SABAH Progressive Party (SAPP) is willing to cooperate with Datuk Lajim Ukin in the concept of (ABU ) asal bukan Umno to face Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) in the 13th General Election.
But, the Beaufort MP must leave the ruling coalition now in order to be well prepared, said SAPP President Datuk Yong Teck Lee.
“Don’t hide it anymore, everybody now know that Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin wants to leave the BN. Although it is a bit late but I think biarlah Datuk Seri Lajim lambat asal Sabah selamat (it is not a problem for Lajim to be late so long as Sabah is safe),” he said.
Speaking at the SAPP Beaufort CLC annual general meeting on Dec 31 here, Yong said SAPP wanted to cooperate with Lajim in the coming election because news of him wanting to ditch the BN had been published and he (Lajim) had yet to come up with a statement to deny it.
“Hopefully, Datuk Lajim no longer needs to play hide and seek. Just come out. Look at SAPP we were also in the BN once but now we are out for three and a half years,” he said.
Yong said that if SAPP MPs and elected state representatives were willing to sacrifice their position in the BN government in order to fight for the people of Sabah then there should be no reason why Lajim could not do the same.
He told the people here to relay the message to Lajim whenever they see him that SAPP really hope he would resign from Umno.
“We invite Datuk Seri Lajim to leave BN and fight Umno together … anything but Umno,” he said, adding that eventhough they are without position or allowance but they still have pride.
Yong said SAPP would take into consideration Lajim’s visions for Beaufort and Kuala Penyu because “we want to win the election”.
“Our message to Lajim and his colleagues in Umno or in Upko or LDP who are dissatisfied to come and join the opposition.
“Don’t wait too long … there is a Chinese sayings the longer the night the more dreams you will have,” he quipped.
Belum tentu lagi Lajim akan keluar parti sudah ada parti yang bersedia untuk menerimanya.
ReplyDeleteTunggulah kenyataan daripada Datuk Lajim dulu, jangan rimas.
ReplyDeleteSenang2kah Lajim mahu lepaskan apa yang beliau ada selama ini?
ReplyDeletenampaknya ramai yang beminat dgn Lajim. tapi belum tau lagi lajim berminat dgn mereka.
ReplyDeletelagipun, blum tau lagi samada lajim nak keluar BN atau tidak, mereka tak perlulah nak bising2.
ReplyDeleteRamai yang ingin mengambil Lajim untuk parti mereka. Sedangkan Lajim belum lagi memberikan kenyataan yang benar mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteLajim masih lagi dalam BN dan tidak pernah pun beliau menyatakan yang beliau akan keluar parti.
ReplyDeletekhabar angin yang didengar tidak semestinya benar, jadi tidak perlu percaya sangat dengan khabar angin.
ReplyDeletesemua parti pembangkang nampaknya lebih suka menggunakan strategi memecahbelahkan parti lawan daripada aktif turun padang menyelesaikan masalah rakyat..
ReplyDeletedimana kenyataan rasmi Lajim yang mengatakan beliau akan meninggalkan BN?? janganlah terlalu kerap menggunakan isu yang tidak berasas untuk disajikan kepada pembaca.. Lajim sendiri mengutuk pembangkang di negara ini kerana suka membuat fitnah dan menimbulkan spekulasi yang tidak berasas..
ReplyDeleteNampaknya YTL pun terpedaya dengan kabar angin tersebut. Tapi adakah ni strategik politik? Siapa tahu kan?? tapi banyak pihak terutamanya pembangkang yang terpedaya. Makanya jangan cepat percaya dengan kabar angin.
ReplyDeleteSAPP dan pembangkang yang lain sekarang tengah2 mencari peluang membawa Lajim masuk ke dalam parti mereka. rasanya Lajim tak akan terpengaruh jika beliau masih setia dengan BN.
ReplyDeleteselepas kenyataan Lajim, bagaimana respon pihak2 yang pernah menyokong tindakan Lajim?? yang kononya Lajim lompat parti