Friday, 13 January 2012



“STAR’s legitimacy in Sabah is not an issue as it is a national party registered by the Registrar Of Societies (ROS) in Kuala Lumpur and its constitution allows it to open up branches and committees anywhere in Malaysia,” says its Sabah Chapter Chairman Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan.

If you ask ROS the wrong question, you can expect to get the wrong answer. It is like asking the ROS whether UMNO Sabah is registered.

“I am amazed at the sudden excitement to condemn STAR’s existence in Sabah” added Dr. Jeffrey.

“Why? Why are they afraid of STAR or Dr. Jeffrey for having a political vehicle? Only those whose political interest are affected by STAR’s presence in Sabah should feel that way and feel threatened by STAR Sabah,” pointed out Dr. Jeffrey.

For the public’s information, STAR had even fielded a local candidate, Amatus Bernadus Anjun, in the then P.146 Sabah Parliament seat of Marudu in the 1999 general elections.

STAR is here to fight for the rights of Sabah and Sarawak which had been neglected and eroded by Kuala Lumpur/Malaya. These include our political autonomy, our rights to taxes and revenues, our oil resources and our rights under the 20-Points.

Sabah cannot continue to be on the losing end of the Malaysia Agreement. We can no longer depend on outsiders for leadership. This is 2012, we are no longer in 1963.

STAR is here to stay as the current Sabah leaders can no longer be depended to fight for Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

We, Sabahans, can manage Sabah ourselves and to decide our own development as well as our future. Why should Sabah continue to be colonized and ruled by UMNO from Peninsular when we have already achieved our independence in 1963?

All Sabahans should stand united and seek to restore Sabah’s rights, status and autonomy.


  1. Star adalah satu parti politik nasional dan boleh membuka cawangan baru di mana-mana negeri. Ini tidak perlu disoalkan lagi.

  2. Biarlah Star bertanding di Sabah, sedikit persaingan sihat adalah bagus untuk memberi sedikit motivasi kepada parti yang lain.

  3. Star parti baru di sabah, ia pasti akan menambahkan persaingan di Sabah. kita tgk sejauhmana Star boleh pergi.

  4. Perkara yang simple pun boleh dibangkit untuk mempertikai kewujudan Star. Bagaimana mahu memerintah kerajaan negeri.

  5. Persaingan politik di Sabah sememang sengit. Oleh itu, Star harus lebih berhati-hati. jangan sampai hal kecil seperti pendaftaran dijadikan isu untuk tidak menerima Star dalam arena politik Sabah.

  6. nampaknya star sudah berhadapan dengan isu walau pun masih baru.

    1. harap2 STAR dapat bertahan lama.

  7. dengan kehadiran banyak parti di Sabah ni, persaingan menjadi lebih sengit dan sukar diramalkan.

    1. kalau banyak parti baru sepatutnya makin bertambah kukuhlah perjuangan memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah.

  8. Itu perlu diambil serius. Macammana mahu bertanding kalau tidak ada tersenari dalam ROS nanti.

  9. STAR had contested in Sabah election before this. So what's the fuss?
