Tuesday, 10 January 2012


RECEIPT…..Hiew showing the DBKK sign board deposit receipt.

THE SHOP owners in Kota Kinabalu, Inanam, and Menggatal area were not happy about the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) imposing expensive and deemed not necessary deposits on their shop front sign boards.

They said they had put up the sign board for many years and this is the first time that the DBKK come to make them to pay for the sign board fee and together with the sign board deposit.

The people asked why suddenly out of the blue there is this sign board deposit made compulsory for them to pay. They totally disagreed to this and they have asked help from the KK MP Hiew King Cheu to bring this matter to DBKK and its Mayor.

After viewing the situation and inspected the sign board hanging in front of the shop, MP Hiew felt the deposit as required is not necessary, and this will increase the burden of the business operators. A sign board measuring 2 feet by 20 feet long is charged with a deposit of RM80, and it is about RM2 per square feet. Besides that, a DBKK sign board fee is charged at RM80 for this particular sign board too.

Hiew said when this deposit charged by the DBKK is to be stopped. In the past, the shop sign boards are allowed without any charges, except the business sign board is more than one fixed on the shop or premises. Now even the first sign board is also being charged with the fees and deposit, it is not right for the business owners to pay for the sign board that is paid and made by them.

There are hundred of thousands of business sign boards in the KK City, if all these big and small sign boards are levied with the fees and deposits, DBKK will collect millions of ringgits. The fact is, why increase the heavy burden to the people. We have enough burdens on paying the expensive car parking fees, rates, taxes, and now even sign board fees and their deposits. These are adding to the heavy financial burden of the people.

MP Hiew urges DBKK to suspend the action on collecting the sign board deposits and allow the first sign board to be free as before.


  1. Apasal dulu tidak payah tapi sekarang pula dikenakan bayaran?

  2. DBKK wajar tampil memberi penjelasan mengenai perkara ini terlebih dahulu dan bukan sesuka hati meminta bayaran.

    1. hal ini perlu diperjelaskan.

  3. harap-harap DBKK dapat memberi penjelasan yang rasional berkenaan dengan isu ini kepada inividu-individu yang berkaitan

  4. Diharapkanjuga perkara ini dapat diselesaikan secepat mungkin

  5. Isu ini jika dibiarkan akan menjadi-jadi. Perlu ada penjelasan dan diharap peniaga tidak dibebankan dengan bayaran2 seperti ini.

  6. sudahlah sewa kedai mahal, ditambah lagi dengan bayaran deposit seperti ini memanglah menambahkan lagi beban peniaga.

  7. tapi sya rasa lebih baik jika semua pemilik2 kedai dan pihak DBKK beremuka untuk membincangkan mengenai perkara ini. takut nanti ada lagi pula perhimpunan/demo yang dibuat, lagi tambah masalah.

  8. DBKK perlu memberikan notis terlebih dahulu untuk mengenakan caj kepada pemilik kedai yang memasang sign board.

  9. Pihak DBKK juga perlu memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkara ini. Kenapa tiba-tiba caj dikenakan kepada mereka.

  10. sebelum melaksanakan apa2 tindakan, DBKK patut berbincang terlebih dahulu dengan pemilik premis perniagaan..
