THE PEOPLE undeniably continues blaming UMNO led Barisan Nasional (BN) Government in Kuala Lumpur and Sabah for the perennial huge presence of illegal immigrants (PTI) and the loss of 95 per cent oil revenues as well as problems over Native Customary Rights (NCR) lands.
Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) said the PTI continuously swarm Sabah because it is easy to get MyKad, the Malaysian identity card, through back door as UMNO leaders here and in Kuala Lumpur have a hand on it.
“It is called 'Project IC' as have been reported in a book written by Mutalib MD who is a former aide of UMNO leader here. As such, State Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said should not have denial syndrome over the issue of huge presence of PTI statewide.
“Hundred thousands of PTI keep on coming into Sabah due to the special treatment given by UMNO, which is backed by leaders in Kuala Lumpur since UMNO spread its wings into the State,” SAPP Treasurer General Dullie Marie said responding to Salleh’s statement, which was published in local dailies.
On oil royalty, Dullie said Kuala Lumpur are enjoying 95 per cent revenues over 36 years while Sabah only receives the remaining 5 per cent although the petroleum are being extracted from here.
He said the present Sabah BN Government have never pressed Kuala Lumpur for a revision of the oil royalty although Sabah remain one of the poorest State in Malaysia.
He went on saying that it seems that the present Sabah BN Government is happy that Sabah is still poor and lack behind in all development sapects compared to the other states in the country.
Dullie said NCR lands issue only emerge under the administration of the present UMNO led Sabah BN Government.
“As far as I could remember, NCR lands issue have never happen before. Many folks in the interiors were chased out of their villages with their houses, crops and cemetery were destroyed. This inhumane acts only happen around eight few years ago,” he added.
Salleh was quoted as saying that there is no need for Sabah to fear that it would lose its autonomy or the people their rights.
He also said that the many illegal immigrants getting MyKad here due to their blood relationship with certain leader and ordinary local.
Salleh blamed local land owners for selling their assets for quick bucks resulting in many lands fell in the hands of private companies from Kuala Lumpur.
He also blamed past leaders for signing the oil royalty agreement, which gave 95 per cent revenues to Kuala Lumpur via Petronas.
The oil royalty agreement was signed by the then Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh (now Tan Sri) and witnessed by Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan (now Tan Sri) on behalf of Sabah few decaded ago.
Hopefully the RCI will be approved soon in order to investigate the illegal immigrant and project IC issue in Sabah, the federal government is yet to finalize the terms of reference and timeline for the RCI.
ReplyDeleteitulah yang dihrapkan, iaitu RCI akan ditubuhkn dengan segera.
DeleteThose locals who lost their land because they have sold it off to the companies for quick profits should not blame the government because it is their choice to sell off the land.
ReplyDeletebetul..mereka yang menjual tnah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan segera, tidak harus menyalahkan orang lain.
DeletePertubuhan RCI harus mengambil tindakan yang wajar.
ReplyDeleteLet see what the outcome after the discussion with the cabinet.
ReplyDeleteharap kabinet akan membuat keputusan yang terbaik untuk semua rakyat.
Delete“Hundred thousands of PTI keep on coming into Sabah due to the special treatment given by UMNO"
ReplyDeleteTuduhan ini bukannya perkara baru lagi. Sehingga kini, projek ini masih berlanjutan dan tiada tindakan diambil kepada golongan ini. Negara Demokrasi bukan sebegini.
special treatment by umno or special treatment by the people in this state?? who give them job? who give them home/room? who give them shop lot? who buy their stuffs??
DeleteHe also blamed past leaders for signing the oil royalty agreement, which gave 95 per cent revenues to Kuala Lumpur via Petronas.
ReplyDeleteAgreement sebegini tiada manfaat untuk Sabah.
and YTL also should be blamed for giving 265 logging licenses covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore)to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included.. and it is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.
DeleteImigresen tidak dapat kesan golongan PATi yang masuk semakin berlanjutan? Ini tidak masuk akal.
ReplyDeletejika Imigresen itu malaikat atau molikul2 halus yang boleh bergerak dan merebak disemua pelusuk negeri, jangan harap PATI2 ini boleh terlepas.. Sabah bukan sahaja memiliki garis pantai yang luas dan panjang malah dikelilingi oleh beribu pulau yang mana semua faktor ini boleh membantu PATI menyusup masuk ke negeri ini tanpa pengetahuan pihak berkuasa..
DeleteRCI is needed.
ReplyDeleteThe Opposition’s promise of increasing the royalty of oil producing states from 5% to 20% is unrealistic and an empty promise.
ReplyDeletebiasalah, pembangkang menaburkan janji untuk mendapatkan sokongan kepada rakyat.
DeleteThe Opposition’s offer did not make economic sense and was just its usual gimmick to woo voters.
ReplyDeleteAssuming that the opposition got the mandate to run the country, Where do they think they will get the money (revenue) to run the country should ?
ReplyDeleteNajib said the Barisan was focused on realistic and real development and the state received huge Federal development allocations that benefited the people.
ReplyDeleteAmong the Pakatan Rakyat’s promise are to increase the royalty to 20% for oil producing states, reduction of petrol prices, wiping out outstanding PTPTN loans worth about RM40bil and ending toll collection, which will cost millions.
ReplyDeleteI really hope RCI will be set up in sabah.
ReplyDeleteRCI sure will implemented soon. just wait announcement from PM
Deletepembangkang byk memberi janji kepada Sabah, namun janji2 mereka dilihat tidak masuk akal, kita jgnlah mudah terpedaya dgn janji2 mereka.
ReplyDeletesebagaimana bantuan rm500 kerajaan kepada rakyat boleh dikatanya sebagai pencing undi.. begitu jugalah dengan janji2 mereka yang belum tentu mampu ditunaikan.. apa tujuannya janji2 itu jika bukan untuk memancing undi..
DeleteMungkin kita sering kali mendengar mengenai perkara ini. Namun semua ini adalah permainan daripada pihak pembangkang sebenarnya.
ReplyDeletejika SAPP memerintah negeri ini untuk kali kedua, bermakna bencana akan menimpa negeri ini untuk kali kedua juga.. berdasarkan pentadbiran mereka sebelum ini, mereka sebenarnya tidak mampu mentadbir negeri Sabah.. yang mereka tahu hanya menuding jari sekiranya ada apa2 masalah berlaku..
Deleteharap masalah pati ini akan berjaya diselesaikan. semua harus bekerjasama dan bukannya saling menyalahkan.
ReplyDeleteSAPP juga tidak ada idea penyelesaian melainkan sekadar mengulangi idea parti atau pemimpin lain.. bila idea itu dilaksanakan dan membuahkan hasil, cepat2 pemimpin mereka buat kenyataan media kononnya mereka yang mencadangkan idea itu..
Deletebukan rakyat yang salahkan KL dan UMNO.. sebaliknya pemimpin2 politik yang terlalu mengidamkan jawatan kabinet yang menyalahkan KL dan UMNO..
ReplyDeleteberapa tahun SAPP berada dalam BN?? kenapa hanya setelah keluar dari BN baru bangkitkan isu itu ini??
ReplyDelete“As far as I could remember, NCR lands issue have never happen before. Many folks in the interiors were chased out of their villages with their houses, crops and cemetery were destroyed. This inhumane acts only happen around eight few years ago,”
ReplyDeleteI assume that you had suffered by short term or long term memory lost dude.. how about the Tongod Region where not less than 20,000 acres of land earlier set aside for native socio-economic projects, under the ‘Tongod Regional Planning Study’, mooted during the Berjaya era, were given away to a public-listed company?? all of this happen during YTL tenure..