Thursday, 19 July 2012


THE SABAH Development Corridor (SDC) progress was brought up in Parliament by the KKMP Hiew King Cheu recently. He asked the Prime Minister concerning the progress of the projects being implemented in Sabah, and the percentage on their completion as up to date.

The PM replied that for the Ninth Malaysia Plan (RMK-9) a total of 54 projects / programs were implemented by the Sabah Investment and Economic Development  office (SEDIA), while in the Tenth Malaysia Plan (RMK-10) under the 1st Rolling Plan,  two new projects were carried out. Among the projects implemented in the 9MP is Agropolitan project in Pitas, Agropolitan project in Kota Belud, Rubber planting in Bengkoka and Pitas, and Tourism facilities upgrading in Tenom, Keningau, Nabawan and others.

The projects under the 10th Malaysia Plan is the Keningau Integrated Livestock Centre and the establishment of the Incubator Centre for creative development in Sabah.

The projects are 96.4% implemented and completed under the 9MP so far, and for projects in the 10MP, a total of two projects currently under implementation. The balance of 10 projects still in early stages of implementation.

Implementation of the infrastructure and social development projects will be a catalyst to spur the economic growth of the state. Economic activities created is expected to provide employment and business opportunities and to reduce poverty among the people of Sabah.

MP Hiew viewed the projects listed in the answer when compared with the real and actual requirements in Sabah is definitely far from expectations, and it is too few projects implementation given to Sabah.

Under the 9MP, there are 54 projects, and very sadly under the 10MP it is only 2 projects under implementation while the other 10 projects still in the early stage of implementation.

Hiew said this is not acceptable and he asked how can this be happening to Sabah, and why there is so few development projects allocated to us. It is already under the third rolling plan of the 10MP now, yet many of the projects are still far behind and even had just started.

The answer from the PM is in direct contradiction to the statement given by the Sabah Rural Development Minister Datuk Ewon Ebin in the recent Sabah State Assembly sitting, where he said there is five agropolitan projects and 44 Mesej projects currently being implemented in Sabah.

The five agropolitan projects are of the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) are in Tongod, Kota Belud, Pitas, Kemabong and Beluran. Felcra is implementing another agropolitan  project in Banggi Island.

The eventual effect on eradicating poverty in Sabah created and resulting from these projects has yet to be seen. Meanwhile, Hiew said the projects implementation has to speed up and improved to catch up with the schedule, and he is disappointed with the federal government in sidelining the Sabahan.


  1. apa2 projek yang dirancang kena dlaksanakan dgn baik, pastikan ia berjalan lancar.

    1. perancangan mungkin baik namun pada peringkat perlaksanaan mungkin menghadapi masalah atas2 faktor2 yang di luar jangkaan dan bukan dalam kawalan..

  2. Semoga semua projek yang telah dimasukkan dalam RMK-10 akan siap dengan sempurna dan tepat pada waktunya.

    1. SDC has boosted the investment climate in the state.

  3. apa2 pun diharapkan semua rancangan pembangunan dalam RMK10 dilaksanakan dengan jayanya..

    1. semoga apa yang dirancang akan berjalan dengan lancar.

  4. pemantauan harus sentiasa dibuat untuk memastikan semua yang dilaksanakan berjalan lancar.

  5. Projek yang telah dirancang itu sebaiknya dilaksanakan sebaiknya. Kerana penilai akan dibuat berdasar janji ditepati.

  6. SDC projects are now part of the GTP and the ETP.

  7. Some RM2.5 billion in cash rebates has been paid to 5.66 million private vehicle owners between June 14 and Oct 31, the Dewan Rakyat was told.

  8. Another RM2.028 billion was paid to 3.24 million owners of private car with engine capacity of up to 2000cc.

  9. Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha said of the amount, RM316.1 million was paid to 2.11 million owners of private motorcycle with engine capacity of 250cc and below.

  10. The remainder, totalling RM192 million was paid to 310,000 owners of private jeep and pick-up truck with capacity of up to 2500cc in Peninsular Malaysia and up to 3000cc in Sabah and Sarawak, He said in his written reply to Azan Ismail (PKR-Indera Mahkota) during question time. Meanwhile, Education Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said 51 new primary and secondary schools would be built in Sabah during the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

  11. The ministry will also implement 78 rural electricity supply projects with a ceiling allocation of RM1.451 billion. He said in reply to Datuk Seri Panglima Abdul Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan). Hishammuddin said the allocation for the maintenance of schools, hostels and other facilities between 2006 and 2008 was RM174 million.

  12. The huge allocation for the maintenance of education in Sabah is due to the physical condition of the buildings.
