Sunday, 8 January 2012


BROKEN….The broken road next to Sungai Inanam.

THE ROAD adjacent to the Inanam River/storm drain is badly damaged and needed urgent repair to allow traffic flow. This road was built some years ago aiming to relieve the peak morning hours traffic jam in Inanam town.

This road has served well as an alternative route for the people to get out of the Kiansom area to Kota Kinabalu or else they will faced a massive traffic jam in town.

The Sabah DAP vice chairman Edward Ewol Mujie said the road has since been neglected by the authorities, and now it is filled up with deep potholes. The smaller vehicles cannot use this road now, and the road is already half closed.

Edward called upon the authorities to come to repair this road immediately because the traffic jam in Inanam town is building up again.

There are many other roads has been planned in the Inanam area, but why these roads were not built according to the Master development plan set long time ago. These are the road system designed to solve the traffic flow and jams. The government had been very slow to implement these plans.

The simple example is the short cut linking the Kiansom Road to bypass the Inanam township. This proposed road is only a short road less than 3 KM, but when asked when can this be done, the answer is always that there is no fund available.

Edward reminds the government that it is its responsibility to pay particular attention to the traffic circulation in the Inanam area. The work must be carried out now, because it will not be ready in time to catch up with the development in Inanam. The development is moving fast, but we see no infrastructure improvement.


  1. Diharapkan agar ada jabatan-jabatan yang terlibat akan mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya berkenaan dengan masalah ini.

  2. Diharap pihak yang bertanggungjawab dapat ambil perhatian aduan tentang jalan raya ini.

  3. The local MPs should convey this message to the authorities so that actions can be taken to improve the road conditions.

  4. Developments are moving fast and the government must make sure that all districts are catching up.

  5. teruknya jalan tersebut, ia perlu diperbaiki segera.

  6. jalan yang rosak harus diperbaiki untuk kepentingan pengguna.

  7. keperluan dan kepentingan rakyat perlulah sentiasa menjadi keutamaan.

  8. sebenarnya banyak lagi jalan2 seteruk ini di kawasan2 yang lain. mungkin peruntukan yang telah diberikan oleh kerajaan tidak sampai di kawasan ini atau terlepas pandang. harap2 peruntukan tahun ini dapat memperbaiki semua jalan2 yang rosak dan yang perlu dinaiktaraf di Sabah.

  9. DAP boleh tak lakukan sesuatu selain membuat aduan ini?

  10. Jalan kecil ini saja DAP mahu heboh. Masih banyak tempat yang tidak mempunyai jalan kira bersyukurlah kerajaan telah membuat jalan dikawasan tersebut.

  11. "There are many other roads has been planned in the Inanam area, but why these roads were not built according to the Master development plan set long time ago."

    jika peruntukkan cukup untuk membaikpulih semua jalanraya di Inanam, masalah ini tidak akan berlaku.. jika peruntukkan tidak mencukupi, memang wajarlah jika tumpuan penambahbaikkan jalanraya itu hanya dikawasan2 yang mana keperluannya terlalu mendesak.. lagipun jalan itu hanya jalan alternatif..

  12. bagaimana pula jika kerajaan memberikan tumpuan kepada jalan ini dan mengabaikan jalan2 lain di Inanam?? adakah pada waktu itu DAP akan cakap jalan2 yang tidak tersenarai dalam peyelenggaraan itu telah diabaikan??
