Saturday 17 March 2012


MUMS who use mobile phones while pregnant could make their children hyperactive, scientists warn. Researchers believe that the radiation from phones harms the development of unborn babies' brains. That could lead to poor memory, anxiety and behavioural problems.

Professor Hugh Taylor, from America's prestigious Yale University, believes mobiles may even be partly to blame for rising rates of disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Scientists at Yale reached their conclusion after tests on mice, but say humans could be affected the same way.

Pregnant mice housed with an active phone gave birth to offspring that showed signs of hyperactivity, anxiety and poor memory. Mice left with a switched-off phone were not affected. The changes were blamed on impaired brain development in foetuses exposed to phone radiation.

Prof Taylor said: "This is the first experimental evidence that exposure to radiation from telephones does affect adult behaviour.

"We have shown that behavioural problems in mice that resemble ADHD are caused by mobile phone exposure in the womb. The rise in behavioural disorders in human children may be in part due to foetal cellphone exposure."

Other experts said the study should be treated with caution as humans and mice would react differently.

Prof Eric Taylor, of King's College London, said it was unlikely mobiles were to blame for rising levels of ADHD. (


  1. Pregnant mothers should use mobile phones less often to prevent the children to be born with these behavioural disorders.

  2. Jadi ibu2 mengandung disarankan kurang2kanlah penggunaan handphoned.

  3. ibu2 mengandung harus elakkan menggunakan handpone, ini demi kesihatan kandungan mereka.

  4. Boleh guna HP namun perlu dikurangkan dan dijauhi daripada diri ketika tidak mengunakannya.

  5. jangankan anak dalam kandungan, orang dewasa pun boleh terdedah dengan bahaya radiasi dari penggunaan telefon bimbit..
