Attorney General in giving the assurance by the government that action will be
taken on the RCI report is yet another echo of the so many assurances by the
federal government in the past on the illegal immigrant issue in Sabah.
The response by the
government on my memorandum which I gave to the Ministry of home affairs for
example is basically a denial response. Back in 2008 when the call for the
government to take action on the issue, the government under new Prime Minister
then, Datuk seri Najib Tun Rajak, set up an action program, steered by the
special task force.
However the whole exercise
was just a political gimmick as it just disappeared after a few months. The
Attorney General has not explained why the National Registration Department and
the Immigration Department refused or directed not to attend the hearing when
called by the parliamentary Integrity Committee.
The refusal by the two key
departments to attend the hearing posted major unanswered questions on the
government attitude toward the illegal problem in Sabah and it was a blatant
contempt of parliamentary democracy of the country.
"The state secretary of
United State of America had to appear and defend the government policy and
action before the congressional committee on the Benghazi attack which led to
the death of some Americans diplomatic staff including the ambassador.
This shows the high level of
accountability of the US government to their people. Mahathir had
single-handedly took upon himself as the prime minister of Malaysia, in secrecy, issued citizenships
to illegal immigrants in the country, especially in Sabah without due
accountability to parliament and the people of Sabah and without due respect
for the affected people of Sabah and the Malaysian Agreement.
His government had never
announced the immigration policy during his term. Different immigrant groups
are treated differently. The government adopted the policy of “shoo or shoot”
toward the Vietnamese refugees but indiscriminately giving out citizenship yo
the illegal immigrants in Sabah.
US President Barrack Obama had just announced the new
immigration policy of his government and he announced it publicly in front of a
crowd saying “the time has come to fix the system that has been badly broken so
many times”. He added 'This time, action must follow.
We can’t allow immigration
reform to get bogged down in endless debate.' The announcement was a fulfilment
of his recent campaign promise to the people of America. He also explained that
the new policy was a result of a
'emerging broad base consensus of business leaders, labour leaders,
faith leaders, law enforcements and members of the Democrat and Republican
The policy specified three immigration
reforms, better enforcement of immigration laws, providing a path or process to
citizenship and reforming the immigration system.
In Malaysia we need a RCI to
response to the outcry from the people. If the government is indeed responsible
then action should have been taken right from the beginning to protect the
sovereignty of the country.
I repeat again that Mahathir
had breached the sovereignty of the country and betrayed and committed treason
to the people of Sabah and he must be made accountable for it.
Nobody should be immune from
the law. How can he claims that the identity cards given to the illegal
immigrant in Sabah is done according to due process of law when officers of the
NRD testified that they were hoarded in house in Kuala Lumpur to issue ICs. The
ex-president of Peru was made to account for what he has done during his
presidency even after he retired and all knows where he is now.
The two-prong defence by
PEKA advisor Datu Omar Ali Datu Bachtiyal on the admission of Tun Mahathir in
the issuance of ICs to illegal immigrants in Sabah, abeit-in a clandestine way,
miss my point or a mere indefensible justification.
There is no question of
misinterpretation in my statement. The witnesses in the RCI hearing tell all.
Firstly I wish to reiterate again that Mahathir had committed treason to the
original citizen of Sabah by playing with the national security of the country
by way of indiscriminate issuance of ICs to the illegal immigrants.
The worms are out of the
can. You and other UMNO leaders are scrambling for justification. The denials
can longer works. The modern world had never seen any country which
indiscriminately gives away citizenship to illegal immigrants for hideous
political agenda without any regard to the implication to the affected people.
Mahathir had to admit to
this after failing to stop the formation of the RCI, to which Najib was forced
to do due to tremendous pressure from the opposition. Few people will disagree
that my quitting from BN had forced his hand in this matter. Mahathir tried to
justify himself by saying that Tunku Abdul Rahman had done worst than him.
"We have to remember
that the granting of the Chinese and Indian immigrants on Independence Day was
the agreement among the races as a condition for gaining independence from the
British colonial government. This is what is generally called 'the social
Mahathir give out
citizenship to illegal immigrants well after merdeka, after which the
constitution and laws in regard to immigration and citizenship are in place to
adhere to when processing citizenship application.
In the case of Sabah those
people came or invited to come without any document at all. The witnesses in
the RCI hearing showed that names were even given to them, list them in the
electoral roll and them given identity cards.
Datu Omar also cited that
the Suluks and the Bajaus were already in Sabah before the Brirish came. It is
true that on Independence Day the population of Sabah comprised of many races,
the Kadazan, Dusuns, Muruts, Bajaus, Suluks, Dayaks, Brunei Malays, Iranun,
Chinese and many others.
On the same principle in
Peninsula Malaysia and Sarawak, those who are domiciled in Sabah on that day
are granted citizenship. Tun Musthapa ancestors are from the Philipines but he
was here in Sabah during independence and therefore he has the full right to
citizenship of this state but not those from the Philipines coming after
Is Datu Omar saying, for
example that, since there were Dayaks in Sabah before independence therefore
those Dayaks who come to Sabah after independence will be automatically given
Datu Omar remark in regard
to ancestral origin of the Dayaks and Kadazans in relation to immigrant issues
does not hold water at all. We don’t consider ourselves as native, we are the
native of this land and we have, among others have the full right to safeguard
this land from unrightful iilegal comers.
The government of Malaysia
today has the legal, political and moral obligation to make right what wrong
had been done. So many empty promises had been given to solve the issue and now
the people can understand why no action had been taken because it was a grand
scheme of Mahathir for two decades of his premiership.
The present Prime Minister dare
not take action on the issue for fear of offending Mahathir. We take the
government for their words of promise, via the attorney general that action
will be taken on the RCI findings but first the government must prove their
words worth by cleaning the electoral roll from those illegal immigrants to
prove that Malaysia is indeed a world class democracy.
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