Wednesday, 11 January 2012


CLOG….Edward inspecting the drain in Kingfisher Park.

THE STORM drains next to the Jalan Kingfisher and the Giant Supermarket in the Kingfisher Park is needed cleaning and a good dug up due the overgrown vegetation and rubbish accumulated inside the drains.

Edward Ewol Mujie the Sabah DAP Local Government and Housing Bureau chief was sent to inspect the problem storm drains by the KK MP Hiew King Cheu after receiving the complaint from the people in Kingfisher Park.

The people said that the drains there were never being cleaned and now the vegetation had overgrown and even trees had grown inside the drain. The foul blackish water in the drain is emitting very bad smell which had affected the surrounding shops and eateries.

Edward urges the JPS (DID) and the relevant authorities to come to inspect the drains and get them clean up once for all. A clean environment is essential to provide for a healthy living in the Kingfisher Park. These dirty drains reflected the inefficiency and slackness of the authorities in Sabah.


  1. Drains must always be kept clean so that the water flow would not be blocked from rubbish or vegetations.

  2. Kalau terlepas pandang, fine. Sekarang aduan sudah dibuat, harap ada tindakan selanjutnya.

  3. longkang tersebut perlu dibersihkan, ia sangat kotor.

  4. Masalah ni perlu diselesaikan. Pihak yang berkuasa perlu mengambil perhatian dan tindakan.

  5. hopefully the JPS (DID) and the relevant authorities can take a swift action to rectify the situation

  6. langkah pembersihan perlulah dibuat berhubung dengan aduan ini.

  7. pemantau dan pembersihan perlu selalu dibuat agar longkang sentiasa berfungsi dengan baik.

  8. JPS perlulah melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka untuk menjalankan tugas pembersihan longkang.

  9. terima kasih kepada DAP kerana terus mencari masalah untuk ditangani. Ini akan memudahkan kerja Pihak berkuasa untuk menyelesaikannya. Kerana pihak berkuasa kurang menerima aduan maka dengan bantuan DAP ini memudahkan kerja mereka.

  10. tumbuh2an dalam longkang itu mungkin tumbuh secara semulajadi, tapi sampah sarap yang ada dalam longkang itu mustahil tumbuh secara semulajadi..

  11. pemilik2 premis disekitar tu rajin2 la buat aduan.. jangan ingat kaut keuntungan saja.. bila tiba masa berlaku masalah, sibuk pula tuding menuding..
