Sunday 23 December 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Former Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh predicts Barisan Nasional (BN) under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman will be returned as the State Government in the coming General Election.

He said although there is a possibility that the BN might lose a few seats, especially in the town areas, he was pretty sure it would not be a problem for Musa to lead BN to victory.

"Sabah under Musa has done very well. It is a well managed State. This was confirmed by the Auditor-General's report that Sabah has the best accounting system in Malaysia.

"Musa has also jump-start the Sabah economy from the top to the bottom. This is almost completed.

"After this election Musa will jump-start the economy from the bottom (rural areas) if the Federal Government adopt the policy to abolish all subsidies, education and medical fees and in return pay a cash allowance of RM300 to every person. This will immediately trigger the development of abandoned rural lands. It will also create hundreds of thousand jobs for Sabahans," he said.

According to Harris, under Musa the Sabah Government had improved the working of government agencies, which is now making money for the State Government.

It was reported that as of now the State Government has a cash reserve of over RM4 billion. "There is no other state in Malaysia that can match and has reserve nearer to Sabah figure," he said.

The former Berjaya supremo who is also known as Sabah's Father of Development said it was imperative for the BN to be returned to power at all cost.

The main reason was that Prime Minister and Chairman of BN, Datuk Seri Nazib Tun Abdul Razak, had promised and committed publicly that he will reform the government and Umno.

"Barisan Nasional has proved that it has leaders who can perform.

On the other hand the opposition grouping "Pakatan" has no real leaders who can assure a government.

"Therefore, changing form Barisan Nasional is just like the English saying jumping from the frying pan into the fire." Harris also claimed that there were changes in the people's perception of BN over the last three to six months.

He believed that Barisan would be returned with slightly more seats than the last General Election.

"With another five years there is ample time for Najib to reform both the government and Umno. With the plan to reform, it will give time to Najib to jump-start the economy from the bottom.

"This means that everybody - the rural people will be given opportunities to improve and sustain their economy forever," he said, adding that the Federal and State Governments have been concentrating on the nation's economy by establishing infrastructures all over the country, including education and health.

These infrastructures, according to him, would be able to assist in the process of jump-starting the economy from the bottom.

Harris explained that from the bottom here meant the "kampung" (villages).

He stressed that well-planned programmes for the cultivation of both cash and permanent crops have to be introduced in the rural areas.

This, by itself, will create employment which is badly needed for the locals apart from reducing import of agricultural products and creating cash flow in the small townships or districts.

Harris also suggested that the Government look seriously into its policy of subsidising from petroleum products, food and services.

He claimed that this was wrong and would eventually create an artificial sense that the living standard and cost of living in Malaysia is cheaper and the people may take it for granted that the subsidy would last forever.

"Another reason is that the subsidy does not benefit everyone.

It should be abolished completely. Also needing to be abolished is the education and medical Fees and, in return, the government will have to pay a monthly cash of RM300 per month to everybody for 12 months only.

"The payment of RM2 billions a month is cheaper than the subsidy and easier to administer as well as not prone to abuse. It will also create awareness among the rural people to be self-sufficient in at least agricultural products and cultivate their empty land.

"By abolishing the subsidies and replacing it with the payment of RM300, it will have great impact on Malaysia's economy as well as creating millions of self-employment," he said.

Towards this end, Harris called on the people to return Barisan Nasional to power as voting for the opposition (Pakatan) would bring disaster to Sabah in particular and Malaysia in general.

He reminded Sabahans that when the voters voted for opposition in 1985 which governed Sabah from 1985 till 1993, Sabah was down in all fields.

The people lost their 15 acres of agricultural land, they lost Yayasan Sabah shares that were given by the Usno Government, Sabah lost 90 per cent of its open spaces, children playground in the towns, many government properties were sold for a song and there were many others, he said.

"This resulted in Sabah being the poorest country in Malaysia, whereas in 1980s Sabah was the second richest country in Malaysia behind Selangor.

"This is conclusive proof from the people to "tukar baju baru" (changing new clothes). Instead the "baru" (new government) took Sabahans back to the back seat in Malaysia," he said.

He claimed that the State Government from 1985 to 1993 was the worst in the economic development as well as taking state assets like hot cakes.

Besides this, he said the opposition also has no credible leaders and that based on its leaders' statements from time to time, they looked like racial parties.

"They claimed unimaginable figures about foreigners coming to Sabah and were accorded citizenships.

Just to quote two statements, one made by Dr Chong Eng Leong (PKR Sabah Bureau on migrants and election reform chief) on claims that hundreds of thousands of illegals were registered as voters.

"Even a Primary One could see this as utter rubbish. The total numbers of voters in Sabah is only around 700,000 - this means that Sabahans only accounts for 300,000. This 300,000 voters were more than the actual voters in 1980s.

"Secondly, Datuk Lajim Ukin claimed that there were 40,000 registered for birth late registration in Semporna. This claim is baseless, if more than a 1,000 could more realistic.

"Compared this with published figure for Tenom, Sipitang and Keningau, which was more than 30,000.

Just by quoting these two opposition leaders which are not only not true, but also inviting racial tension between the Muslims against non-Muslims in Sabah," he said. (DE)


  1. UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) will remain strong and the party will continue to implement the needful to maintain the status quo.

    1. BN masih parti kuat walaupun disaing kuat oleh pembangkang.

    2. BN dalam sokongan hebat parti komponen seakan terus mentadbir.

  2. UMNO vice-president Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said the claim that UMNO and Sabah BN were no longer strong was just a political ploy of the opposition, especially its adviser, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    1. Rakyat yang akan menentukan nasib semua parti.

  3. "We are not overly worried about the exaggerations.

    We will take certain measures to ensure UMNO and BN in Sabah are strengthened."

    1. Jika BN masih ikhlas dengan perjuangan untuk rakyat, sudah pasti sokongan tetap akan diberi.

  4. BN component parties play an important role to ensure BN continues to remain strong," he said

    1. Sokongan kuat dari parti komponen adalah amat diperlukan supaya BN terus mentadbir.

  5. Obama had given his opinion that America believe that BN will remain in power and Dato’ Seri Najib’s transformation plan is a great success.

    1. BN haurs membaiki kelemahan agar rakyat masih berkeyakinan dengannya.

  6. What is more interesting is that the same opinion was given by China as well. Prime Minister of China, Wen Jiabao made the statement and he is confident with Dato’ Seri Najib s well s Malaysia.

  7. Understanding the significance of opinions given by these big nations regarding election results is that their opinions’ often made based on great lenght of their intelligence, a basic element which gets them where they are now. Their intelligence do not usually make any mistake.

  8. And when they say that BN will win, the probability of their intelligence in giving false information is quite small. Thus, the opposition might as well forget their dream of taking over Putrajaya in the coming GE.

  9. Other than those two big countries, others who stated their confidence on BN include Indonesian President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as well as Singapore’s President, Lee Hsien Loong.

  10. Both of these leaders are very close with Malaysian politics considering that they are aware of our Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim. Indonesia is like Anwar’s second home where he would often be at the country to express his hate towards his own country. Singapore in the other hand, is a place he would often fall into ‘traps’ like what was published by Wikileaks.

  11. Itu sudah semestinya.. BN pasti akan terus menjadi kerajaan Malaysia.

  12. Kerajaan BN perlu meneruskan usaha yang baik untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan penduduk Sabah.

  13. Mungkin PRU13 ini memang ada kerusi yang dimenangi oleh pembangkang tapi yang pasti Kerajaan BN tetap berkuasa.

    1. Pembangkang semakin kuat berbanding sebelum ini. Ini akan memberi saingan hebat kepada BN.

    2. Jumlah kemenangan kerusi pembangkang sudah pasti akan bertambah.

  14. Teruskan menyokong parti seperti BN ini untuk menjadi kerajaan untuk rakyat.

    1. Serahkan kerja mengundi kepada rakyat sendiri untuk menentukan kerajaannya.

  15. Percayalah kepada Kerajaan BN,terutama di Negeri Sabah. BN adalah kerajaan berjuang untuk semua dan bukannya seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh pihak pembangkang.

  16. Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman yakin Sabah akan terus kekal sebagai kubu kuat Barisan Nasional (BN) berdasarkan sokongan padu rakyat serta kepercayaan terhadap keupayaan BN membawa pembangunan negara.

    1. Sokongan rakyat juga semakin payah dijangka, pasti satu saingan yang hebat. Yang penting, saingan harus bersih dan amanah.

  17. Beliau berkata rakyat kini menyedari bahawa pembangunan pesat di Sabah hanya datang daripada kerajaan BN.

    1. BN contribute a great and positive development in Sabah. Such effort shall continue.

  18. Rakyat Sabah kini semakin matang menilai dan kerajaan BN mempunyai rekod lampau yang amat baik.

  19. Masa depan Malaysia lebih terjamin di bawah pemerintahan BN pimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak yang kini giat mentransformasikan negara ini menjadi sebuah negara maju menjelang tahun 2020, kata bekas ketua menteri Sabah Tun Sakaran Dandai.

    1. BN still the strong party as compare to others.

  20. rakyat seharusnya bersyukur kerana negara ini dianugerahkan pemimpin yang bukan sahaja berjaya memerdekakan negara daripada belenggu penjajah tetapi juga benar-benar berjuang untuk membela nasib rakyat

  21. transformasi negara lebih ketara di bawah pentadbiran Najib yang merupakan arkitek konsep 1Malaysia.

    1. Transformasi negara juga menggalak kes rasuah yang serius.

  22. erajaan BN telah memainkan peranan penting dalam membawa rakyat dan negara ini di landasan yang betul untuk terus maju dan membangun, bukan sahaja dari segi fizikal tetapi juga dari segi rohani, perpaduan, hormat-menghormati dan nilai modal insan.

    1. Perjuangan BN lebih positif jika dibandingkan. Transformasi juga akan membawa perkembangan yang berterusan.

  23. kerajaan BN Sabah di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman juga meletakkan kedudukan ekonomi yang lebih kukuh.

  24. rakyat Sabah akan terus menyokong kerajaan dan Sabah terus menjadi kubu kuat BN pada pilihan raya akan datang, sekali gus mengulangi pencapaian cemerlang dalam pilihan raya 2008.

  25. Buoyed by the favourable political and economic climate prevailing in the state now, many political pundits predict that Musa will become the first Sabah chief minister to break the 10-year chief minister’s tenure “jinx”.

  26. Political analyst Salman Nurillah said the fact that Musa managed the state well is “because he is the Chief Minister for all”. “Politics is all about perception and we can’t avoid when people voice out their grievances through their own perception. While we can’t please everyone, leaders are considered successful when they can bring development.

  27. Some people say that leaders tend to monopolise everything and do not divide the wealth of the state equally. In this case, if some areas are less developed, it’s all due to the elected people’s representatives representing the areas who fail to deliver. Then, it’s not fair to put the blame totally on the Chief Minister as the head of the government..

  28. Salman, a former civil servant with a law degree from Universiti Malaya and a Master’s degree from UiTM, opined that “there is no political leader in Sabah who has been as popular as Musa, particularly after UMNO/BN came into power in the state in 1994.

  29. “Even prior to that, the popularity of the previous chief ministers, including Tan Sri Harris Salleh during Parti Berjaya’s time was not as good as what Musa is enjoying now,” he said, adding that “Musa has charmed the poor and natives and his influence is not limited toUMNO supporters”.

  30. For the last five years, Musa has communicated with the people through the language of development, and that has clicked well with them because the subtext of his act says that “under Musa’s rule, you can make money and have a comfortable life without many political, communal or social disturbances”.

  31. Musa has managed the state wisely in bringing development to the state physically and politically. Musa knows about the people’s needs as for the last nine years, several ideas have been implemented such as drawing foreign direct investment (FDI) to the state and promoting Sabah as an educational hub (Sandakan). Even our Prime Minister was so impressed with his contribution, particularly during his visit to Sandakan recently.

  32. Keenly aware of the importance of education in producing sufficient skilled human capital to spur development, Musa saw to the materialisation of two educational institutions which have already started operations, the School of Sustainable Agriculture under Universiti Malaysia Sabah and the Sandakan Polytechnic, while the Mara Junior Science College is scheduled to open soon.

  33. Salman said politically, Musa is in a very good position as he did not rule the state by giving priority to one particular race and sidelining the other races. “All these show that Musa is almost certain to break the 10-year Sabah chief minister’s tenure jinx,” he said.

  34. Meanwhile, corporate figure Roselan Johar Mohamed said running Sabah was just like running a huge company. “If the books are in order, then it will augur well for the prosperity of the state. Initially, Musa has sacrificed much of his popularity just to maintain a tight balance sheet.

  35. “So, when the Auditor-General commented that Sabah was in good shape and in good hands, Musa’s popularity made a comeback and was enhanced further. “Sabah has attracted lots of visitors (both foreign and domestic) and investors from all over the world.

  36. “Just look at the statistics of incoming tourists and the massive construction projects all over the state. These are tell-tale signs that we are in good hands and there is no reason whatsoever to ask for change. Why repair if it is not broken?” he said.

  37. Roselan said every business sector was prospering and new sectors were being developed. Lately, many domestic visitors are saying: “Sekarang susah mahu cari makan di Selangor. Sabah lagi bagus!” (it is difficult to do business in Selangor, Sabah is much better!). “Now this is a typical statement we hear from visiting businessmen from the other states. Whatever we hear about the opposition gaining momentum in Sabah is just wishful thinking,” said Roselan.

  38. “Changing a capable leader is like taking a huge unnecessary risk. The good effect is very rare. We should always count our blessings and consider our good progress as a gift from God,” he said.

  39. Sabah veteran leader Tan Sri Herman Luping was recently quoted as saying that Musa’s financial management of the Sabah government’s coffers and his forest management policies were rated the best in the country.

  40. He said Musa, who has helmed the state government since the past nine years, had not only ensured that the state prosper, but had also brought more political stability, prosperity and infrastructural development to the state. “Sabah under him (Musa) is definitely in rapid progress mode,” Luping was further quoted as saying.

  41. Sabah veteran journalist Emin Madi, in concurrence with Salman’s opinion, said it was fair to say that Musa is genuinely committed to meeting the expectations of not only the rakyat but members and supporters of the state BN component parties.

  42. “Secondly, he’s a result-oriented leader who is not shy to practise hands-on approach to solve problems. A case in point is how he handled the problematic Sabah Rubber Industry Board.

  43. “With a population of more than three million and eight BN component parties to be concerned with, I’m sure our chief minister is well aware of the challenges in delivering and bringing out the best for the people and the state,” he said.

    1. Rakyat yang akan menentukan siapakah pemimpin di PRU13.

  44. In a nutshell, Musa’s administration which prioritises the unity of all, irrespective of race, colour or creed, has all-round support from the people of Sabah.

  45. Saingan BN & Pembangkang semakin giat, sudah pasti PRU13 adalah tanda peringatan untuk BN supaya membaiki lagi kelemahan.

  46. Pendedahan yang dibuat UMNO Selangor tempoh hari bahawa Pakatan Rakyat menggunakan khidmat nasihat firma perunding Yahudi Zionis, National Democratic Institute (NDI) untuk modus operandi strategi sesuai bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN), dilihat perlu di berikan perhatian oleh Pemimpin Barisan Nasional.

  47. Buku bertajuk '1001 cara untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan' yang disediakan NDI ini mengamalkan beberapa pendekatan yang sekarang menjadi SOP dalam aktiviti berkaitan Pakatan Rakyat.

  48. Antara pendekatan yang diunjurkan dalam buku panduan NDI ini ialah penggunaan warna-warna tertentu dalam demonstrasi/aktiviti tertentu bagi menarik perhatian rakyat.

  49. Maka Sebab itu demonstrasi PKR yang dilakukan sekarang amat berbeza dengan demonstrasi jalanan sekitar hujung 90-an dahulu bila warna-warna tertentu digunakan mengikut tema mengapa demonstrasi itu diadakan.

  50. Kita dapat lihat demo Bersih (kuning), Himpunan Hijau (Hijau) dan Hindraf (oren). Manakala bagi Seksualiti Merdeka, 4 warna asas yang melambangkan pergerakan LGBT digunakan, masih lagi berkisar tentang warna walaupun tidak ada demonstrasi.

  51. Rakyat pastinya akan menolak tindakan Pakatan Rakyat menggunakan khidmat firma yahudi ini seperti dilihat dalam soal kerajaan BN menggunakan khidmat APCO Worldwide yang ditohmahkan pembangkang sebagai sebuah firma milik Israel sedangkan hakikatnya ia adalah sebuah firma Amerika Syarikat.

  52. Tapi yang penting, jelas kelihatannya pada waktu itu, penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dan sebahagian rakyat Malaysia sangat anti dengan apa-apa yang ada hubung kait dengan Israel, tanpa mereka sedar bahawa Pakatan Rakyatlah sebenarnya yang menggunakan khidmat perunding Yahudi Zionis untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan sekarang.

  53. Rakyat percaya kepada kemampuan Dato' Najib dan inginkan beliau memimpin negara secepat mungkin

  54. mana-mana pihak yang cuba menyingkirkan Datuk Seri Najib dari menjejaki kerusi PM harus mengubah fikirannya jika mereka masih sayangkan UMNO dan Negara.

  55. force ini semestinya lebih besar dari yang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bina dahulu kerana perjuangan ini lebih berasas bukan sekadar membela si peliwat.

  56. Almost all 15 Sabah state ministries, departments and agencies and three state government companies audited on their implementation activities last year, were found to be satisfactory.

    Among them were the Sabah Fisheries Department, Sabah Rubber Industry Board, Sabah State Water Department, Sabah Housing and Town Development Authority, Sandakan Municipality Council, Keningau District Council, Sabah Welfare Services Department, Sabah Wildlife Department, Sabah Human Resource Development Department, Poic Sabah Sdn Bhd, Perkasa Reality Sdn Bhd and Sabah Energy Corporation Sdn Bhd.

    Nonetheless, the Beaufort District Council, Kota Belud District Council, Kudat Municipal Board and the Penampang District Council were among those found with weaknesses, according to the 2011 Auditor-General's Report which was issued here today.

    The Sabah Government spent RM41.41 million from 2006 to 2011 for the implementation of infrastructure projects aimed at improving the living standard of the rural community.

    The total was from an allocation of RM55.94 million for the implementation of 67 infrastructure projects in 25 new towns throughout Sabah, through the Housing and Town Development Authority (LPPB).

    LPPB is responsible for building affordable houses, commercial buildings and stalls in phases.

  57. According to the report, audit on 13 basic infrastructure provision projects in new towns between July and October last year, found the projects were duly implemented by LPPB.

    For Sabah Fisheries Department, an audit of the revenue earned between June and October 2011 at its offices in Kota Kinabalu, Tuaran, Sandakan and Lahad Datu found the production of fish rearing in cage satisfactory.

    Nonetheless, the auditors also found several weaknesses in the implementation programme, including insufficient supply of fish seeds, selection of breeders not according to conditions set and fishing equipment aid disbursed, not according to criteria.

    The Keningau District Council, Ranau District Council and the Sipitang District Council have also implemented 270 procurements using allocations of the federal government and state government and funds from the council amounting to RM24.89 million.

    An audit carried out between June and September 2011 on 45 procurements found the three councils carried out the process well.

    However, there were several weaknesses which needed improvements, including a car park upgrading project in Masjid Pekan, Ranau costing RM127,460 and five procurements totalling RM1.12 million not carried out according to work specifications of the state government and public service.


    ANWAR, kalau dalam UMNO dulu, menipu dan mungkir janji dah jadi budaya. Ingatkan bila dah keluar UMNO dan bersama PKR dan PR beliau dah berubah lebih-lebih lagi bila selalu berdamping dengan para ulama di dalam PAS. Rupa-rupanya budaya tersebut telah menjadi darah daging beliau hingga sukar untuk dibuang.


    Satu dunia tahu yang Anwar berjanji dengan rakyat Malaysia bahawa kerajaan persekutuan Pakatan Rakyat akan dibentuk pada 16 September, 2008. Anwar dah janji dengan DAP, Anwar dah janji dengan PKR, Anwar dah janji dengan PAS dan ahli-ahli mereka bahawa kerajaan akan bertukar pada 16 Sept. Habis semua orang gelabah lebih-lebih lagi UMNO. Habis semua orang mengharap lebih-lebih lagi pemimpin yang kemaruk pangkat dalam PAS. Dah ada dikalangan pemimpin PAS sendiri dah mula pasang angan-angan nak jadi menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri.


    Terlalu banyak masa dan tenaga dibuangkan untuk berbincang berkenaan pembentukan kerajaan baru sehingga PAS hampir atau dahpun berpecah. Hinggakan wala' dan taat kepada pemimpin sendiripun dah beralih arah. Hinggakan pandangan Presiden sendiripun dipertikaikan. Hinggakan matlamat menegakkan negara Islam pun dikesampingkan. Dan yang lebih parah....hinggakan ayat AlQuran pun sanggup di "tapi" kan.


    Bila Dato' Mustafa Ali membuat kenyataan bahawa tidak akan terbentuk kerajaan PR pada 16 September, maka terloncat-loncatlah budak suruhan Anwar dan Husam menyerang Dato' Pa. Kununnya mungkin nak jadi hulubalang Anwar dengan harapan Anwar akan jadikan mereka sebagai kroni beliau agaknya. Yang paling sedih ialah bila Husam gunakan pengaruhnya untuk mempengaruhi Tok Guru Nik Aziz agar sama-sama menyerang Dato' Pa. Peristiwa ini tidak akan dapat dilupakan sampai bila-bila.


    Akhirnya, bila tiba 16 September, 2008 tidak ada apa-apa pun yang berlaku. Tidak terbentuk pun Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat seperti yang dijanjikan oleh Anwar dan seperti yang diharapkan oleh jutaan rakyat Malaysia. Yang ada hanya beberapa siri sidang media Anwar yang sering dihadiri oleh kumpulan Erdogan PAS yang terhegeh-hegeh nak jadi menteri. Bila orang tanya pasal kerajaan PR dia hanya jawab... I have the numbers, I have the numbers! Bila orang tanya siapa dia yang nak lompat tak boleh jawab, kununnya strategi... takut kena kacau.


    Seribu satu alasan dan dalih diberikan. Dan seperti selalu beliau masih berjaya meyakinkan sebahagian besar penyokong PR untuk percaya kepada alasan-alasannya... termasuk dua tiga kerat yang kempunan nak jadi menteri dalam PAS. Entah ilmu apa yang di pakai Anwar sampai orang boleh percaya kepada cakap dia walau ditipu berkali-kali.


    Kemudian dengan muka tak malu terpaksa mengiakan pendapat Dato' Pa apabila Anwar terpaksa meminta Pak Lah buat sidang parlimen tergempar untuk nak bawa usul undi tak percaya terhadap Perdana Menteri. Satu tarikh baru diberikan iaitu 23 September untuk Paklah buat sidang parlimen tergempar, kalau tidak........

    Akhirnya bila tiba 23 September... tidak ada apa-apa juga yang berlaku. Yang ada hanya "berlakun". Memang Anwar pandai berlakun. Kesalahan diletakkan kepada Paklah kerana tidak memanggil sidang parlimen tergempar. Sekali lagi rakyat Malaysia termasuk PAS kena tipu.


    Satu persoalan disini....betulkah Anwar ada majoriti ahli parlimen yang dah melompat dan bersama PR? Siapa yang boleh confirm? Macam-macam versi yang Anwar berikan kepada PAS. Sekejap kata dah cukup kuota muslim. Sekejap kata dah cukup bilangan yang melompat tapi masih tak cukup bilangan ahli parlimen muslim. Yang pastinya beberapa nama yang Anwar berikan kepada PAS kununnya dah setuju nak melompat adalah ternyata TIPU. Tak perlulah saya dedahkan disini siapa nama-nama tersebut. Cukup jika saya katakan Anwar "don't have the numbers" atau hanya "hope to have the numbers".


    Tetapi, apa yang menghairankan ialah macam mana Husam dan kumpulan erdogan dalam PAS yang kununnya pandai sangat berstrategi boleh percaya bulat-bulat kepada cakap Anwar dan masih memberi kepercayaan yang tinggi kepada Anwar walaupun dah ditipu berkali-kali.
    Dan yang paling menyedihkan ialah bila mereka menyalahkan Tuan Guru Hj Hadi sebagai punca tidak boleh terbentuknya kerajaan baru PR. Kununnya disebabkan oleh syarat majoriti muslim yang diberikan oleh Tuan Guru Presiden dan keengganan Tuan Guru Presiden untuk menandatangani surat persetujuan lah yang menjadi punca kegagalan kerajaan PR.


    Dalam mesyuarat Lujnah Politik PAS yang terakhir (sebelum sidang Parlimen) pun kumpulan erodogan ini masih yakin bahawa kerajaan baru pasti akan ditubuhkan sebaik sahaja sidang parlimen bermula. Hinggakan masing-masing sibuk berbincang tentang portfolio menteri yang PAS akan dapat (termasuklah Khalid Samad sehingga baru-baru ini melalut-lalut buat kenyataan dalam akhbar Sinar - siapa yang beri dia mandat untuk bercakap macam tu pun tak tau).


    Yang hairannya DAP tidak pula sesibuk atau terlalu optimis membabi buta seperti (kump erdogan) PAS tentang penubuhan kerajaan baru tersebut. Dan bila Karpal Singh dan Lim Kit Siang buat kenyataan bahawa mereka tidak begitu selesa dengan adegan lompat melompat ni - tidak ada pulak golongan "erdogan" dalam DAP yang bangun menentang kenyataan pemimpin mereka. Nampaknya DAP lebih menghormati pemimpin dan lebih memahami konsep wala' kepada pemimpin berbanding PAS.


    Walaubagaimanapun saya bersetuju bahawa jika sekiranya benar Anwar ada sokongan majoriti ahli parlimen, 13 Oktober adalah tarikh yang sepatutnya kerajaan persekutuan Pakatan Rakyat terbentuk. Kalau dah lebih daripada separuh ahli-ahli Parlimen telah berpihak kepada Anwar dan Pakatan Rakyat pada masa itu dan kurang daripada separuh sahaja dimiliki oleh BN maka apa lagi dalih dan alasan untuk tidak membuat undi tak percaya terhadap Paklah dan membentuk kerajaan PR. Kalau dah sebelum ini bersungguh-sungguh nak minta Paklah buat sidang parlimen tergempar - sekarang bila parlimen dah bersidang buatlah dan buktikanlah yang Anwar "have the numbers"!!!


    Namun, hampeh....pada tanggal 13 Oktober, 2008 bila sidang parlimen bermula, tidak ada apa-apa pun yang berlaku melainkan ucapan pembahasan bajet oleh Anwar yang meleret-leret sehingga kebanyakan ahli parlimen BN (yang sepatutnya dah jadi ahli parlimen PR) keluar dari Dewan sebab boring.nKemudian Anwar buat kenyataan lain dalam ceramahnya di Kota Bharu bahawa kerajaan PR akan dibentuk sebelum Hari Raya Haji pulak.


    Jadi, apakah kesimpulannya dan kesudahannya??? Apa lagi muslihat Anwar.Secara nyata dan jelas Anwar telah berulang kali menipu dan berbohong kepada PAS, DAP dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia sehingga negara kita jadi tak keruan baik dari segi politik dan ekonomi. Berilah apapun terma dan nama.... strategi, taktik, perang psikologi, political game dll - yang jelasnya Anwar MENIPU dan BERBOHONG.
