BEAUFORT Umno Division members want the police to take action against the writer behind an alleged defamation article published on facebook regarding Housing and Local Government Deputy Minister, Datuk Lajim Ukin recently.
Divisional Secretary, Jusih Sarin who was among those who lodge a police report on this matter at the Karamunsing Police Head Quaters said the article had resorted to insulting Lajim as well as used a caricature to ridicule him.
"He is an influential and relevant leader and we cannot leave the negative statements written about him just like that.
"This maybe the work of individuals who think of their own benefits and irresponsible," he said, adding that Lajim, Who is Beaufort MP, is good and caring leader to his people.
In this respect, he hoped that the police would carry out investigations and find out who was behind the article and let Lajim himself decide whether he wants to press charge for defamation.
Meanwhile, party comittee member, Abdul Sanon Sapi who is also President of the Ex-Servicemen Association of Malaysia, Sabah Branch said those who think Lajim is at fault for something, should go to the media and not post it on sosial networks.
"Lajim is an adviser to this association and as members we are dissappointed to see people talking bad things about his as he is good person and leader," he pointed out.
Mungkin lebih baik dakwaan ini disiasat oleh pihak polis untuk menentukan adakah perkara yang ditulis itu benar ataupun tidak.
ReplyDeleteLajim perlulah membuat keputusan sama ada hendak mendakwa penulis artikel tersebut.
ReplyDeletelabih baik lajim tk perl layan semua kabar2 angin tersebut, melayannya kadang kala akan merumitkan lagi keadaan.
Deleteperkara2 seperti ini memang sudah sering berlaku. ada juga kes sampai saman menyaman.
ReplyDeletelet's behave ourselves when we express our opinion online
ReplyDeleteother wise other people we see our statements as wreckless and irresponsible.Worst case scenario will be label as slandering other parties online. thus be on the repercussion end in the real world.
ReplyDeleteAs the malay saying goes: 'gara-gara mulut badan binasa...
Just as this article has demonstrated....
ReplyDeleteHarus ada etika untuk menulis sesebuah penulisan agar tidak menimbulkan sebarang hasutan atau menjatuhkan reputasi sesorang.
ReplyDeleteLajimtidak harus gusar jika beliau di pihak yang benar.
ReplyDeleteLajim sering dikaitkan dengan khabar angin kebelakangan ini.
ReplyDeletebirlah pihak polis yang mengambil tindakan berhubung pekara ini.
ReplyDeleteterlalu byk kabar angin mengenai lajim didengari, Lajim perlu bijak dalam menghadapinya.
ReplyDeleteBiarlah apa yang mereka ingin sampaikan yang penting sekarang Lajim telah berusaha untuk menyelesaika masalah penduduk.
ReplyDeleteTunggu saja kenyataan dari Lajim. Ahli politik veteren macam Lajim tidak mudah melatah dengan isu2 hangat mengenai dia.
ReplyDeleteAda pihak yang benar2 ingin menjatuhkan Lajim, harap Lajim dapat memberi respon mengenai perkara ni. Rakyat seharusnya bijaksana menilai perkara seperti ni.
ReplyDeletesepatutnya kes2 seperti ini tidak perlu buat laporan polis.. banyak lagi laporan yang perlu diambil perhatian oleh pihak polis untuk diselesaikan segera.. kadang2 laporan remeh seperti ini boleh mengganggu siasatan pihak polis terhadap kes yang jauh lebih penting seperti ini..
ReplyDeletebagi memulihkan situasi ini, Lajim hanya perlu tampil memberikan penjelasan dan menjawab semua persoalan2 yang ditimbulkan oleh pihak tersebut.. jika sudah berbuat demikan, serahkan sahaja kepada rakyat untuk membuat pertimbangan..