Sunday 30 September 2012


KUALA LUMPUR : Sebanyak RM4.5 bilion disediakan di bawah Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) 2.0 untuk melaksanakan pelbagai projek pembangunan luar bandar termasuk jalan, bekalan air dan elektrik serta satu program baru yang diberi nama Desa Lestari di seluruh negara tahun depan.

Perkara itu dinyatakan Perdana Menteri, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak ketika membentangkan Bajet 2013 di Dewan Rakyat pada Jumaat.

Sambil melahirkan rasa syukur di atas peruntukan tersebut, Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Dato' Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal berkata, ia perlu memandangkan pembinaan infrastruktur luar bandar akan terus memberi impak yang positif terhadap pembangunan di kawasan berkenaan.

Menurut Mohd Shafie, ia juga jelas menampakkan keprihatinan Najib terhadap keperluan masyarakat luar bandar dalam menikmati kemakmuran negara.

''Masih ramai penduduk di luar bandar yang bukan sahaja belum menikmati kemudahan prasarana sempurna tetapi juga belum menerima bantuan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga.

''Justeru itu, saya percaya melalui peruntukan sebanyak itu agenda pembangunan luar bandar kerajaan tidak akan terbantut," katanya di sini hari ini.

Mohd Shafie seterusnya berkata, program GTP 2.0 juga akan memberi tumpuan kepada pembangunan kampung-kampung serta golongan belia di luar bandar melalui inisiatif Desa Lestari.

Sebagai permulaan, katanya, sebanyak 29 buah kampung akan dibangunkan pada tahun 2013 di bawah Program Desa Lestari tersebut dengan peruntukan berjumlah RM137 juta. Ia akan melibatkan 38,000 penduduk.

''Pelaksanaan Program Desa Lestari di peringkat fasa pertama itu adalah berteraskan pembangunan ekonomi berasaskan koperasi dengan melibatkan penyertaan penduduk setempat secara langsung," katanya.

Di samping itu juga, tumpuan akan turut diberi kepada usaha melahirkan usahawan di kalangan belia di luar bandar melalui satu program baru yang diberi nama Rural Business Challenge (RBC).

Ianya merupakan satu bentuk pertandingan rancangan perniagaan, terbuka kepada belia di luar Bandar. Pemenang akan memenangi hadiah berbentuk geran perniagaan bernilai antara RM500,000 sehingga RM2j uta. Pelaksanaan program-program ini dijangka akan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan peluang pekerjaan kepada penduduk khususnya di luar bandar, tambah beliau lagi.

Selain itu, kata beliau, kerajaan turut memperuntukkan RM100 juta bagi membekalkan tangki High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) di rumah-rumah yang masih belum mendapat bekalan air daripada pihak berkuasa air di Sabah dan Sawarak.

Penyediaan tangki adalah perkara pokok dalam prasarana bagi memastikan mereka di kawasan terpencil dan kawasan yang mengalami kemarau yang disebabkan oleh perubahan cuaca global mendapat bekalan air.

''HDPE adalah antara perkara pokok dalam prasarana untuk memastikan mereka mendapat bekalan air kerana perubahan cuaca global pada hari ini telah menyebabkan ada kawasan yang berisiko mengalami kemarau atau dilanda banjir. Sehubungan itu, adalah wajar untuk kita melengkapkan mereka dengan prasarana tersebut," katanya.

Dalam pada itu, Mohd Shafie berkata, skop program Bekalan Air Luar Bandar (BALB) diperluaskan dengan penyambungan dari meter pengguna sehingga ke dalam rumah pengguna melibatkan anggaran kos sebanyak RM500 bagi setiap rumah mulai 2013.

Beliau berkata, pelaksanaan itu hanya diberikan kepada pengguna yang kurang berkemampuan dan golongan miskin berpendapatan kurang dari RM740 sebulan di Semenanjung manakala RM1,080 sebulan di Sabah dan Sarawak.

'Cadangan tersebut dijangka dapat membantu mengurangkan beban lebih 10,000 keluarga di luar bandar melibatkan anggaran kos sebanyak RM5 juta setahun.

''Ia selaras dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk meningkatkan kemudahan prasarana dan meringankan beban penduduk di luar bandar," katanya.


  1. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman has attributed the success of the Government Transformation Programme and the Economic Transformation Programme to a strong team in the civil service.

    1. The Government Transformation Programme and Economic Transformation Programme achieved success because all of Federal and State worked together as a strong team to ensure that whatever programmes government planned and implemented are realised, and this has been proven.

    2. the Chief Minister urged the civil service to keep on working hard to make sure the development programmes continue to benefit the people

    3. The CM also asked all civil servants in Sabah and federal agencies to enhance their efforts in serving the people in line with the 1Malaysia slogan of ‘People First, Performance Now’.

    4. Syabas, kerajaan menumpu perhatian kepada perkembangan di luar bandar.

  2. this is the result of the BN efforts, if government have determination and work together and continue to work efficiently, with sincerity and integrity, I am sure whatever programmes government plan and implement will achieve results as aspired by the Prime Minister

  3. inilah bukti keikhlasan dan keprihatinan kerajaan kepada pembangunan luar bandar dan kesejahteraan rakyat di pedalaman.

    1. semoga keperluan penduduk diluar bandar akan dapat dipenuhi.

    2. Setuju, pembangunan yang lebih diperlukan di kawasan luar bandar agar golongan ini dapat menikmati perkembangan dan berkeupayaan membaiki taraf hidup.

  4. peruntukkan rm4.5 billion untuk pembangunan luar bandar ini pasti akan merancakkan lagi pembangunan, meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyat dan mensejahterakan rakyat..

    1. byk kawasan di luar bandar yang perlu dibangunkan. moga dgn peruntukan ini, ia akan membawa pembangunan lebih pesat di luar bandar.

  5. the allocations were in tune with the transformation programmes planned towards making Malaysia a high income developed nation.

  6. The cash payouts announced in the 2013 Budget clearly indicate the government's intention to uplift the socio-economic status of all Malaysians and it should not be regarded as a populist move, Singapore-based Spire Research and Consulting Lte Ptd said.

  7. A populist budgetary announcement would not have any economic growth indication, but in contrast, the 2013 Budget had clearly underlined the growth projection for the Malaysian economy.

  8. all the cash rewards were not given at the expense of fiscal stability but mainly due to higher revenue, prudent expenditure and caring governance.

  9. The prime minister also announced a one-off payment of RM1,000 to assist former members of the armed forces who have opted for early retirement or have served less than 21 years.

  10. KKLW perlu memastikan yang mana kepentingan penduduk di Luar bandar dapat dipertingkatkan lagi.

  11. ini diharap dapat membantu mempercepat pembangunan di luar bandar.

  12. pastikan perlaksanaan pembangnunan dilakukan dengan sebaiknya.

  13. Projek pembangunan harus dipantau dan diuruskan dengan bijak.

  14. Beliau berkata, pelaksanaan itu hanya diberikan kepada pengguna yang kurang berkemampuan dan golongan miskin berpendapatan kurang dari RM740 sebulan di Semenanjung manakala RM1,080 sebulan di Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Pelaksanaan harus berperingkat, jika tidak, padah kesan dan impaknya.

    1. Agree to No name, its should go phase by phase.

  15. Gaji minimum akanmembawa impak yang tidak terjangka.

  16. peruntukan 4.5 billion yang diberikan kena digunakan sebaiknya untuk membuat pembangunan di kawasan luar bandar.

    1. Semoga kawalan projek dapat dibuat agar projek dijalankan dengan lancar dan berjaya.

  17. Taraf hidup kawasan luar bandar harus dipertingkatkan lagi.

  18. Perancangan yang teratur harus ada agar projek yang dijalankan dapat mencapai kejayaan.

  19. Development is a never ending commitment while infrastructure, especially water and electricity is being implemented at a most rapid pace in Sabah, contrary to a survey claim.

  20. At the same time, both development and infrastructure are localized and these are not often highlighted in the media, according to Sabah UMNO Deputy Chief, Datuk Salleh Said Keruak.

  21. Hence to state that there is a lack of development and poor infrastructure is not accurate, when all sorts of development is taking place throughout the state all the time – the KK airport extension, the ammonia and urea plant, power producing stations, roads, industrial parks etc.

  22. “Rural water and electrification programmes have picked up in pace over the last few years and it is only the exceptionally remote areas with small communities that are still without piped water and electricity,” said Salleh in reference to a Merdeka Centre survey report.

  23. “Even then, the government is doing its best to provide water tanks and gravity water as well as generator-powered electricity to the remote villages in the interim."

  24. But he acknowledged that some problems cannot be solved overnight; it is deep-rooted and when steps are taken to clear the matter, some people would be happy but there would also be others who would object.

  25. The survey, jointly funded by Merdeka Centre and a regional consultancy firm, was carried out from Sept 6 to 17 to gauge perceptions of current developments in Sabah. It reported that some people had complained about lack of development and poor infrastructure as well as highlighted the illegal immigrant situation.

  26. The report claimed that a total of 829 registered voters throughout the state were interviewed and that there were those who felt the state was headed in the right direction and expressed continued satisfaction at the pace of economic development and the continuing peaceful conditions in the state.

  27. Not wanting to dismiss outright the report, Salleh however did say that looking at it objectively,it gives the Sabah BN the opportunity to know what’s in the minds of the people and to takeproactive action to address outstanding issues.

  28. Salleh said people often complained about the lack of development or poor infrastructure as these are common issues, “but those who have got both are appreciative of what the government is doing or has done”.

  29. “If what has been reported is correct, then the Sabah BN must take stock of the situation and take steps to correct the misperception that development is lagging.

  30. “Our elected representatives should point out the inaccuracies to the people, and should highlight various development and infrastructure projects, in the local media or using their own efforts, such as a community newsletter, face book or their own blogs.

  31. “It would not be fair to say that there has been a lack of development when a huge chunk of the State budget, supplemented by federal funding, goes into all sorts of development.

  32. As for the illegal immigrants, Salleh said that now that the Royal Commission of Inquiry has started its mission, it should be left to the wisdom of its members to carry out their task, and those with grouses, can go up and meet them.

  33. “But let us allow them to carry out their job in the mean time and see what their recommendations are at the end of the day. The government is indeed serious about tackling the illegal immigrant issue and all concerned should lend their support.

  34. It has been reported that the Commission would also investigate whether immigrants in Sabah who possessed the blue identity card, temporary identification receipt (blue) or citizenship in an illegal manner had been registered in the electoral roll.

  35. It has been given six months from Sept 21 to complete the investigation. The investigation report must be submitted to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

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