“PBS, UPKO, PBRS! Are you protecting Sabah’s Rights?” replied Edward Linggu, Campaign Director of UBF in response to the press reports quoting Dompok, Mositun and Kurup on the launching of STAR Sabah.
Obviously, the people does not think so and rallying to support STAR Sabah as can be seen by the more than 60,000 supporters signing up in less than 3 weeks. Perhaps, PBRS may not even have the same number of committed members.
In his launching speech, our Chairman, Dr. Jeffrey, has made it clear the political vision of STAR Sabah for Sabah and urged all Sabahans including Sabah BN leaders to stand unite regardless of their political ideologies to safeguard and protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy.
“In fact, Dr. Jeffrey, stated that the Sabah BN leaders were in Government and were in position and power to implement change and adopt the Borneo Agenda and openly challenged the Sabah BN leaders to implement the changes to safeguard and protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy,” added Edward.
Instead of side-tracking the real issue, Dompok, Mositun and Kurup, should respond to Dr. Jeffrey’s open challenge and teIl the people of Sabah whether have the guts to stand up to their political master and take the necessary action to protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy for the benefit of our future generations.
They (Dompok, Mositun and Kurup) need to understand and be reminded that the 7 core objectives in the Borneo Agenda advocated by UBF and now supported by STAR Sabah and the United Borneo Alliance are not demands for extra rights or privileges for Sabah.
“Is it wrong for STAR Sabah to support the Borneo Agenda which advocates the restoration of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia as equal partners and the fairer and more equitable treatment of Sabah in Federal policies including revenue sharing and oil royalties,” asked Edward that requires them to decide for the people of Sabah on STAR Sabah.
If Acheh Province in Indonesia can be granted autonomy and enjoy 70% share of their oil resources, there is no reason why Sabah cannot be granted 50% of its oil wealth for the benefit of all Sabahans.
As regards federal taxes and duties collected from Sabah, reliable sources indicated that the collections in 2011 is expected to be RM20-22 billion.
Imagine if Sabah gets 50% of the federal taxes and oil wealth of about RM16 billion, Sabah will get a massive injection of some RM18 billion annually and poverty will not only be eradicated completely but the State’s economy will enjoy a quantum leap from its current budget of RM4 billion, which in itself a record-setting precedent.
“Do the Sabah BN leaders dare to deny that the additional RM16 billion will not be to the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and their future generations?”
“Do the Sabah BN leaders dare to deny that the rights and changes sought to be restored to Sabah under the Borneo Agenda will not be to the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and their future generations?”
If the Sabah BN leaders are brave enough to openly agree that the additional revenue of RM16 billion and the restoration of the State rights and autonomy are good for Sabah, then they should unite and stand united with STAR Sabah and the United Borneo Alliance (UBA) to safeguard and protect the rights and autonomy of the Borneo States as advised by Dr. Jeffrey.
“Remember, the people are no longer ignorant and will be watching the Sabah BN and will decide their fate in the forthcoming general elections” said Edward.
If the Sabah BN leaders do not do the right thing to safeguard Sabah’s rights and autonomy, the people in Sabah will reject the Sabah BN leaders and change the Government.
The time has come for the people and leaders in Sabah and Sarawak to ‘Take Charge’ and not rely on others to safeguard Sabah and Sarawak’s rights.
Our local leaders and parties should work hard to fight for the Sabahans rights.
ReplyDeleteHope that the Sabah leaders will safeguard the people's rights.
ReplyDeletePemimpin Sabah kena berani suarakan hak rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeletesemua pemimpin perlu bersatu dalam memperjuangkan hak2 dan kepentingn Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJK hanya banyak lompat pagar dan komplen
ReplyDeletesemua harus berusaha untuk memenuhi tanggungjawab kepada rakyat.
ReplyDeletekepentingan da keperluan rakyat harus menjadi keutamaan setiap pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteParti BN sabah terus berjuang untuk membantu penduduk Sabah. Maka mari kita sokong parti yang boleh membantu Sabah dan juga penduduknya.
ReplyDeleteApa pun harap parti komponen BN yang lain terpedaya dengah hasutan dari parti pembangkang untuk membuat parti BN kucar kacir. Itu cuma mainan strategik mereka untuk memastikan BN tidak dapat bersatu. Kerana bila bersatu BN adalah yang terhebat dan kuat di Sabah.
ReplyDeletedimana pula letaknya kesungguhan pemimpin2 UBF dalam melindungi hak2 rakyat Sabah selain dari sekadar bercakap2 di media?? pernahkah pemimpin2 UBF membantu penduduk2 kampung yang berhadapan dengan masalah dengan membawa masalah mereka ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi untuk diselesaikan??
ReplyDeletejika benar UBF berjiwa Sabahan dan bersungguh2 melindungi hak2 rakyat Sabah, kenapa perlu memilih parti yang telahpun gagal di sarawak? kenapa tidak bergabung saja dengan SAPP?