DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s Sodomy II accuser said today he is thankful that prosecutors had filed an appeal against Anwar’s High Court acquittal of the sodomy charge.
In an immediate response to the filing of the appeal, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan (picture) said that it showed that the country’s legal system was fair and efficient.
“My family and I would like to state that with the filing of the notice of appeal, my right to complaint as stated in my 2008 police report has been heard, and (went) through the proper process of justice all the way to the High Court.
“In accordance with the law (it) has been achieved,” he said in a blog posting today.
Saiful said he was thankful to God and accepted the decision by the Attorney-General’s Chambers to appeal the High Court decision.
“I will keep on praying, and keep my patience,” he added.
Prosecutors today filed an appeal against the January 9 acquittal of Anwar on the sodomy charge.
The appeal was filed at 4.30pm at the KL High Court criminal registry.
Deputy registrar Halilah Suboh confirmed the filing of the appeal to reporters here.
Anwar was acquitted last week of a charge of sodomising former aide Saiful.
Judge Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah ruled that the prosecution had not done enough to prove Anwar had committed sodomy against Saiful.
Anwar’s lawyer Sankara Nair told The Malaysian Insider that he had not been informed by the prosecution on the filing of the appeal against Mohd Zabidin’s decision.
“I am not aware of this, we have not received anything so far, strange that it was done today, towards the end of the appeal period,” he said.
Sankara said he would not comment on the matter before he received the proper notice of the appeal.
Attempts by The Malaysian Insider to contact Anwar for a response were unsuccessful.
Keputusan sudah menunjukkan bahawa Anwar tidak bersalah dalam kes ini, tiada gunanya membangkitkan isu ini lagi.
ReplyDeleteSaiful, terima sajalah keputusan daripada mahkamah dan teruskan kehidupan anda dengan aman.
ReplyDeleteMungkin Saiful harus menerima keputusan mahkamah dan menjalani kehidupan dengan aman tenang
Deletekeluarga Saiful masih menuntut keadilan buatnya. memang nampak tidak berpuas hati.
Deleteterima ja keputusan mahkamah, jika benar Anwar bersalah, Tuhan pasti akan menghukumnya.
ReplyDeleteHukuman dunia mungkin akan terlepas. Tapi sekiranya Anwar benar2 bersalah pasti hukuman akhirat tidak terlepas
Deletebukti2 yang ada sudah menyebelahi Anwar. lepas ni jangan lagi timbul isu baru pula..boring dengan kes2 memanjang macam ni.
ReplyDeleteJangan sampai M'sia jadi bahan ketawa negara lain kerana terlalu mefokuskan isu2 seperti ini.
DeleteTerima apa yang telah diputuskan oleh kehakiman.
ReplyDeleteApa yang mahkamah berikan berdasarkan bukti yang kurang kukuh untuk mendakwa seseorang.
ReplyDeleteSiaful ada hak membuat rayuan. Tapi kalau sudah nasib tidak menyebelahinya, terima keputusan dengan redha.
ReplyDeletedi negara ini keadilan hanya untuk orang2 yang mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat.. yang boleh menghimpunkan puluhan ribu penyokongnya untuk mengadakan demonstrasi bagi membebaskan pemimpin itu..
ReplyDeleteyang peliknya Anwar boleh saman Utusan kerana memfitnah beliau, tapi tidak berani saman Saiful walaupun keputusan mahkamah itu jelas menunjukkan beliau difitnah..