“SABAHANS, especially Sabahan leaders must stand together irrespective of their political ideologies, when it comes to the common interest of Sabah,” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, the Chairman of UBF.
“I am beginning to see this happening on the issue of the RCI and Project IC as well as on illegal immigration. Sabah leaders must be more assertive in voicing out their concerns and in protecting State interests” added Dr. Jeffrey.
However, leaders should also be persistent and consistent to ensure that what is being voiced out is resolved one way or the other. Statements querying the establishment of the RCI are mere rhetoric. We must make sure it is done.
There is no better time to be assertive and persistent than it is now when the political situation in the country is in favour of Sabah and Sarawak as the kingmakers.
Sabah and Sarawak leaders should, therefore, unite and leverage their positions to resolve outstanding issues with the Federal Government, including restoration of the Borneo States’ lost rights and autonomy.
The setting up of the RCI, by itself, will not produce the desired solutions, if we do not actively participate, engage and suggest alternative solutions. We have to be part of the solution.
The Project IC, the unexplained population growth, the padded electoral rolls are not mere Sabah problems. They are national problems of huge magnitude involving the security of the nation, our sovereignty, our peace and the survival of the natives. It must be faced head-on and resolved by peace-loving, patriotic Malaysians, failing which we have only ourselves to blame.
Foreigners and illegal immigrants are not to be blamed as they are merely recipients abused by the powers that be. They are merely pawns in the scheme of things.
Whoever is or are responsible for this mess must eventually be brought to book and face the full consequences of the law.
Betul kata si Jeffrey, rakyat dan pemimpin Sabah perlulah bersatu untuk memperjuangkan hak semua.
ReplyDeleteHarap kita boleh berganding bahu untuk kebaikan semua rakyat Sabah. Selamat berjuang dan hidup 1 Sabah!
ReplyDeleteOne for all, all for one!
ReplyDeletejika semua bersatu, pasti negara kita akan bertambah kuat dan kukuh.
ReplyDeleteBiar apa pun pihak pembangkang mahu lakukan apa yang perlu kerajaan terus berusaha untuk membantu rakyat.
ReplyDeleteyang penting kepentingan rakyat dijaga dan sentiasa diutamakan.
ReplyDeletepemimpin perlu terus berusaha untuk melakukan yng terbaik untuk rakyat.
ReplyDeletemajoriti komponen BN juga telah bersetuju dengan cadangan menubuhkan RCI di Sabah..
ReplyDeletesemua rakyat Sabah termasuk pemimpin2 samada dari parti pembangkang mahupun BN, perlu terus mendesak kerajaan persekutuan sehingga cadangan ini dibentangkan di Parlimen.. teruskan mendesak sehingga cadangan ini dilaksanakan..
ReplyDeleteRCI sangat2 diperlukan, harap keputusan Parlimen tidak mengecewakan.
ReplyDeleteNo matter what, RCI really needed in Sabah. Hope Federal can approve it.
ReplyDeletewarga asing/PATI sebenarnya tidak boleh dipersalahkan 100% dengan keadaan yang terjadi sekarang kerana terdapat juga rakyat tempatan malah 'tangan2 yang berkuasa' mengambil kesempatan terhadap mereka sehingga jumlah mereka semakin bertambah. maka itu juga, RCI perlu ditubuhkan bagi mengenalpasti apakah sebenarnya punca kebanjiran warga asing/PATI dan orang2 yang terlibat sama terutama dalam Projek IC.