COMMITTEE….Tthe Sabah DAP CNY open house organizing committee.
SABAH DAP will be holding its Kota Kinabalu Chinese New Year open house on the Seventh day of Chinese New Year, and that is on the 29th of January, 2012 (Sunday) from 10am to 1pm in the Kota Kinabalu Kian Kok Middle School Hall.
The organizing committee for the function has been formed with the KK MP Hiew King Cheu as the Organizing Chairman, Vice Organizing Chairman Fung Kong Win and Edward Ewol Mujie. The preparation work for this grand function to celebrate the CNY together with the KK folks is well on the way.
There will be many invited guests from the heavy weight leaders of Pakatan Rakyat from the central HQ, and the main group of VIPs will be the State Assemblymen and State Assembly Women from Sarawak DAP.
The program for the function is filled with new year songs, dances, Lion and Dragon dance and of course speeches from the PR leaders. There will be some light refreshment and drinks, and the function also has prepared some door-gifts for the children to make them happy too.
This is going to be a happy grand occasion for the people in KK to meet the PR leaders whom they have heard so much about, and now this is the chance to meet them in person and have a good chat. This is possible because the event hall is set in such a way that there will be a free flow for conversation on the floor, and the VIPs with the YBs will be on the floor with the people.
MP Hiew said he is looking forward to a successful function and he reminds all the Pakatan Rakyat members to turn out in force to help. This will be an important function before the next general election.
Every year during festive celebration, most political parties will hold open house. Which is a good practice for the party members to get closer to the voters.
ReplyDeleteSemoga setiap perayaan disambut dengan perasaan muhibah.
ReplyDeletesetiap perayaan pastinya disambut dengan meriah dan harmoni.
ReplyDeleteselamat menyambut tahun baru Cina.
ReplyDeleteSelamat menyambut tahun baru juga kepada semua pembaca dan juga empunya website.
ReplyDeletekalau boleh masa buat rumah terbuka tu kurangkan kempen politik.. biar para pengunjung dapat menikmati suasana perayaan sepenuhnya,, bukannya suasana kempen politik..