Sunday 16 September 2012


DANCING.....Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman dancing the Sumazau. His deputy, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, is behind him.

SABAH Chief Minister Musa Aman dancing the Sumazau. His deputy, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, is behind him.

“Sabah is a vibrant melting pot of cultures”

Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman has taken offence at an article in an opposition blog that insults the Sumazau, a bird-like dance of the state’s indigenous Kadazandusuns and Muruts to celebrate a rice harvest.

“The Sabah state government will not tolerate insults to cultural heritage,” he said in a statement through his press office today.

He was responding to an uproar over a Monday article written in Malay titled “Sumazau dance for people with low morals” published on Suara Pakatan Rakyat, a pro-opposition party blog. The post has since been removed and the Parti Keadilan Rakyat has denied any link to it.

“I join the outrage voiced by the people of Sabah against any slurs to our culture by irresponsible parties with selfish or malicious agendas,” he said. “We will not tolerate such disrespect for our cultural values. Those who have no respect for our cultural values are not welcome here.”

Musa said Sabahans are proud of their cultural diversity. There are 32 ethnic groups, including Bajaus, Suluks, Chinese and Indians, in the state which he said is “a vibrant melting pot of cultures.”

“Many families, including mine, have members that are of a different race and religion,” he said. “We are one big family in Sabah.” (Insight Sabah)


  1. Tindakkan pemilik blog PAKATAN RAKYAT yang menghina tarian budaya Sabah ini mendapat tentangan daripada penduduk Sabah.

  2. Pemilik blog tersebut haruslah tampil dan datang untuk meminta maaf atas tindakkan memburukkan tarikan Sumazau Sabah ini. Tidak patut menghina tarian orang lain walaubagaimana pun tarian tersebut. Itu budaya mereka jadi mereka tahu apa yang terbaik.

  3. sebenarnya, mereka yang menghina budaya dan tradisi orang lainlah yang rendah akhlaknya.

  4. penulis blog ini wajar dikenakan tindakan atas sebab cubaan untuk memecahbelahkan perpaduan dengan cara menghina.

  5. “The Sabah state government will not tolerate insults to cultural heritage,”

    harap kerajaan akan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka yang menghina tarian tradisional ini

  6. “Sumazau dance for people with low morals”

    ---> yang sepatutnya digelar bermoral rendah ialah orang yang menghina tarian ini

  7. sebelum menghina, biarlah selidik dahulu asal-usul tarian tersebut...

  8. janganlah cakap sesuka hati sahaja

  9. “We will not tolerate such disrespect for our cultural values. Those who have no respect for our cultural values are not welcome here.” -- well said!

  10. kita haruslah saling menghormati.

  11. jgnlah menghina dan merendahkan orang lain.

  12. Musa pun ada darah Dusun. Adakah penulis blog itu sengaja membangkitkan kemarahan KDM?

  13. rakyat sabah patut buka mata dan lihat wajah sebenar Pakatan Rakyat..

  14. sebelum ini pemimpin PAS sendiri menghina kaum asli di sarawak.. kini blogger mereka pula menghina kaum di sabah..

  15. jika pemimpin dan penyokong pakatan rakyat berani melakukan provokasi terhadap kerajaan, malah berani membuat ancaman bunuh kepada pemimpin kerajaan, tidak mustahil mereka juga berani melakukan penghinaan budaya seperti yang dilakukan oleh blogger suara pakatan rakyat..
