“SABAHANS and patriotic Sabahan leaders need to understand the ploy of Sabah BN led by UMNO, PBS and UPKO on the recent announcement by UMNO Sabah that UMNO Sabah has no objections to the setting up of the RCI on illegal immigrants issue. The play-acting continued with UPKO and PBS rushing to ‘angkat’ their political bosses by heaping praise on UMNO’s statement of no objections,” said Edward Linggu, Campaign Director of UBF.
While it is to be complimented the statement that UMNO Sabah has no objections to the RCI, it has to seen in the light of growing ground-swell amongst the people in Sabah in support of the RCI including many Muslim NGOs in recent times as well as the backlash against UMNO and Sabah BN in the forthcoming general elections due anytime soon.
“All Sabahans are urged to see through the scam of the political ploy by UMNO and Sabah BN and not be duped into false hope in the next general elections,” added Edward.
This can be seen when UMNO Sabah is merely passing the buck back to UMNO and the Federal Cabinet when as the ruling State Government, it has the coercive power to get the UMNO-dominated Federal Government to establish the RCI. Before this, UMNO Sabah was deaf, dumb and mute to the calls by the people for the RCI and no UMNO Sabah leader dared to voice even their no-objections to the RCI.
If the UMNO and Sabah BN leaders are genuine in their concerns for Sabah and for protecting the State’s rights, these leaders need to voice their concerns for Sabah and be more assertive to ensure the rights of Sabah are protected and safeguarded.
At the recent UMNO AGM, which is the highest authority of UMNO, who forms the backbone of the Federal Government, UMNO Sabah failed to seize the opportunity to highlight and debate on Sabah issues. If the rights of Sabah and the problems facing its people are not heard and debated, the hopes for the future of Sabah would remain forgotten, as was in the UMNO AGM.
As the ruling State Government, UMNO and the Sabah BN leaders, need to go beyond mere statements in support of the RCI not just ‘no-objections’ and ensure that the UMNO-dominated Federal Government not only establish the RCI but also ensure that solutions are put in place to resolve the illegal immigrants and Project IC and dubious voters are resolved.
“Can UMNO Sabah ensure that the RCI will be established and that viable solutions will be put in place to resolve the illegal immigrants, Project IC and dubious voters are resolved? Can UMNO Sabah be depended upon to fight for and safeguard Sabah’s rights in Malaysia?,” asked Edward.
This is what the voters in Sabah should also be asking of UMNO Sabah and Sabah BN in the forthcoming general elections. While benefit of the doubt should be given, it may be a futile effort for the benefit to be granted.
If the deafening silence at the UMNO AGM on Sabah issues and the cowered silence of the UMNO Sabah delegation at the AGM is taken as any measure, the answer is obvious whether UMNO Sabah be depended upon to fight for and safeguard Sabah’s rights in Malaysia.
Diharapkan RCI ini akan ditubuhkan kerana perkara ini penting untuk semua rakyat Sabah tulen.
ReplyDeleteTerpulanglah kepada rakyat untuk mengundi parti yang mereka percayai. Undian adalah hak rakyat.
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad. The acceptance of the establishment of theRCI being preceived as a political ploy.
ReplyDeleteKita kena satu hati menuntut RCI. Tidak payah mahu berlagak hero seolah-olah parti lain tidak ikhlas mahukan RCI.
ReplyDeleteJadi tuntutan RCI oleh siapa yang konon2 nya tiada unsur politik??
ReplyDeleteIt not a Ploy to garner a voter. But it to solve the issues in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteRCI is the way to resolve Illegal Immigrant and IC project at Sabah. actually this not the ploy but this for people right.
ReplyDeleteRCi mesti ditubuhkan, seluruh Sabahan inginkan RCI untuk selesaikan masalah2 di Sabah.
ReplyDeletebagaimana dia boleh katakan itu helah untuk mendapatkan undi sedangkan PSC belum ajukan cadangan itu di Parlimen?
ReplyDeleteUBF juga sedang menarik undi dengan cuba meremehkan pendirian kerajaan dalam penubuhan RCI.. sekiranya RCI ditubuhkan, pasti akan keluar lagi isu baru bagi meremehkan usaha tersebut bagi mengelakkan rakyat menyokong kerajaan..
ReplyDeleteHopefully RCI can get the approval from Parliament
ReplyDeleteKita sebagai rakyat Sabah harus menyokong penubuhan RCI dan berharap kerajaan persekutuan meluluskan RCI.