Wednesday 27 April 2011


Dear Editor,

THE local authority of Labuan should take immediate action against foreigner kid selling lottery slip to motorist at the junction beside Mupphy Pub. The foreigner kid selling lottery slip on wednesday, saturday, sunday or Tuesday; if there is a special draw. All the kids are below 10 years old and when they saw coming vehicle they'll chase after the vehicle and flagging the driver to stop.

Some mortorist just stop their car like his grandfather road at the junction to buy the lottery slip from the foreigner kids. The police should also issue a summon to this kind of irresponsible driver who just stop at the junction to buy without caring the safety of the kids and other motorist behind them.

The local authority like Police or Town Council should immediate put a stop to the mentioned probelm coz this might cause danger to the Kids who always rush out to the middle of the road in group to stop motorist without caring of their own safety and Mortorist as well.

The Local authority should bring the kids to the police station and call up the parent to inform the parent how dangerous to let their children selling lottery slip that way or investigate who is the sindiket who print the lottery result slip and use underage kid to sell.



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