Thursday, 14 February 2013



WHEN PKR-Azmin Ali and Tian Chua said door is closed for SAPP and no more talks, it’s a kind of ultimatum not to even come close with Pakatan Rakyat (PR). Its a surprise of such quick finishing to some people, follow up later was a usual statement that SAPP is unreasonable if not stubborn.

Just to give a clue, SAPP has been deliberately responding only mildly or even mimed to any unfriendly statements made in the media by fellow oppositions in the past few weeks.

The idea behind the silence was to avoid giving conflicting signal to Sabah’s voters. SAPP leaders have been accused of arrogant and uncooperative lots but those who have been following the struggle of the party are unlikely to perturb by such remark.

At the same time SAPP leaders have been going left to right all along for the purpose of seeking ways to consolidate teamwork with other opposition both PKR and Star, while firmed in maintaining the principle of the struggle for Sabah Autonomy with reference to Malaysian Agreement signed in 1963.

SAPP believes this is the opportune time for Sabahans to change the government, which has been ruling the State for the past 50 years resulted to a massive abused of state resources in particular land.

Administration of Sabah State must by Sabahans no push button. If Kelantan, Selangor, Penang a like (opposition held States) could administer there own states then we ought to be asking ourselves why can’t we?

Only yesterday PKR, advisor, Anwar Ibrahim said talk is still open, meaning SAPP and PR can still talk about party seats allocation.  Does it mean that the duo (Azmin Ali and Tian Chua) made a mistake in closing the door too soon?

Earlier, SAPP Youth Chief Edward Dagul asked PR leaders to spell out how many seats do they (Pakatan) wants SAPP to field in the forthcoming GE?

The idea behind the question was so that we could respond quickly as we’ve in fact ready line up, our planning had been in place more than three years ago, long before any other opposition parties announced or even exist.

SAPP has been making statement after statement about fielding simple majority seats.

SAPP would field where we have candidates and infrastructure ready.

Two days later Azmin Ali and Tian Chua came out with mathematic, they said 60 divided by 6, that means Party Keadilan will take 10, PPPS 10, APS 10, DAP10, PAS 10 and SAPP 10.

There is no consideration on allocation for seats for Star another opposition Borneo based political party.

Now let see, if this number is agreeable to people of Sabah, when SAPP has been talking all along about State Autonomy, would mathematical arrangement of this makes sense to SAPP supporters?

Let me recall my little experience watching this roller coaster kind of decision making, Sarawak is the case in hand, negotiation between Sarawak National Party SNAP and PR during the Sarawak State General Election of 2011. I was SAPP’s representative to observe SNAP and Pakatan negotiation at close distance.

SNAP was proposing to field 27 seats mainly at the Iban majority area but was rejected by the same person PR Chief negotiator, Azmin Ali.  Instead SNAPP was offered only 3 seats and later revised to 4 seats of 71 the total number of seats in Sarawak DUN. Now just think about it. Negotiation failed.

The result of State General Election SNAPP lost very badly of 27 candidates fielded, and PKR fielded 49 won only 3. Baru Bian designated to be Chief Minister won only by a whisker in Bekakalan DUN

SNAP disaster was lack of preparations, no machineries the party was just reactivated after along absence. The onslaught from all corners sure was unbearable to them.

SAPP has to be on safe guard all the times not to fall into this trap we found that it isn’t really a negotiation but rather dictation, whether you’re in or you're out.

Sabahans have been informed with SAPP eight point declarations and autonomy is the threshold of party struggle, which is not exchangeable with anything less.

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