Sunday 30 September 2012


REDAH....Rombongan dari Parti STAR yang diketuai oleh Penyelaras UBF-STAR Dun tersebut, Feddrin Tuliang meredah sungai dan jalan balak yang sudah ditinggalkan sejak bertahun-tahun lalu untuk sampai di Kg Penulangon, DUN N31 Paginatan Ranau.


ROMBONGAN STAR disambut dengan penuh adat istiadat kaum KadazanDusun iaitu paluan gong dan tarian Sumazau, menandakan mereka benar-benar teruja dengan kehadiran rombongan STAR.

Penduduk Kampung Penulongan mengakui terkilan kerana tidak pernah ditolong mana-mana parti politik yang sudi menjenguk mereka di sana disebabkan jalan raya yang sedia ada hanya sesuai untuk jalan khinzir dan tidak sesuai untuk sebarang jenis kenderaan.

Sehingga kini hanya Parti STAR sahaja yang sudi melawat mereka, seolah-olah STAR telah memerintah Sabah kerana pemimpin STAR dekat di hati mereka.

Walaupun majoriti penduduk Kampung Penulongan ini penyokong tegar UMNO dan PBS, namun setelah berjauh hati, hampir 90 % penduduk Kampung ini telah menyokong STAR.

Agak menghairankan kenapa UMNO dan BN enggan menolong menaiktaraf jalan raya dan semua infrastruktur? Masihkah ada sisa Bajet 2012 dan dapatkah 'ampit' Baje 2013? Apakah BN tidak memerlukan undi mereka lagi?


  1. Sabahan should look the budget at the different point of view, as what CM Musa did:

    "Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the budget was a testament of the government's attention to the needs of the people, particularly the allocation of RM386 million to standardise prices in Sabah and Sarawak."

    1. Harga di Sabah dan Sarawak memang harus diseimbangkan.

  2. CM musa also stated that:

    "This budget has taken into account the interest and welfare of the peole from farmers, fishermen, youth, women, civil servants, private sector worker, the handicapped, traders and the corporate sector,"

  3. In commending and welcoming the government's care through the 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M) programme including the help extended to the young, aged 21 and above, Musa said he was confident that Najib's leadership was capable of driving up the country's economy.

  4. CM Musa also describe the the budget as being sensitive, sincere, inclusive and realistic,adding that the allocations were in tune with the transformation programmes planned towards making Malaysia a high income developed nation.

  5. Musa also called on all parties including leaders, public servants, the private sector and the people in general to continue to have the commitment and work together with the Federal government to make a success of the budget's agenda

  6. RAM Rating Services Bhd has reaffirmed the ratings of Sabah Development Bank Bhd’s debt notes.

  7. Sabah Development Bank’s pre-tax profit surged 35.7% to RM88.0 million; its overall risk-weighted capital-adequacy ratio (RWCAR) remained stable at 20.7% while its tier-1 RWCAR came up to 19.5% at the end of that period.

  8. The Sabah state government said the 2013 Budget tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak showed continued commitment, attention and sensitivity to the people with its allocations and development initiatives for them.

  9. The budget was a testament of the government's attention to the needs of the people, particularly the allocation of RM386 million to standardise prices in Sabah and Sarawak.

  10. He was confident that Najib's leadership was capable of driving up the country's economy.

  11. KKLW perlu menyelesaikan masalah yang berlaku dikawasan Luar Bandar. Jangan biarkan masalah ini terus menghantui penduduk dikawasan pendalaman.

    1. dalam Bajet 2013 Sebanyak RM4.5 bilion disediakan di bawah Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) 2.0 untuk melaksanakan pelbagai projek pembangunan luar bandar termasuk jalan, bekalan air dan elektrik serta satu program baru yang diberi nama Desa Lestari di seluruh negara.

    2. melalui peruntukan sebanyak itu agenda pembangunan luar bandar kerajaan tidak akan terbantut

    3. sebanyak 29 buah kampung akan dibangunkan pada tahun 2013 di bawah Program Desa Lestari tersebut dengan peruntukan berjumlah RM137 juta. Ia akan melibatkan 38,000 penduduk.

  12. kerajaan turut memperuntukkan RM100 juta bagi membekalkan tangki High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) di rumah-rumah yang masih belum mendapat bekalan air daripada pihak berkuasa air di Sabah dan Sawarak.

    1. Satu usaha yang baik agar semua golongan menikmati bekalan air yang lebih bersih dan berkualiti.

  13. Perkembangan ekonomi memerulukan pengurusan kewangan yang bijak.

  14. BR1M membantu keluarga yang berpendapatan rendah.

  15. Bujet 2013 akan membangunkan lagi ekonomi negara khas kawasan luar bandar.

  16. State Assistant Resource Development and Information Technology Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad Ayid said there were still many areas in Sabah, especially in the interior, that were lacking in infrastructure to enable the people to get information technology facilities

  17. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak made an assurance that Sabah will always be a priority in Malaysia’s development and hoped the people of the state would continue supporting him towards that objective.the government was working towards improving Sabah’s electricity supply
