changes by providing more placements to Sabahans to pursue teaching courses at Teachers' training colleges and universities.


  1. ramai anak2 Sabah layak menjadi guru, mereka harus diutamakan untuk mengajar di tanah air mereka.

    1. Memang tidak wajar kalau ada jawatan kosong untuk guru tapi diberikan kepada guru dari SM sedangkan ramai Sabahan yang merupakan bekas GSTT dan lulusan pendidikan masih belum mendapat tempat.

  2. what's the point for the locals studying so hard to become teachers and yet not given the chance to be one.

    1. I hope the government could stop wasting money bringing in west malaysians to work in sabah. Its better to have sabahans to teach rather than "stranger" teaching our children.

  3. Sepatutnya guru dari Sabah dan SM tidak dibezakan dari segi pemberian elaun dan pelbagai keistimewaan lain.

    1. The benefits for both local teachers and West Malaysian teachers should be the same, why are West Malaysians get paid more?

  4. Bukan menolak guru semenanjung tapi ada baiknya guru tempatan diberi lebih banyak peluang:)

    1. It's better for Peninsular teachers serving in West Malaysia, so they can stay close to their family instead of moving across the ocean to Sabah and Sarawak.

    2. Sabahans and Sarawakians teachers can serve in local schools instead of moving to West Malaysia, it's much simpler for everyone.

  5. Semoga aperkara ini dapat perhatian sewajarnya dan pastikan isu ini tidak sengaja dijadikan isu:P

    1. Don't turn this into an issue for political leverage, hope that this matter can be resolved for the good of the local teachers and education sector.

  6. I think local teachers should be given priorities to serve the local education sector. Hope that more Sabahans will be accepted.

  7. Kalau lihat sememangnya peluang anak tempatan Sabah diberikan keutamaan berbanding guru dari semenanjung.

  8. Ramai graduate Sabahan yang tidak mendapat tempat dalam jawatan ini. Maka berikan mereka peluang untuk mencaburi bidang ini. Pasti mereka mampu mengubahnya.

    1. Sabahans perlu diberi peluang menjawatan jawatan kerajaan juga.

  9. Utamakan orang2 Sabah dalam pendidikan Sabah.
