Wednesday, 6 April 2011



NKRA…. The Best Original Picture can win world photographic contest for develop nation. Picture shown gravel road and broken timber bridge to Pensiangan.

A QUESTION was raised by the DAP Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu on the 6th of April on why the Infrastructure development in the Interior Districts of Sabah, like Sook, Tenom, Tambunan, Keningau, Nabawan and Pensiangan are not being given the fullest attention, and what is the allocation to be made and the programs made ready under the 10th Malaysia Plan (RMK10).

The Ministry and the Minister of Rural Development had made a written reply that appears to be just painting a nice picture to lure the Sabahan in the Interior that the BN government is trying to do something for them.

The Minister said that under the Transformation program of the government through the NKRA (National Key Result Area) for the rural infrastructure development will achieve 100% in 2013. This is to prove the commitment of the government to ensure the people in the interior of Sabah will get the best facilities and to improve their living standard.

Under the RMK10, for the 2011 to 2012, there will be an allocation of RM5.1 billion for Sabah for the rural development, and there are more to follow year by year in the RMK10,

On road building, until 2012, it is estimated that out of the 2,500 Kilometer of rural roads 1,035 kilometers will be sealed and upgraded.

The electricity supply in the rural district will be extended to cover more areas through extension of the power grid, mini-hydro and solar hybrid. The government will make sure that 99% of Sabah will have power supply by 2015.

The water supply in Sabah will be covering at least 98% for the people by 2015 through water distribution pipes, new water treatment works but alternative system of water supply like well, gravity water supply from hill spring, underground water, and rain water will continue to be used in the interior depending on the conditions.

GRAVEL…Unseal bad kampung road in Tenom.

Sabah DAP Tenom Chief Dr. Benjamin Yapp said that the reply by the minister is just painting a beautiful picture and it is not realistic and hard to believe that the rural development can bring about 99% power coverage and a 98% water supply to all by 2015.

The figure of RM5.1 billion for the development program seems far too remote and whether this amount will be utilized in the interior district or not. He said if the government is serious about developing the Interior of Sabah, they should have done it in the RMK8 and 9, and not waiting until RMK10.

It is just hard to believe when a question is raised then the BN government to come up with nice promises. Will the people in the Interior believe these promises after waiting for such long time and suffering the powerless, water shortage, and very bad roads? The government is not committed in helping the rural folks.

Dr. Benjamin Yapp expressed his dissatisfaction towards the slackness in helping the interior districts in Sabah. We are also Malaysian and we have equal rights and we should not be forgotten and left behind.

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